Free «We Might Leave Our Plane» Essay Sample

Certainly, in 1889 a distant a minor asteroid, the effect of which is still experienced up to today, which correspond to a force of approximately 1,000 nuclear bombs, transverse our orbit about six hours after the Earth has passed. The latest report by the Lifeboat Foundation, whose majority of their researchers traced a dozen of diverse existential risks that posed dangers to humanity, which is equivalent to one in every 300,000, probability of a disastrous strike to a game of Russian roulette state “if we keep pulling the trigger long enough we’ll blow our head off ,and there’s no guarantee it won’t be next pull” (Weitzman, 2009).

Majority of the threats that can lead us to make a decision off-Earth abandoning arrangements are artificial or created by man, and not inevitably in the distant future. The quantity we consume annually has already strained the earth resources, which implies that the consumption already surpassed what the earth can support, and the World Wildlife Fund approximates that by the year 2030 we will be consuming approximately two planets’ value of their natural resources per year. The Center for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters, which is a global humanitarian organization, argues that the onslaught of epic rains, floods, earthquakes, and droughts over the last few decades is triple the number from the 1980s and almost 54 times as it was in 1901 ,when this data was first collected (Matheny, 2007).



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Climate change have been pointed as the major catastrophe in the planet earth that has led to water shortages, widespread famine, and the submersion of the coastal regions. Furthermore, the planet could end as a result of attack by nuclear war, deadly pathogens, or as the Lifeboat Foundation cautions, the “misuse of increasingly powerful technologies.” Provided the risks, human race pose great danger to the planet, we may also some one day leave the Earth merely to conserve it, with our planet emerging to be a type of nature sanctuary, which we visit every now and then, as we may Yosemite (Weitzman, 2009).

Not any of the single threat we experience are particularly implausible. Climate change has evolved to be a major aspect in the midst of human affairs, for example, and our planet Earth has undergone an estimated one previous mass extinction due to asteroid effect. “The dinosaurs died out because they were too stupid to build an adequate space-faring civilization,” argues Tihamer Toth-Fejel, who was a research engineer at the Advanced Information Systems division of defense contractor General Dynamics and among the 85 individuals of the Lifeboat Foundation’s space-settlement board. “So far, the difference between us and them is barely measurable” (Weitzman, 2009). The Alliance to Rescue Civilization, a development established by New York University chemist Robert Shapiro, argues that the inescapability of any of numerous catastrophic activities implies that we should develop a copy of our evolution and shift it into outer space and out of hurt’s way—support of our cultural accomplishments and cultures.

The increasing population has become another catastrophic aspect that will make us leave the Earth. The population has been increasing rapidly for the last 50 years as a result medical advancements, increased birth rates, high fertility rates, decrease in mortality rates, and increased agricultural productivity. The report released by the United States Census Bureau on October 25, 2012 puts human population to approximately 7.085 billion, which poses a lot of challenges to available resources. This has raised concern to the whole world since the carrying capacity of the world is between 4 billion to 16 billion people (Matheny, 2007).

Increase in population poses environmental challenges such climate change, increased pollution, increasing volumes of atmospheric carbon dioxide. In addition, rapid increase in population leads to rise in demand in scarce resources such fresh water and food; consumption of natural resources quicker than the rate of production; starvation and malnutrition; and decrease in standards of living. Therefore, overpopulation have strained the environment and the available resources thus making the planet unfit for living opting for other alternatives ,which include exploring other planets (Bostrom, 2002).

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The other threat that can force humankind out of planet earth is the problem of global pandemics. Diseases such as malaria and HIV/AIDS have threatened to wipe out humanity from the Earth. There are several past instances of pandemics, which have had a destructive result on a huge number of people, which creates the prospect of worldwide pandemic a pragmatic hazard to human civilization. This will eventually lead the human civilization to extinct (Weitzman, 2009).

It has been forwarded that learning computers, which quickly emerge to be super-intelligence might take unanticipated activities or that robots would out-weigh human civilization. Because of its outstanding organizational and scheduling ability and the variety of new technologies it could build up, it is likely that the first Earth super intelligence to appear could quickly become incomparable and unsurpassed. Imaginably, it would be capable to avail about nearly any probable result, and be capable to frustrate practically any effort that prevent it attaining its goals. It could get rid of, any other demanding opponent intellects; otherwise, it may influence or convince them to transform their behavior towards its own desires, or it might simply hinder their efforts from interfering (Matheny, 2007).

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Desertification is another aspect that will force humanity from the planet Earth. Desertification entails multifaceted interrelated factors between land, humans, and climate. The pressures of subsistence commercial cash crops, food production, and meat production in arid and semi-arid areas all lead to desertification. Every year approximately 6 million hectares are degraded to desert-like conditions. Over the next three decades, this will amount to an area approximately as big as Saudi Arabia. It is estimated that more than 11 million hectares of tropical forests are devastated annually and this, over the next 30 years, will be equivalent to an area an estimated size of India (Weitzman, 2009).

Separately from the direct and frequently remarkable effects within the abrupt area, adjacent regions are impacted by the spreading of sands or by changes in water volumes and sky-rocketing risks of siltation and soil erosion. The destruction of forests and other wild lands extinct species of animals and plants significantly lowers the genetic variety of the global ecosystems. This procedure denies the present and future generations of hereditary genes, which is important to advance crop varieties, to create them less susceptible to pest attacks, weather stress, and disease. The loss of subspecies and species, numerous as yet unstudied by science, robs us of essential possible sources of industrial chemicals, industrial raw materials, and medicines. It eliminates perpetually creatures of beauty and parts of our artistic legacy; it reduces the biosphere (Bostrom, 2002).

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Nuclear war has proved to be one of the contributing aspects that will drive human being out of the planet Earth. Many nations around the world are developing and investing of sophisticated nuclear weapons to be used during nuclear wars. These nuclear weapons pose great danger to human civilization thus threatening to wipe them out. Perhaps the most threat to the Earth's atmosphere, to sustainable human advancement, and really to continued existence is the prospect of nuclear war, increased every day by the ongoing arms race and its increase to outer space. These nuclear developments in the world have threatened to drive human population from the planet earth (Weitzman, 2009).


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