Free «Reports on Social Science Research» Essay Sample

The title of the first research I had to participate involves “ideas about love, romance, and gender stereotype across the lifespan.” The person who did the research is Dr. Jennifer P. Leszcynski, Ph.D. The researcher comes from the Department of Psychology, Eastern Connecticut State University. The goal of the research was to assess the ideas about love, romance, and gender stereotypes, in which case the study takes approximately 45 minutes to complete. The research study addresses the potential concerns by asking questions related to the topic and then the participant will have to ponder on his or her attitude towards love and romance. The participants should be above 18 years, in which case this will protect children from participating. The research is voluntary and does not use participant’s data. The study also involves not imposing any penalty to the participant. The information the researcher collects is entirely anonymous, and they do not publish identifying information when publishing the study. Therefore, there are no psychological and physical risks in participating in the study. All participant do not enter email address unless when he or she want to receive credit (Hargittai, 2009).



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The research study incorporates some independent variables, in which case it includes the age, gender and relationship status. The first independent variable, age, is an attribute that one can operationalize in several ways. One dichotomize it into values for instance in this research, as “over 18years” and “under 18 years.” This way, age act as binary variable. Sometimes age operationalize in more than two values such as young, middle age, and old. The second independent variable gender has two values, “male,” and “female.” Therefore, the gender as a variable involves direct value on the variable. The third independent variable relationship status has the attributes of single, in a committed relationship, married, divorced, widowed, and last is to specify. The three dependent variables the research study incorporate include the age, relationship status and gender. The attributes of the three dependent variables in the research study involve the following. In the variable of age, the researcher asks, “What is your age?” The question had no attributes, and it was rather an open-ended question. The relationship status had attributes of single, in a committed relationship, married, divorced, widowed and then lastly, other, in which case the respondent had specified the relationship status. The last dependent variable includes gender, with the attributes of male and female (Black, 1999).

The design of the research study was excellent and had an average content. The content fits the indicated time of at most 45 minutes. All parts of the research study had a question that flows and were easy to understand. The questions seem direct and could not at any point confuse, or cause discomfort. If otherwise, the questions could be confusing or uncomfortable, then I could prefer more attributes on age, what is your age, to include various age brackets.

The title of the second research study involves “sharing your perception.” It is a research touching on the social perception. The research was by two people, which are Dr. Erica Hepper and Dr. Kenny Brackstone. The two researchers are from the Center for Research in Self and Identity, which is at the University of Southampton, School of Psychology, England. The goals of the research study are to give an understanding about the relationship experiences. The whole process requires the participant to read, understand, and confirm some information they provide before proceeding. The research addresses the potential concerns of the participant by bringing his or her mind to a close person he or she have had for the last two years. The participant will have to recall the relationship of the person when he or she is in the process of answering the questions. The research study incorporates only people over the age of 16, but for those in the United States, it must be over 18 years. The participants do not encounter any significant risks in participating, as there is freedom to leave any question blank if there seem to be some discomforts. The participation in the study is anonymous, and that the data researchers collect are confidential. Participation is voluntary and delivers some email to the participant in case he or she has a question to rise (Hargittai, 2009).

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This research study contains some independent variables, which includes the gender, ethnicity, and occupation. The attributes of gender as the independent variable in this research study involve the male and female. The ethnicity, on the other hand, incorporates various attributes, in which case it includes the black or British black, with sub-attributes Caribbean, Irish or any other. It has also an attribute of white, with sub-attributes of British, Irish and any other. There is an attribute of Asian or Asian British with sub-attributes of Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi and any other. Then there is mixed, with sub-attributes of white and black Caribbean, white and black African, white and Asian, and white and Hispanic. There is also an attribute of other ethnic groups with sub attributes of Chinese, Japanese, Hispanic, and any other. The variable occupation has the attributes of student, employed part-time, and employed full-time, homemaker, unemployed and other. The dependent variable in the study includes the gender, which has the attribute of male and female. The other is marital status, with the attributes of single, dating casually, in a romantic relationship and separated or married. Last is age, in which case it has no attribute, as it is an open-ended question.

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The design of the research is well understandable and does not contain any complications. The content is specific and asks questions that are within the title of the research study. Every part of the research was easy to understand, except the parts that were beyond my participation. The whole process was flowing smoothly without any confusing and uncomfortable questions. Even when the questions were confusing and uncomfortable, I could not prefer adding or reducing attributes of some questions.

The third title of the research study involves “personality and purchasing decisions.” The title is under judgment and making decisions. The researcher pursuing this work is Ryan T. Howell. Ryan is a professor of psychology at The San Francisco State University. The goal of the research study is to understand the various factors such as personality, emotions, and attitudes that may influence the preferences of some goods and services. The research allows the participants who are eligible adults and targets the undergraduate students at San Francisco state University. The research addresses the potential concerns of the participant by asking question pertaining and touching on emotion, attitudes, personality, and demographic information. The whole process involves less than 15 minutes. The research study incorporates minimal risk of loss of privacy. The research protects the participant’s confidentiality by keeping the data on a password-protected computer. They can also lock cabinet and by not using names to label the data. In addition, the people accessing the data are only the researcher and the graduate students. The research also allows the participants to leave the questions unanswered or even end the participation at any time. This is when they encounter discomfort due to the nature of the questionnaire or the study procedure. The responses are, therefore, anonymous. The research is voluntary (Hargittai, 2009).

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The research study incorporates some independent variables, in which case it includes preference, the time, and dollars. Preference as an independent variable had the attribute of, to mention a few, $200 today, or $1000 in a week, $500 today, or $1000 in a month, $800 today, or $1000 in 6months, $200 today, or $1000 in a year, and $500 today or $1000 in 3years. The time has the attribute of today, in a week, in six months, in a year, in three years, in five years. The dollars had an attribute of $200, $500, $800, and $1000. The dependent variable in the research study includes the time, the amount of dollars, and the preference. Time attributes include today, in a week, in a month, in a year, in five years and three years. The amount of dollars attributes includes $200, $500, $800, and $1000. The attributes of preference include, to mention but a few, $200 today, or $1000 in a week, $500 today, or $1000 in a year, $800 today, or $1000 in three years among others.

The design of the research study is flowing and understood easily. It involves dealing with one question first before proceeding to the next question. The content of the research study is quite okay and fits the time the researcher indicated. Every part of the research study was easy to understand. The research study had no question or part that was confusing or causing discomfort or even hard to answer. The question was easy and understood. Otherwise, if the questionnaire were confusing or hard to answer or even uncomfortable, I would prefer to change nothing at all.

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Being one of the research participants in this exercise enabled the reflection of the past things, and the future activities. The research made me realize that one can collect a large amount of data within a short period and that this method of collecting data may be less expensive compared to other data collection techniques. The research study I participated was quick, with no any problems and administered easily. The research also made me realize that social sciences research is useful largely in collecting information touching on various things, for instance attitudes, personal facts, past behaviors and opinions. The research overturned the preconception I had that one can do social research project manually only, little did I knew that one can pursueit online and simply (Johnson & VanderStoep, 2008).


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