Free «Made in the USA vs. Made in China: Battle of Trades» Essay Sample

China and the United States of America are two horse race leaders in the world economy and competition. These two nations are in possession and control of the world’s greatest economies, which often influences those of the other nations. Together, they have formed formidable trading relationships. However, this relationship has often faced crucial stipulations in terms of production quality and quantity that mostly influences the global market. They have formed a rocky reatonship, which habitually results in trade war and stiff competition in the world market. China produces many goods, which are in direct competition with those produced in the United States of America. The fact is that a stiff competition between the two nations has led to the palatability of goods in the world market. The production and export of many varieties of goods and services as automobiles and electronic products has often attracted stiff competition between the two nations. The two nations hold differing mechanisms and strategies of production, which separate and dictate the choice of the products by the customers. As such, it is quite evident that China and the USA are in stiff trading competition in the world with the goods produced in the USA holding as much dominance and command of the market as those produced in China.



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The marketing mechanism “Made in China” has often resulted in product assault among other producers and exporters of items from China to the USA or any other nation. As depicted by the new IPhone 4S, products made in China have often fallen under criticism with the alternative ones from the USA taking the leading role. First, the government of China has been subjected to criticism even from the world publishing CNN Company of its neglect to have knowledge on the quality and state of its exported products. As such, clients of such products are claiming some sort of discontent from the quality of their products (Sull and Yong 45).

China has had the problem within its branding “Made in China” since the start of exportation and competition in the market for competitive goods. This aspect is like that which had taken toll in Japan during the “Made in Japan” branding that left many goods even made outside Japan be branded “Made in Japan” and later sold to Japan’s importing nations. Because of this, “fake” and low quality products were on the receiving end within the business scope of the exporting and importing nations. Many nations as those in Africa and other parts of the world within and outside Asia could compare the products made from Japan and those made from the other sources, and eventually neglect the goods made in Japan (Kernaghan 65).

Products made from the USA have also landed in Chinese market. Likewise, many products made in China have often landed in the USA market with China being the world-leading exporter of a variety of products in the world market. The IPhone 4S products have attracted comparison between those made in China and those actually receiving final manufacturing process in California, the USA. Those made in China are branded “Made in China.” This is irrespective of whether they come from China, Taiwan, Japan, or any other nations. The export country has often been heightening by the USA to have their branding of the manufacturing nation. However, the marketing strength in “Made in China” is used irrespective of the marketing conditions therein.

It is not actually true that the products manufactured in China are of poorer state than those manufactured in the United States of America. The logic behind this sentiment is that the cross-misconception and indulgence in branding fraud of the brand name “Made in China” has spurred much speculation since other manufacturers make use of the brand to sell their products. IPhone 4S products are manufactured in China. Some of these products are also given final manufacturing details in the US after being imported from China as raw or in incomplete state. A later comparison between the two products indicate that the USA products, which are often branded as “Made in the USA” are better in quality and terms of usage than those imported from China. Nonetheless, this is not always the case. Moreover, this comparison is not subject to the fact that imported goods bend to customs of fraud. In addition, not all IPhone 4S products manufactured in China are of poor state as those manufactured in the United States of America. The products often branded as “Designed by Apple in California, Made in China” attract more likes from the American public than those with brands of “Made in China” alone.

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China is a huge exporting country. It exports most of its products and services to other nations as the USA and the rest of the world. In the meantime, the USA also exports some of its products to China and other nations in the world. As such, products made in China and those made in the USA are often compared within a similar parameter or scale. Products made in the USA receive more preference in the market unlike those made in China. For instance, most African countries would have a go for the US made products than those from China. Nonetheless, the quality of the products has often been assured of their warranted use within the states of destination.

Among the 40% of China products exported or imported by the US market, almost the entire percentage has repeatedly received scandalous reception with claims that they do not meet the standards of exportation or placement in the world market. The logic behind such claims comes from the fact that the US made products compete well though with lesser quantities in the world market. Chinese products are often produced in larger quantities. Most of the Chinese manufacturing firms claim the right to own warranties bestowed in their exported products to other parts of the world. Moreover, China recognizes the fact that its brand name is made use of by other nations without the branded products meeting the needed quality and safety export conditions. In this case, it is possible to have quantitative products of poor quality landing in the world market with the US market being one of them (Midler 78-92). The Chinese officials have often increased safety inspections of its export goods. The government of China has encouraged proliferation of journalistic programs in the name of “watch dogs” in order to stop any unauthorized exporter of goods. “Rogue” producers of these products have been made accountable. More often than less, the government of China has issued journalistic reports which stern on the fact that they are dedicated to maintaining its reputation of quality and durability of its products no matter what the situation in the market is. This is also followed by the fact that most of the products made in China hold an immense awareness.

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Brand awareness has often left many receivers of goods in awe since they fail to check on the export brand details before centering back at using the products. With the present-state scandals in the world market, nations are often urged to concentrate on knowing the state of the goods together with their respective and direct exporters. In many scenarios, business remains business. Every entity in the market will try to remain strong amongst the competing factors. As regards to the five forces which compel on the strategies of competition within the international market, the US market should come to the limelight that not all products from China are of poor quality.

The United States Congress has often suffered cases of increasing frequencies of poor state products in the market. IPhone 4S products are an example since those made in China have received direct comparison with those made in the United States of America. In many cases, nations other than the two, regard marked differences between products form these nations. Product quality goes hand in hand with the let-out price, something that is of huge consideration by the consumers. China has been one of the nations that produce a larger quantity of goods and services to its consumers as done by the US. Therefore, it is not a new idea that China is beginning to elicit cases of weakened measures over its exports. Moreover, it is likely to find many consumers still going for the Chinese products mired with low-quality speculations (Kernaghan 30-450).

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It has been a fact that most Chinese products are of poor quality. China has been known to produce low quality products as toothpaste, toys, lipstick, and pet food. As such, it has often received product recalls and sanctions from the US, Canada, and other European nations. The US and many other nations, which produce and export goods and services, have been on the receiving end to issue demands and reproaches to its citizens over importing and using products from China without thorough inspection. This came after the incident of food contamination of raw Heparin, which was exported by China to the US. Nonetheless, what still stands is the fact that not all products from China are of poor quality or do not meet the demands and requirements of equitable export goods (Ireland et al. 40).


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