Free «The  Picture of Dorian Gray» Essay Sample

The  picture of Dorian Gray book is painstakingly a contrast of The Picture of Dorian Gray Graphic Novel in various aspects. In fact, the setting, themes, literary styles and character traits in these two distinct pieces of art are dissimilar to in an extensive way. The core differences are attributed to the social customs wherein the main theme was deemed extremely taboo, in the book whereas the graphic novel adopted some light non-controversial moral position (Lewin et al.).


First the book,  The picture of Dorian Gray Book has a setting in the pompous London home of a renowned artist’s aunt, Lady Brandon. The artist, Basil Hallward is eminent for his meticulous artistic skills, he is also a social person. In fact, it is in this setting that he meets  Dorian Gray, a cultured, awesomely handsome fine man. This physically attractive lad captures Basil’s arty imagination and  who depicts him as an ancient mythological figure in Greek antique. In essence, the novel instigates as the artistic concludes the primary part of the portrait of Dorian Gray in perfect resemblance. Additionally, the artist admittedly reveals to a comrade, Lord Henry Wolton that he is disappointed with the painting mainly because it brings out his feelings about the subject in entirety. However,, lord Henry does not subscribe to these sentiments and deems the portrait a masterpiece of the artist’s works. In contrast, the picture of Dorian Gray graphic novel has its  setting in the 19th century city of London wherein Dorian Gray an impressive lad resides (Lewin et al.)



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Nonetheless, he is easily manipulated and faults in a terrible way  and subsequently gets absorbed by a spiral of sin and definitive misery. In addition, endeavors to discover his sense under the influence of Lord Henry whose philosophy upholds hedonic lifestyle. The main contrast in the settings of these two pieces of art is the social dignity perception in respective time of publication wherein the book The picture of Dorian Grey is considered since social stateliness is rather conservative and  The Picture  of Dorian Gray Graphic novel is imperfect with social stateliness and deems the thematic idea apposite and relevant (Allen, et al.)


Oscar Wilde’s meticulous charming and clever manner of expression makes his  a chief story teller. The picture of Dorian Gray Graphic Novel is a beautiful story based on an aesthetic  era. The story entirely focuses on a charismatic young man who is initially naive unaware of the power his attractiveness brings. Through a friend, namely  Basil;  who made a superb portrait of him he makes a new friend, Lord Henry. He is a fun packed man who is quite dangerous in terms of moral influences and erodes Dorian’s innocence and teaches him the social way to take pride in beauty and youthfulness. Dorian falls into excitement of vanity which leads to terrific emotions of love, hate, shame and fear.

On the other hand, the plot of the picture of Dorian Gray Graphic Novel  instigates with focus on the corrupt Lord Henry who manages to get in touch with Dorian Gray by posing for Basil Hallward, a talented painter.  This plot has negligible difference to the plot of the book.  The painter, Basil Hallward does Dorian’s portrait and handles it to him alongside an Egyptian painting of a cat whilst Henry influences his perspective of life to a pleasure seeking mode of living. Dorian wishes the portrait could age as a replacement for of him. Dorian attends a show at a tavern  in London and encounter an actress, Sibyl who Lord Henry convinces Dorian Gray to test his honor with. In actual fact, he leaves Sibyl behind and takes off for an overseas destination. Nonetheless, on his return, the news is that Sibyl took her life for love. All through the years,  Dorian Gray’s friends grow old, but he is still the same. However, his immoral ways are depicted in the portrait. In essence, the portrait reveals,  evils and all corruptive life deeds. He is trapped in evil and eventually it leads to his downfall and solemn regret (Lewin et al.)

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Both The Picture of Dorian Gray book and graphic novel share some minor themes, but differ extensively on the main theme. The picture of Dorian Gray book is a thematic piece of art that has laudable literary merit and rich in subject matter printing to issues to do with duality summed up by Dorian’s unwavering public image and the deterioration of his concealed portrait and the relationship between ethics and the artistic as the adventure do pursuing pleasure which leads to accrued blindness to evil. The vindication of literature in this piece of art is a unique fusion of decadent and gothic forms of writing which produces an irking story. The author, Wilde writes with distinction to spur the glaring mental as well physical sleaze of a fresh imploring youth, which is outwardly impressive, but for its illegitimate frivolity influenced by flippant philosophies. Thus, the theme of morality and manipulation of youthfulness are inseparable (Edginton et al.)

The book centers on morality wherein a man’s chief goal is development of a true nature through search of new sensations. The theme is so dominant that it is encoded in terms such as unclean putrefaction and corruption owing to the custom that homosexuality was indeed an unacceptable term in the society. The life of Dorian Gray was characterized by great romantic admiration by Basil Hall ward the artistic who confessed his obsession  over him and the much delight he derived from his company. This was beyond the conventional moral although the era in which they lived tolerate dramatic friendship. This time had a historical context of sexual deviation thus gross indecency rocked the British society and  men took part in illegal homosexual scandals. Young men worked in brothels and served as telegraph messengers during day time. This emphasizes the corruption of youthfulness and it susceptibility which Lord Henry, an old aristocratic man upheld (Edginton et al.)

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On the other hand, The Picture of Dorian Gray Graphic Novel centers on the theme of the Superiority of youth and beauty. During the time of Wilde, the moral climate was dominated by Victorian sensibility thus youth only the purpose of exquisiteness. Thus, the theme of superiority of youth and beauty rules through the novel. It serves the purpose of rejuvenating the wearied senses by the philosophy of Lord Henry. In addition, the brutalities of life such as horrendous actions, which Dorian commits. The lad does this by devoting himself to the study of rare tapestries and jeweler. Since beauty is highly regarded, physical charisma and youthfulness are essential commodities. Under the influence of Lord Henry, Dorian becomes much afraid of losing his youthfulness which he preserves through a wish granted by selling hi soul for the purpose of preserving his youthfulness. The other superior theme in the Picture of Dorian Gray Graphic Novel is the Superficial nature of the society. In fact, the society much value for beauty has wanting foundation since the chief factor is a man’s impressiveness and not the purity of his heart or a propitious  character. Thus, Dorian Gray evolves into a social wreck after abandoning his moral without a second thought. He accomplishes a type of a social elite blend with scholastic wit. Although Dorian Gray is questioned for the immoral mode of life, especially his name and reputation. Nonetheless, his never  Ostracized. In essence, the society does not give have an explicit distinction between ethics and physical appearance. for instance, Lady Narborough asserts “you are made to be good” (Allen et al.).

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Characterization in the book, the Picture of Dorian Gray and the Graphic novel are extremely dissimilar and depict different characters are given different traits with varying degrees of sense. The most notable character is Sybil whose character in the book is traced to complex Shakespearean actress whereas the Graphic Novel depicts her as a Vaudeville waif. In addition, the book attributes her break up with Dorian Gray to her enthusiasm to quit her career. Contrary to this, the Picture O Dorian  Gray depicts her resolve to spend the night with Dorian Gray as the consequential result of their dreadful break up. In the book The Picture of Dorian Grey, the physical appearance of Dorian Gray is characterized by blonde-hair, blue eyes and an emotional temper where the Graphic Novel envisages Dorian Gray as an icy, lone character. In addition, the character of Dorian Gray is rather a sympathetic character especially in relation to his connection with  Basil Hallward who is obsessed d with him. In contrast the Graphic novel depicts him as a less cruel character given the harsh treatment she subjects her girlfriend to and the horrific break up (Allen et al.).

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The book The Picture of Dorian Gray has moderate quote highly influenced by Wilde’s sophisticated stylistic writing exposing the theme of homosexuality whereas the Graphic Novel has moderate quotes given the social climate under which Victorian principle ruled and forbade explicit reference to taboos. For instance, the quotes in this piece of art are decent as they are bellow:

"You know we poor artists have to show ourselves in society from time to time, just to remind the public that we are not savages. With an evening coat and a white tie, as you told me once, anybody, even a stock-broker, can gain a reputation for being civilized." (Edginton et al.).

An artist should create beautiful things, but should put nothing of his own life into them. We live in an age when men treat art as if it were meant to be a form of autobiography. We have lost the abstract sense of beauty ( Emma et al).

In contrast, the quotes from the book are gross and explore the deep social decadence. Examples from  the book include: “ It is quite true I have worshipped you with far more romance of feeling than a man should ever give to a friend. Somehow I have never loved a woman."  “There was something infinitely tragic in a romance that was at once so passionate and sterile."  “Is Sybil Vane your mistress ?” (Lewin et al. ).


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