Free «IT Scenario» Essay Sample

Information technology (IT) has grasped the conventional working methods. Now it is era of a quick processing unit called computer, an easy way to resolve complexities. The system, software and online/networking solutions have provided the right solutions to handle the multifaceted things. Nevertheless, it is easy to implement a computer generated comfortable and easy solution to resolve the complexities. But, the struggle and hard work behind creating an appropriate idea and making it practical to resolve complexities of business is not an easy task. It needs special concentration on preliminary research and technicalities, scope of work, time, cost, quality and risk involved.

General aspects which influence the project management:

The general aspects which influence on project management by large are defined below with brief overview.

Preliminary research:

Only a good research about technicalities can provide the best solutions. Most of the projects cannot be handled just because of poor research. Preliminary research provides a base to the work just like a base of building. If base is strong then it is hard to tremble at any time even in earth quakes and if base is quite baseless it is even hard to build a wall on it. Therefore, it is quite clear that basic thing is preliminary research about each aspect of project to handle it quite commandingly after, between and at the end of project’s time period.



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Scope of work:

After preliminary research scope of work is another major constituent in project management. Scope of work defines the duties and responsibilities of each team member in the stipulated time period. This constituent also has backbone importance to commence the work on project and handle it. In this portion a team work should be the prime importance and each team member should know his duties and responsibilities. A sense of responsibility should be penetrated within the team by the managers to achieve goals within the specified time period. Otherwise, the bad management and work with full of bugs create ambiguous situation which not only damage the revenues but also the image. Therefore, it is better to define the scope of work well in time and mange it with ultimate efforts by the management, middle management and the workers together (Buehring, 2010).

Time period:

Time is money and in project management time management is only guarantee to the excellence in each filed. Management of a software project is quite hard, normally question comes that why only software. Software development is an artistic work which cannot be dealt by conventional management practices. It needs much synchronized efforts from each party the developers as well as the managers to tackle the technicalities. By financial means a late work also affects the profits. In this respect the pre bid scenario is based on standard costing, but, the post bid scenario needs to work on the standard costing frame. Otherwise, it would be very hard to save profits and sometime it will go into loss in all respects. The more time waste will ultimately waste the profits and a variance analysis of standard and actual costing can give you the right picture. This happens just because of mismanagement of time which ultimately affects the profits and damages the image as well (Kelsey, 2006).

Cost and quantum:

The cost is major concern to manage the project within its limits. Especially in software project management cost is liked with time. As time goes on the cost will automatically goes upward which is not a good sign. In this regard it is important to get strong grip on time management and maintain the quantum. If time management cannot be considered important it will damage all aspects of project. Therefore, time management plays vital role in project management especially software project management, so, it should be considered key to controlling every thing.


Quality is only thing to have the best solution. A compromise on quality should not be tolerated. There should be a quality check system to ensure the reliability of work. A quality less work does not possess any worth. A hierarchy should be in place and should have a practical approach towards work to make it reliable. Normally it is responsibility of project managers and supervisors to check and maintain the quality of work. However, a well coordinated effort between the managers, supervisors and coworkers can make it possible and easy. Otherwise, a vacuum between the team members never guarantee the quality.

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There is no risk if everything is streamlined. However, if the things are not proper then it can crate a great risk and damage. Therefore, to minimize the risk it needs hard work and a management with minuteness. Because, time is the only strain which can give you pain or prosperity. So, a proper time management can give you prosperity and improper time management can give you pain. At the same time, risk is higher if things are not proper and if the things are proper there is very low risk and excellence would be there.

The hardware must be replaced prior to deployment this scenario?  

The hardware check is must if you have best software and there is a hardware problems it is always being problematic. So, check each allied devices to have the best results. Otherwise, it would not be a best solution at all. A refurbished or second hand hardware should not be the choice, because, if you are concentrating and considering the each and every thing perfect throughout the process. So, it is must to replace the hardware and have the best and new prior to deployment of software. 

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What considerations must be applied when selecting projects that deliver the best business value?

In very common way it is better to search the market and have good research before selecting the projects. The consideration of best business value is the consumer needs and innovating the product/software according to the precise needs of consumer. The ultimate ground is market and the ultimate considerer is consumer, therefore, consideration must be applied to the market and consumer to deliver the best business value.  

What factors that influence project risk?

The factors defined above preliminary research and technicalities, scope of work, time, cost, quality and risk. If these factors cannot be dealt in a good manner and in a right direction. It would be very hard to reduce the risk factor. However, the most major influencing factor to the project risk is time management. If not properly tacked there is high risk and if tackled smartly there are very low chances for risk.

What strategies would you recommend for minimizing this project’s risks?

The projects of software development only needs time management, if you put the right human resource and given them the right resources. The only thing which stays behind is time management. A very great and technically sound team cannot produce the premium quality without time management.

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At the end of paper it is better to highlight the smart working. Sometime a good team with best resources would become unable to produce the best results. It is about smart working, do not go for hard working, do not apply the conventional rules to the artists. It needs the smart environment, smart management to smartly done the targets of syndicate. This is the IT scenario and this is it.


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