Free «The Fifth Agreement» Essay Sample

Life is a journey that is associated with different aspects. Every person in the world is not an island; thus, one is always liable to troubles and problems that arise every single day. Life is an interesting artifact that changes from being fair to unfair. The success of each person, however, depends on the steps used and applied. To succeed in life, one has to combine his/her abilities to undertake the activities, which will edge one’s problems. Through this adventure of life, one has come to know that success of each human being is emanated from the personality one pertains.

The success of each individual depends on the decisions that he or she makes in life. Life comprises of advantages and disadvantages, which have to be overcome in order to ensure better results. It is upon each person to identify the best way to end his or her tribulations. This is an aspect that I have come to learn over the past years I have been in existence. Willingness, power, and self-control are inner strengths that serve as ones foundation, relied upon in times of adversity that can change one’s life for the better. Every individual has their own way of dealing with their tribulations. The fifth agreement emphasizes on individuals living life to the fullest and omitting all possible problems that emanate from the daily activities.



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Conquering the way out of troubles and problems is one aspect that people should follow using their fifth agreement. This is an aspect that I have come to learn each day, as these choices come from the inner souls and are made during meditation with the inner body. Living happily on the daily basis is one aspect that the heart appreciates each day, as this helps me to conquer all the fears brought about by life. The different issues that we face each day should be the bridges that lead to success.

Issues Facing the Society

Society has various prevalent factors that affect it each day. Some of these factors include social, cultural, and economic issues. Some of these issues include unemployment, which has become prevalent in the society. The world recession being faced by many of the European countries, provides a loophole for the unemployment. Among those affected are the youths, who face rejection. This aspect has been prevalent in about 60% of all the youths in the world. Many societies have come up with problems solving issues to help to alienate this issue from the society. During the breaks, one can find him/herself sitting idle at home with nothing to do and nowhere to work. This aspect is being faced among many youths, who opt to do the odd jobs that have minimal pay. This issue is raised by all governments; although, it is dealt with very slowly.

Another issue that is considered as a constant problem in the society is job security. The recession in the world has made many firms and organization practice lies off, which have rendered many people jobless. This aspect has made many opt for having multiple jobs, which will guarantee their status even if they lose one. This has brought a huge crisis in the world, making a huge impact on the economy.

Unemployment and job security have led to a very drastic situation called drug abuse and trafficking. These have become a common use words among the jobless. Drug use has been associated with many youths, who find it a solution to run to when lacking a job. This has posed a serious threat to the nation and society as a whole, as many of the youths are draining to death. This has cost the society many of the capable and intelligent youths. This issue has become a huge threat to the existence of the youths in the society. Drastic measures should be employed to ensure that the youths are protected from any danger. Drug trafficking has also become an aspect that is eminent among the youth. This is one of the easiest ways to guarantee the inflow of cheap and intensive cash.

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One more issue that affects the society is the environmental factor. This factor includes the issues like the atmosphere. Global warming is one factor that has become a problem to the society. The change in the order and patterns of the seasons has been greatly affected, which has in turn affected the society. These factors have been brought about by the careless nature of humans, who do not care about the environment. This issue has led to the loss of different plant species as well as animal species.

Another issue facing the society is overpopulation. This has become evident through the normal census conducted each year. Researchers have classified that the rate of population growth as being 1% per year. This is a huge growth comparing to the minimal resources for use. Diseases are also an issue that affects the society. Different lifestyles have given birth to the hazardous diseases that are wiping out people in a very outrageous speed. This has continually brought a catastrophe to the researchers, who have to come up with every means possible to terminate the situation (Ruiz, et al.).

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War has become another issue that has the biggest magnitude in its effect towards the society. This is evident, as many are killing their counterparts for different and bad reasons. This has led to the rapid growth of refugee camps, as it is the only place, where peace is prevalent. The struggle for power has led to the loss of life to many people in the society, but various organizations fight against it.

Issues Affecting Individuals

The fifth agreement tells us to try to go along with the five aspects. One of them states that we should avoid making assumptions. This aspect is the one, where many tend to follow after something has happened in their lives. This book urges us to stop making assumption every minute something happens. We should learn that everything happens for a reason, and we should wait and see the factors behind the problem.

Another point is that we should try to be impeccable with the words we use. Many studies have revealed that people are careless about their words. This is an aspect that should be avoided, as the effects of these words and talks may return to us. The writer of the fifth agreement urges every individual to be very careful with the words uttered. This is an aspect that one should take into account and try to make it a reality.

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There are different issues that affect individuals. One of them is that it is hard to confront people based on what they do to themselves. Confronting an individual based on the wrong they have done gives one a rush. This aspect is the one that affects somebody as an individual. This aspect is evident for many people, who refuse to talk about it. Counseling is one issue that should be encouraged to enhance that people with the same problem should be helped to enable them to surpass it. Admitting and confronting a fact to somebody has become a disaster for everyone to live with is vital for the healthy life of the society. Regular counseling has enabled and eased this issue, as one can confront an individual based on the wrong they do to somebody else. This aspect had made them opt for a friend called alcohol. This turned them to alcohol, so that they could gain the little courage needed to face the situation.

Another point is that we should avoid taking everything too personal. This implies that whatever people do to us: bad or good, should not be a problem and should just be ignored. There are those, who did it to annoy us, and it will dampen our spirits. This aspect means that everything, what we face, should be seen as a challenge that each person goes through sometimes. It is very good, if we learn to avoid being very personal.

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The obsession of individuals to become a part of the society has made many people, who lack jobs, engage in crimes. This is an aspect that has constantly affected me as a youth, as I find it the best option to earn some stipend. This thought has clicked in my mind a couple of times, but one find it to be the worst dream of clinching and achieving based on the punishment associated with crime. This aspect has made many people face the law, as they lack the second thought of what involvement in crime could lead to. These aspects, if well counseled, will lead to better dream attainment. This aspect has brought various positive aspects, which have given someone the attitude to face each situation.

One more point is that we should not be skeptical. This means that in everything that we undertake, it is not wise to accept any message that is transmitted around. This implies that we should be very cautious with those, who spread lies. We should not put our faith in such people, but we should ignore what they say. This implies that we should stand up for truth. This goes ahead to advise us to listen very carefully to what is said.

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The last but not the least point states that in everything we do, we should aim to be always the best. This is a factor that distinguishes many. Many people constantly do things, since they have to be done. This makes people do reckless things, which later bring various consequences to our lives. It should be upon each person to undertake their work in the best way possible. Being the best is an aspect that makes individuals do marvelous things and strive for the best.


In order to achieve the perfect results in life one has to choose the most suitable aims in one’s life. A positive attitude towards life ensures that individuals achieve the desired results. Overcoming the barriers to success should be a process that should be well planned. Counseling should be an aspect that should be prioritized to ensure that all individuals living in the dark find the light. This aspect gives one the knowledge to deliver something from the problems that affect him or her daily. Happiness is an aspect that has been the key pillar in the real life. Remaining conversant with every situation enables them to come up with a solution to conquer it. The ability to defeat all these tribulation has given them the aspect to deal with each situation.


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