Free «Taoism Concepts» Essay Sample


The idea of the concept of good has long been considered by many philosophers around the globe as a primary element that contributes to the advanced understanding of human nature and how it is practically understood as something that needs constant observation on the part of human analysts. Defining goodness has allowed many philosophers to see through the different understanding as to how and why people react to the things the way that they do. It could be sensed that it is also through this that the majority of the philosophers from different ages believe that goodness defines the existence of humans on earth. Through these explanations, the philosophers and great thinkers of the world are able to establish a more definite approach to understanding how people are best defined to be of great value to their recognition of the balance of thinking that exists among individuals around the globe.

Truthfully handling the most important issues of “goodness” and how it exists or how it is implied in the society today considerably defines the possibility of having a well endowed community of individuals that are ready to live with each other in great terms that balances out their capability to receive the values that they believe they deserve to have. Goodness also suggests the reasonability that every individual has in facing the major situations that they need to handle in life.



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In this material, a discussion of whether or not the concept of “good” is practically considered by that of the human individuals at present shall be noted. Through the use of the philosophical understanding of Socrates and the Taoist belief on goodness, a mirrored explanation on how people are able to balance out their thoughts and actions as to what is right and what is defined as acceptable to the society shall be mentioned with a clarified presentation of the proof that needs to be used to create the facts that are essential to insist on the truth that surrounds the need to utilize goodness in life.

What is the Taoist’s belief on Goodness?

The word “tao” is defined as the “path” or the “way” towards the light. Rather than a religion, it could be observed that Taoism is considered by the Chinese people as a way of life that defines their culture and their understanding of the systems that governs life itself. Making a definite implication on how to use the beliefs that had been established under this understanding is seen to be the most implicating fact that defines the Chinese life today.

Undeniably though, the teachings of Taoism do not only affect that of the belief of the Chinese individuals but also that of the life of other people around the globe. It could be seen that this effect on the society has brought about a common connection around people who are able to practically accept the teachings of the said way of living and are having the best capabilities to apply the major options that are provided by the said philosophical understanding of human living.

When it comes to the explanation of goodness, Taoism solely believes on the capability of nature itself to work things out towards the way that they should be able to undergo. For example, there are systems of natural development and natural cycles that are needed to continuously increase the capability of the earth to improve the production of the different resources that it is expected to produce for the human individuals.

From this idea, Taoism has been able to mandate the fact that people are best able to get the benefits out of nature if they do not mess up with the balance. Likely, it is through this that humans are able to see how much they are supposed to create their decisions based on what nature itself suggests. When it comes to goodness, the Taoist belief also notes the need for something to balance out with something for it to occur. The idea is that for good to occur, there should be a counter element that will make it possible for occurring. Likely, in short terms, this suggests the idea that when good occurs, there should be something bad that happened first for the existence of good to be well justified.

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In a concise discussion it could be understood that somehow if nothing bad has happened then nothing good could be identified at all. It simply denotes the existence of something because of the set balance that has been instantiated by nature itself. In short, the idea of going the Taoist way means not interfering with the flow of nature. Thus, this indicative rule is a definite instance of difference with that of the ideas of Confucianism which largely notes the pragmatic approach on handling matters. Rather than teaching to simply go with the flow or identifying goodness to happen because of the balance of things, Confucianism insists on the process by which people take consideration of the different roles that they need to take as they handle the situations that come their way. To that end, Confucianism further acts towards the codifying all human and social relations under one particular rule.

Most likely, the rule of goodness on the part of Confucianism creates a more definite identification of the role of each person in committing good and applying good for the betterment of the society that a person lives in. In short, without the intervention of one upon the many situations that are occurring in life at present, it could be noticed that the reality of things and how they are supposed to come up with the most important considerations that are essential for developing something good. Again, in Taoism, intervention is never necessary, as things are supposed to happen the way that they have been planned to happen.

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In a nutshell, it could be observed that Confucianism is a different way of living compared to that of Taoism.  However, how does it stand when compared to that of the philosophies of Socrates in connection with that of the thoughts on goodness that both Confucianism and Taoism insist upon? The following section shall deeply get through the core of this issue and present a more definite identification as to what Socrates’ thoughts are all about and how they are able to manage in insisting on the factors that definitely create massive intervention on how people today manage to understand the different opinions and indications of thoughts that pertain to the truth behind the existence of “goodness”.

How Does Socrates Imply the Concept of Good Among People?

Socrates is known as one of the most popular philosophers of his age. Understanding the fact that he has been able to create massive and worthwhile explanations about the different elements that are involved with human living, Socrates has been considered by many scholars as one of the pillars of human understandings about the ways of human living. Undeniably, his works have been among the most celebrated thoughts that are essentially considered as something that created the best out of the understanding that manifests the possible truth behind the created philosophical presentations that were used by many as a foundation for their way of living. Although Socrates himself did not force people to believe in what he says nor did he create possibilities of instructing people on the ways by which they should live, his thoughts affects the majority of the social dealings of human individuals at present. Considerably, it could not be denied that somehow, it could be seen that Socrates’ understanding of the basic factors of human living has been based on practical observation along with the philosophies that Socrates himself depended upon.

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So how did Socrates identify that of the major elements that constructed the basic human life such as that of the idea of “goodness”? Basically, Socrates entailed the different factors that co-create in managing the process on how people tend to dwell with their lives while having the capability of balancing the situations that happen to them every day.

When it comes to the identification of “goodness”, Socrates identifies its occurrence close to the definition that is suspended by Confucius which was tackled within this writing earlier. It could be observed that Socrates too had an ideal consideration of how good happens. He manifests in his writings that somehow, for one to be good, there has to be some guidelines established to manage or identify if what he is doing is actually good or not.

According to Socrates, without the existence of these guidelines noting if a person does good or not will be hard. Although there is a certain balance that exists in the society which notes the fact that the idealism of Taoism with regards the implication of “good” among human individuals creates a more considerable approach in handling the different issues that concern the realization of human individuals with regards the possible recurring consequences that their decisions might have in their lives later on. Knowing that there is a certain balance that exits, a person knows that if he decides to do something good, then there could certainly be something good for him in the future in connection with this approach of the situation. Nonetheless, for those who are in the middle of a confusing situation, knowing that there is a balance of things could help them picture the consequences of whatever they would tend to do at present. Believably, it could be noticed that somehow, without the occurrence of the realization of life’s balance, one would not be able to find the best decision there is for him to take. On the other hand, as the balance itself exists, the identification of certain rules makes deciding easier for many individuals.

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True, the Taoist belief on good depends more on free-will, while that of the idea of Socrates defines the existence of good to depend on the capability of one to follow through a set of rules. No, this does not mention of a situation where in the freedom of a person is withheld from him. Nevertheless, it is best empowered to have a great impact on the level of understanding that he has over the rules that are presented to him by the ones in the authority, the superiors. As of today, the laws of human living denote a wide acceptance to that of the thinking of Socrates over the existence of “good”.

Likely, it is through this fact that humans are considered to have a great understanding on how they should be able to manage their lives, their decisions towards a better sense of understanding what is right and what is good. Along with the rules come the norms. These two elements identify the capability of one to be good in the face of the law, the face of the society and good on themselves. Even religious groups at present consider having a list of laws that helps them identify who among their people are actually “good” and practically capable of handling their lives according to the laws of the Bible, laws of Christianity or other laws that they have created for themselves to follow.

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Yes, at present, laws and rules are the core basis of every established institution or organization in the human society. These laws identify them and their role to the society and towards their members. It is through this that they are able to manifest the important considerations that need to be given attention to when dealing with the most important decisions that they have to face. Bringing about the realization upon the existence of these laws makes human individuals within a community, a society, an institution or a religious group identify themselves to be good or worth the consideration that they are being given. Undeniably, these laws are the ones that are essentially able to manifest on whether or not a person is fittingly worthy of whatever privileges are given to him.


Yes, more than just a source of understanding on the importance of the establishment of laws in the current society, Socrates’ idea also manages to affect the thought on the need to keep in the ways of morality. However, as the Taoist idea comes into a better light, humans today are becoming more indulged with the idea of creating their own rules to follow simply with the flow of life; letting things happen as they happen. As a result [not to discourage the use of Taoism belief] the level of moral has gone way below the average consideration that it should be given attention to in the first place. Considerably, there are many people in the society who are less able to manifest proper understanding of what the idea of Taoism really is. This misunderstanding then creates a less effective way of implying the rules and the idealisms of Taoism in the modern society. Certainly, if continuously considered to be placed together to take effect in the current human communities, both the idealism of Socrates and that of the Taoist way of living could benefit the human society. However, as the other is less established than the latter, the implication of Socrates’ idealisms on life definitely depicts the modern society of human individuals who follow the rules and lives within certain limitations that allows them to remain in the “good” side of matters as per suggested by the law.


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