Free «Philosophy on Justice, Hope, and Vision» Essay Sample

Justice, hope, and vision encompass utterly different subjects, although they work in reference to human beings’ actions or thought process. Thus, a clear understanding of my philosophy regarding these three concepts requires their definition. Justice is considered as a notion of moral rightness, and this is based on natural law, ethics, equity, rationality, religion, and law. Justice also encompasses the punishment of the outlined ethics. It should be noted that justice entails actions that should be fair or just. There are many concepts that I consider under my philosophy of justice, and they include justice as a divine command, justice as a surbodinate value, justice as natural aw, and justice as a human creation. Whereas justice is considered as an action; on the other hand, hope entails the thought process as it involves anticipation of something. However, it can also be considered as an act, because it involves the emotional state that supports the belief in positive outcomes. My philosophy on hope centers on three significant topics and these include religion, suicide prevention, and psychology. In as much as hope encompasses looking further back or ahead, it is essential for people to examine themselves and try to establish a force from within that compels them to continue living, no matter how dire the situation is at that moment in their lives. Lastly, vision entails an appearance that leads to a revelation. This is from the spiritual perspective. In addition, it is considered as having a target or goal, because vision guides a person or an organization and reminds them of their goal.



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This essay explicates my philosophy regarding justice, hope, and vision.

Philosophy on Justice

I feel inclined to commence by stressing that justice is not connected to fairness by any means. It should be noted that  fairness is triggered in the brain the same way the desire for food is initiated in the brain. Thus, justice relates specifically to the degree of how much punishment should be accorded to a wrongdoer. This leads me to the three forms of justice that I subscribe to, and they include retributive justice, distributive justice, restorative justice, and utilitarianism. The significance of utilitarianism is that it is focused on the future results of the advanced justice. In a more literal way, the society practices utilitarianism justice with an aim of reducing future occurrences of crime. That is what abounds the worthiness of a moral action as it is judged by the outcomes of the action. Retributive justice seeks to ensure that punishment is advanced justly in society, and only in cases when a person deserves to be punished. Thus, this indicates that for a person to be punished justly, it  is essential that whatever crime the person is being accused of, should be proved before further action is taken.

Nowadays, we find classes that are distinguished by the amount of wealth or income that a person earns. This contributes to my philosophy of justice that advocates for distributive justice. Distributive justice ensures that there is a proper allocation of things in the society ranging from respect, rewards, wealth, and power. These should be distributed equitably amongst people of different backgrounds. Distributive justice is essential to ensure harmony in society, and that people of different classes coexist. Restorative justice should also be promoted in the society, as it contributes significantly to the healing process of the victim. Restorative justice is essential, as it entails the reintegration of the offender in the society where the victim can see the punishment advanced on the perpetrator while, at the same time, the offender can get to terms with the anguish caused to the victim. Restorative justice promotes peace within the society, because the interaction of the offender and the victim avails opportunities for reconciliation.

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I also consider justice in terms of a divine command. In this context, it is essential to note that some things have being prohibited by God; thus, it asserts that if a person goes against the commands, the person is being unjust. For instance, adultery ranks among the things that human beings are forbidden, and, in this context, we need to ask ourselves if a person who commits adultery  should be punished or not. However, this raises issues regarding morality and God in the context that questions what is paramount. I advance that God embodies the commands, including those governing morality, which shows that God is neither higher nor lower than the laws.

Justice is also a universal and absolute concept to me, basing on the natural law governing it. In this context,we respect the fact that some scholars advance that, for every reaction, an equal opposite reaction should be expected, and this indicates that, sometimes, justice is deemed to have being achieved when a person that has wronged his neighbour is retaliated by the same measure of harm he caused. Sometimes human beings also create justice. A precise example in this context is justice by trickery, which is usually created by the powerful people in society to delude the masses that justice prevails. Another example of justice created by human beings is termed as  justice as a mutual agreement. This is achieved through the mutual agreement of all the parties that are involved. Everyone’s opinion is valued in such a context for the purpose of eliminating bias and promoting equality.

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Philosophy on Hope

Firstly, it is essential to note that hope represents the opposite of despair ,and it is characterized by an emotional state that perpetuates the belief in positive consequences in a person’s life. Hope gives a person the will to go on, as it facilitates the feeling that what is desired can be achieved when a person possesses reasonable confidence.

Thus, it should be noted that hope functions as a force in our lives, and it is essential that people possess it, because the challenges advanced by life cannot be overcome if hope is not inculcated. It is essential to indicate that when a person hopes for something impressive, they usually get motivation from the beauty of possessing the thing that they aspire for in order to muster the courage to overcome obstacles. Despite the fact that, sometimes, the chances of reaching a goal diminish, the hope that people possess increases the desire for the goal, although there is a time difference in the achievement of the target. At this point, it  should be noted that desire plays a crucial role when a person hopes. Noteworthy, the desire a person possesses is what determines how much a person will hope for a thing, and it can be concluded that the more the desire for a thing is, the higher the hopes of achieving it, and vice-versa.

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Hope has also some interconnections with morality. The interconnection in this context avails from the fact that positive morality holds that human beings are charged with  the function of establishing the truth. Thus, that function can be viewed as an act that is pursued by human beings who want to discover it. This is where the notion of hope sets in, because without hope, no person will be focused on trying to esbalish the truth, which settles under  positive morality.

Another perspective of hope bases on the fact that it relies significantly on the state of affairs in a person’s life. This is why I assert that when situations are dire, that is when hope comes into play, as hope literally opens up within human beings to give them assurance regarding the situation. Thus, hope can be equated to the positive affirmation “Í think I can” that works to reassure people’s minds of the significance of staying on course in order to achieve a goal.

Given my religious background, I also subscribe to the Christian form of hope that has some divine influence. Thus, God’s guidance plays a key role in Christian’s hope, because it ensures the achievement of what is expected or anticipated. It should also be noted that trust plays a crucial role in hope for Christians, because if a person hopes that God is going to fulfill a promise and that person lacks faith, this can lead to the unfulfillment of what is hoped for. This elevates hope to the essential elements of Christianity such as love and faith, and it should be noted that it can also explain the essence of Christianity. In order to summarize my philosophy on hope, I have to point out that even though hope is an illusion, a person needs to know how to cultivate the art of hoping, because it is what makes things happen in our society. Besides learning how to hope, self observation is essential, as it makes people realize that there are inherent forces that drive humanity and the forces need to be expended.

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Philosophy on Vision

Spiritually, vision refers to appearances that result to revelation of any kind. However, philosophically, it entails a person’s wish of how the future should turn out. Thus, my philosophy on vision questions the validity of these revelations. Firstly, it is essential to mention that visions were associated mostly with prophets; thus, it means that visions do not happen to every individual. The prophets usually had their visions in terms of dreams that eventually became a reality through the manifestation of God. This indicates that God plays a significant role when it comes to visions, because God is in one way or another connected with the visions that happened to many prophets in the Bible. The connections result from the fact that most of these prophets usually sought intervention from God to reveal what exactly was meant in the visions that they had.

Thus, in the present world, it is difficult to substantiate a person’s vision, since they do not have any spiritual background. This means that for a person to be trusted as having had a valid vision, it is significant to examine the spiritual life and history of that individual, as visions mostly entail divine intervention. However, individuals have their own visions, and this is considered as the far a person wants to go or the goals an individual seeks to achieve. In addition, people’s vision centers on a certain cause, which can be eradication of a certain disease or some form of human suffering. For instance, Martin Luther King, JR represents a modern time prophet from the Western world that had a vision of emancipation of all human beings and their liberation.

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It should be noted that having a vision is an essential part of life. This is because vision inspires and motivates human beings towards their cause on earth. This is why, it is asserted that those who believe in the beauty of their dreams have more chances of enjoying a prosperous future. However, visions should not be confused with dreams. Vision mostly happens to a person in the form of hallucinations, which the individual can not comprehend until the end of the hallucination. On the other hand, dreams occur in any sleeping setting and have some psychological interconnections.

What can not be understood regarding the revelations is why God chose the specific people as instruments of conveying his vision. This also leads to the questions whether the visions belonged to God, or they belonged to the prophets. What contributes to all these questions is the fact that a vision usually occurs to a person during hallucinations, and in the Bible it is indicated that prophets received their visions via dreams.

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In conclusion, I have provided my philosophy regarding justice, hope, and truth. Regarding my philosophy on justice, I commence by laying the distinction between justice and fairness, whereby I indicated that they differ in terms of what triggers them. Several forms of justice are practiced in the society. They include retributive justice, restorative justice, distributive justice, and utilitarianism. Justice also depicts as a divine command, whereby what is advanced by God as being just is what the society should practice, because the lack of that observation makes a person be in contradiction on what is paramount between morality and God. It should also be observed that justice operates as a natural law, whereby what a person does to another is revenged, or avenged with an equal measure. Justice exists also as a mutual agreement between human beings. This happens when all the people agree in order to eliminate instances of inequality and bias.

Secondly, my philosophy on hope advances that hope is an emotional state and is motivated by positive thoughts. It is essential that people observe their past and future aspiration to get their hopes alive. Self examination is also essential, as it helps in determining how much a person will be focused on his or her hopes. Interconnections between hope and morality are identified, and this is what is termed as positive morality. This gets human beings to hope as people are charged with establishing the truth, which means the lack of search for truth will deny instances of hope. Religious subscription also plays an essential role to hope. From a Christian perspective, I assert that God’s guidance plays a significant role in  hope of a Christian, as it ensures the achievement of what is anticipated. However, it should be noted that belief is significant in this context because, if you hope to get something from God and you do not believe that it can be achieved, the lack of faith, therefore, denies the realization of that goal.

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Lastly, my philosophy on vision asserts that ancient visions had some divine intervention as they occurred to prophets via dreams. However, I question the originality of these visions -  whether they belonged to God or to the prophets. This is because in many instances in the Bible, the prophets were unable to interpret their dreams, and, that is why, they sought guidance from God. In the modern world, people do have visions, and this is defined by the goals that they intend to achieve. A person can set his or her own visions and strive towards achieving them, as Martin Luther King, Jr envisioned a world where all human beings are emancipated and liberated. His actions truly reflected his vision. This means that, despite not being able to substantiate a person’s vision in the modern world, people can just observe a person’s actions in comparison to the vision the person subscribes to, in order to substantiate the validity of the vision. Thus, these arguments represents my philosophy on justice, hope, and vision.


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