Free «Surviving the Boss from Hell» Essay Sample

In this case study, the problem that will be tackled will be surviving the manager from hell. This involves various methods in which the employee can avert the negative energy that the boss imposes in the workplace. Techniques and various recommendations will be outlined herein. 

The workplace is one of the most prestigious areas of one’s life and personal development. When one is done with school, the next obvious step would be the office. Despite the fact that most people are tremendously excited about this new period of life, for most people it turns out to be hell on earth. Once the employee is faced by such a problem, he or she gets downright demoralised and unable to go on with this situation. The office monster is the usual suspect, the boss from hell. He is the one who is always around and criticising everybody. There are various methods that one can use in order to cope with this.

The boss will constantly go by the rule book and make everyone’s life a living hell. The organizational scheme of the office is such that everyone answers to him, and in some cases, the boss who is mistreating the employees. After the attitude towards the boss is formed, it is exceedingly difficult to change it when the employees have to encounter him or her every single day. There is a way out of this sequence of insanity. The street knowledge and published works alike will come in handy.



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Literature Review

The issue of the boss from hell is an extraordinarily delicate issue in the workplace. It is imperative that one is able to have thick skin in order to overcome the continuous bombarding that the boss will throw at the employees. An exemplary instance is if the boss has some problem with the employee, his goal is to bring the employees down. Once the employee has this in mind, it will be likely for him or her to overlook this minor issue and focus all energy towards the bigger picture, which happens to be the career life. Since the boss will constantly criticize and pick on employees, the staff or a particular individual can set up walls, so to speak in order to block out all the negative energy that is emanating from the boss (Davis, 2004).

So what is one meant to do if he or she is in such position, and has a manager who irrationally does things, for example, screams and shouts, compels the employee to work extensive overtime, abuses and disgraces the employee individually or in the presence of others, frequently makes modifications and faults the employee when something goes wrong and much more? Well, there are methods one can be taught to make the occupation manageable, and even satisfying, when functioning for a terrible manager. They function even if the employee are in a condition where the employee cannot have a sit-down with the manager to look for changes and do not want to abscond because the worker requires the employment or see it as the subsequent rise up the career stepladder.

An individual can seek support from fellow workmates who are going through the same predicament. Endless support that is coming from fellow staff will make individuals acquire confidence and be able to go on with work in the office. One could even hold pep talks or meetings that will give the other morale for the next day. These friendships developed in the workplace are extremely valuable as they create bonds that will strengthen the mind, and the boss can become the common enemy. A popular saying that a problem shared is halfway solved could come into play in this situation (Scott, 2006).

It is a brilliant idea to use a repose method to calm one’s self down. For instance, find a hushed position where the employee can get a few minutes to wind down, shut the employee’s eyes, and psychologically say repeatedly: “I’m tranquil. I’m peaceful,” or “I feel all right. Nobody and nothing bothers me. I feel a tranquil sense of serenity.” If the employee cannot be by his or herself and are in the middle of an active office, try tweaking out everything around the employee. To be able to do so, center on some spot ahead of the employee and look forward with distracted eyes, while saying the aforementioned terms to the employee self for one minute or so. And if the employee does not have that time, try taking a sequence of breaks for 20 seconds or more to be able to complete this. This method will enable the employee to come to terms with his or her feeling and enable them to work to the fullest.

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Another method is to use revelation and cerebral imagery methods to assume better ways to perform allocated jobs. One can do this in advance or while taking part in the task. Just view the employee self in imagination doing the task in a dissimilar, improved method. If one has a superior who is fond of requiring long days, map ahead. Bring along bags of healthy nibbles so the employee are prepared for a day with no lunch break (Davis, 2004).

If the other workers are in a comparable state of affairs, form a mutual support assemblage that meets up off the workplace. Over lunch, supper, or a few drinks, the employee can talk about the employee’s feelings of aggravation, vent, and wind down. In some circumstances, of course, such a crowd can use the authority of numbers to go to a hard superior or the boss’ supervisor to push for transformations. However, in many situations, for example, the supervisor owns the corporation or is regarded a significant bright resourceful mastermind that the supervisor can do whatever he or she desires. Therefore, in such instances, gloom loves, band group can assist in making everybody feel well again. Actually, the employee can even map enjoyable activities to let out the employee’s aggravation, such as take part in golf with the manager’s head game or swap employee lousy manager stories contest, with a recompense for the thorniest circumstance (King, 2006).

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In times of complete distress one should look to relations and friends as a support faction. Share the narrative with them. Possibly even turn one’s problems into a darned enjoyable narrative that keeps others enchanted. In order to make the office work exciting, one can decide to keep a confidential catalog of events, like a score card for every wild thing that one’s superior requests the employee to undertake. Give these occasions points from 1-10 derived from how dreadful, insane, or hard they are. Then, observe the score every day, and recompense one with an indulgence after a principally hard day or week. All these methods will not treat the state of affairs with a supervisor, but they certainly will make the experience a more manageable and even enjoyable one (Scott, 2006). When the employees get the impression that the boss is not permanent, they will be able to realize that the job is not an essential part of life. One can also decide to take a different route and try to warm up to the boss. One can try to know the likes and dislikes of the superior; constantly concur with his or her view in the open, and then confidentially, propose his or her own explanation. In simpler terms, by no means differ with him or her in the presence of others in the place of work; one can say that the manager was entirely correct when he or she makes a proposition about how the employee ought to get on with things, then do the technique if the employee are optimistic it will bear considerable fruit. If the work the employee embarked on is successful, he or she will congratulate the employee. One should also feel free to take acclaim for it if feasible. The employee can let the boss take the credit if need be; the employee should be immensely helpful of him or her, make the superior look excellent; leave if the supervisor keeps on making the life a living hell. Life is too short, and the employee use up an adequate amount of time with the employer manager as it is (Groe, 2005).

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It is also necessary to note that there are many types of bosses. In essence, there are also many ways of dealing with them. The ineffectual superior typically has some pretentious qualifications but no real world understanding. Now he or she is going to intervene and rescue the corporation or the subdivision from all its misgivings. The best method to deal with this superior from hell is to shun showing off one’s know-how, which will only nourish the superior’s insecurities.

One has to work in a manner that will let the awful supervisor uphold his false impression of control and power. Do not ever mention things like, "This is how it has constantly been done.” Do not ever test his or her ideas, particularly at meetings or in the presence of other people. Get together with the bad manager confidentially and ask for his contribution. Let him or her feel as he or she is assisting the employee in finding solutions (Groe, 2005).

The passive aggressive supervisor will never deal with the employee personally. He or she will converse behind the employee’s back and crack jokes about the employee. He or she might also discipline the employee with things like faulty homework. Passive aggressive superiors want to keep their authority, so they will also do things like holding back information (Thorseness, 2011).

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If it is possible, try to come across a tutor or sponsor at the corporation to speak up for the employee in organization circles. The employee should not allow the passive aggressive supervisor sees he or she is getting to the employee. It is also imperative to avoid being argumentative with this good manager, dishonest manager character types. It might be intelligent to get together with the manager for lunch and in a peaceful way talk about ways to develop communiqué (King, 2008).

The narcissistic boss is lacking feelings and is short of any feelings of regret. The narcissistic boss “wavers between illusions of sumptuousness, during which time he or she might be rather pleasurable, even cheerful,' and utter despair brought about by belief of insufficiency and insignificance." This type of manager has the concentration span of a little kid.

The most excellent means to handle a narcissistic manager is to keep things smart for him expressively and bodily. Take care of the particulars he does not want to indulge. A few warm wishes may also help tranquilise the narcissistic monster. He will never imagine the employee is being foolish because he believes he is a person of unimpeachable taste and judgment. While narcissists are all about the need to look first-class, be ready to watch him take the employee’s ideas. Do not be anxious about this as everybody around him knows he is intrinsically inconsistent (King, 2008).

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The employee may discover that the superior is a mixture of the incompetent superior, the passive aggressive and the narcissistic manager. One of the most excellent methods of dealing with an incompetent boss is to "reframe the viciousness" and let the venomous behaviour spring off of the employee.

Aloofness can also assist the employee to subdue the persuasion to react in kind and thus keep away from fuelling a vicious circle of antagonism. A good example of detachment is about a lady who pictured her swimming in a factual rocky and tumultuous sea of cruelty in her poisonous workplace. She saw herself booting and thrusting off the rocks thus figuratively bouncing away from the contamination in her functioning surroundings. This type of consideration assisted her in dealing with a venomous boss until she ultimately found a different profession (King, 2008).


Various techniques were used in order to obtain information used in this paper. One of them is first-hand experience. This tool was highly instrumental because it was easy to come up with instances that pertain to the text. Obtaining information from publications on the Internet and so on was also a technique used though not in excess. Questionnaires were also used in order to find out more about people’s experiences at the workplace.

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The employee should try as hard as possible to set himself apart from the boss’ fangs of doom. A particular individual can also seek support from fellow workmates who are going through the same predicament. In times of complete distress, look to relations, friends, and noteworthy others as a support faction. Once the employee has this in mind, it will be possible for him or her to overlook this minor issue and focus all energy towards the bigger picture, which happens to be the career life. Since the boss will constantly attack and pick on employees, the staff or particular individual can set up walls, so to speak in order to block out all the negative energy that is emanating from the boss’ office. As mentioned earlier, if he or she continues to push, the option of quitting is a viable one.

What is actually meant by lethargy by the boss in the association? This description differs from the institute to institute and even subdivision to subdivision. For example, in some associations, anybody who comes to the workplace more than ten minutes after the opening time is not on time. In other associations, this time may be longer, and in other associations the employee is late if he shows up two minutes after opening time. However, even with the last description, there is still some discrepancy: some associations count the worker as on time if he or she is in the reception area or on the staircase on the way to his station of work, while others need the worker to be previously at the work station and prepared for work at opening time.

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More particularly, what is an “extreme” tardiness-three time late? Six times not on time? And does the superior apply the similar description of "extreme" lethargy to every worker time after time or only to this member of staff? If the later, the manager can be found to be inequitable and prejudiced against this member of staff.

On the managers side though, he or she should be willing to conduct meetings once in a while to ensure that the employees are not having a hard time in the office. The supervisor should have an open-door policy. This will greatly improve relations between the boss and his employees as they will be able to talk about office issues freely. Incentives should be put in place in the office so as to entice the workers to produce more in the office. They will serve well to make the office an enjoyable and work-friendly environment (Kreitner, 2012).

Then the member of staff should file unpleasant action against the superior to have the suspension reversed and separated from his file. When the dispute is examined, the aforementioned questions will be asked of the superior, and if he does not have satisfactory answers, he will have to recompense a penalty (Clark, 1996).

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The workplace is a life changing experience for most people. This however, is not in a positive way as most bosses leave scars on their victims who happen to be their employees. Many techniques of fighting this feeling have been adequately discussed above. The boss should not be viewed as the evil one; instead, he should be seen as motivation and an opportunity to improve one’s self. The office will only be hell if we make it so, it is necessary for us to develop friendships in the workplace. These networks in the office will give strength to the weak at heart and give confidence.

The employee should have the mentality that the work part of the office is the issue. Once that is established, it will enable the workers to work efficiently.


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