Free «The Erosion of Music Culture» Essay Sample

The most outspoken social problem addressed in this article is erosion of music culture. Music is a colossal industry that has contributed much in the present time. This article covers more about the recent changes that have existed in the music industry. In the entire article, there are various aspects laid down about the older meaning of music as compared to the modern music. This analysis will cover the classical and Rogerian argument approach. In this point of view, there are various arguments revolving around the 20th century and the early music.


In this point of view, music is considered to have lost its meaning in the past few years. In the 60’s and 70’s, music was of more importance to the society than it is today. Music used to be more real and natural as compare to the 20th century types of tunes. With deeper understanding, it is evidentially sure that although the music industry has greatly expanded, it is sarcastically considered to have deterred in many ways. This article considers expounding more on the major setbacks in the current music industry. In relation to the original meaning of music, various aspects have been put under consideration to ensure proper understanding of music.



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Background Statement

The 60’s and 70’s music was produced in its natural form and structure. Most of the messages that came out of the music contributed greatly to the intended meaning of composition. Music used to address real life situations amongst many other teachings which are very rare in the 20th century (Sheryl, 1999). For music to be produced in the past, the composer would first take time to critically analyze every element bit in composition.  In the event that music was produced, it rarely faced opposition from all the members of the society.


Olden music comprised of lively bands made up of stringed musical instruments. These instruments comprised of the guitar, piano and the violin. The incorporation of these instruments facilitated more sweetness and liveliness to music. The quality of musical sound was very sharp and dynamic in the ears of the listeners. In the 60’s and 70’s, music was centered on specific topics of interest. An example in case is the theme of Vietnam War and escapism song. Most of the songs produced around such a time were focused on addressing the information about the War (Sheryl, 1999). Other topics that were addressed by songs were political heroes who contributed massively to developments. In addition to these, music could also be composed to address issues of love, life and death.

Another example of an older music was a song on Vietnam War composed by Bob Dylan. The main message content of his song is the awakening of people and passing information about the advent of war. It is also important to note that music in the 60’s and 70’s was majorly done by professionals. Most of these professionals might not have attained formal education about music but still had experience. Through such experience, it was possible for composition of rightly intended music focused to the point.  These musical tunes were played in very calm tempo as well as rhythm notation.


In contradiction to the perception about the 20th century music, there are various ideas that are generally misleading. The modern music is produced by people who do not appreciate the clientele boundaries at all. Most of these artists are just but youths. In their minds, they tend to assume that all people in the society would appreciate their songs. The most disadvantaged group is the elderly. Most of the 20th century musical productions basically target the youths. The modern video shooting has even made it worse especially for some communities. The dressing as well as the dancing styles are just but discriminating on to the class of subscribed audience. The majority of these songs are produced under a lot of influence. In this class of thought, the musical tempo of production is abnormally fast. In reaction to this, most modern songs have been classified as noise by many persons.

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Another contentious issue in the contemporary society in relation to the 20th century music is the issue of money. Most musical artists have instead opted to perform many productions even when they are not sure of the message. The main driving point is the lust for money. In conclusion, the olden music qualifies well above the modern music in many avenues assured in the article given (Robert, 1991). It is therefore very important for the early music producers to be recommended for the good work they did. This is due to their natural state of sense of production.

Rogerian Point of View

 Based on the Regorian point of view, there are various ways through which the 20th century outfits the olden music. In the music industry, there are various technological advances which have highly been appreciated in the music industry (Robert, 1991). the olden music was produced at a time when very little innovations were existent. The modern technological advances in the electronic world have far much facilitated easier ways of music production. One of the improvements is in the line of video shooting. Through the use of video, music has expanded the entertainment field by a greater fold (Douglas, 2002).

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Another point in the music advancement realized as a result of the technological advances is the production of musical instruments that can multitask. Multitasking aspect of musical instruments have widely led to cheaper production. The use of laptops to generate musical beats has even made music production simpler.

 The 20th century musical production came up with different categories of classes. Through such classes, it is evident that new dancing styles have erupted. The main advantage of the modern music over the 60’s and 70’s musical productions is the expanse in the dancing industry. Various sources provide that there are wider applications to the 20th century music than before. Besides all these, music in the 20th century has more attachment to fun than music in the earlier times (Douglas, 2002)

Despite all that has been provided before by various musical analysts, there is still more weight attached to the olden music. It can be concluded that in regard to the whole process of classical argument, the olden music qualifies well above the modern music in many avenues assured in the article given. It is therefore very important for the early music producers to be recommended for the good work they did. This is due to their natural state of sense of production.

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The key aspect of analysis is based on the sources provide. Music is a colossal industry that has contributed much in the present time (1998). This article covers more about the changes that have existed in the music industries. In the entire article, there are various aspects laid down about the older meaning of music and the modern music.   This analysis will cover the classical and Rogerian argument approach. In this point of view, there are various arguments the 20th century and the early music.


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