Free «To What Extent Is Media Violence Related to Aggressive Behavior?» Essay Sample

There have been ongoing debates and arguments concerning media violence and aggression among many people in the world. According to Albert Bandura, media violence is a simple replica of what a society comprises of. Bandura views media violence as a pathway in which people are able to replicate their true nature and content as they react to one another. Media violence tends to influence the level of aggressiveness of the audience, and to some extent mold and control the behavior of individuals. As such, media violence is a transcriptional exemplification of prevalent aggression in today’s society (Coon and Mitterer, 2010).

Definition of the Topic

Media violence is a type of inflated violence which takes place under some sort of guidelines and principles making the whole endeavor as a form of entertainment. Nonetheless, an individual can be justified as being “what he/she is” as regards the daily perceptions, reactions, and instinctive thoughts.

Own Perception of the Topic

According to the research, an individual is a simple replica of what he or she watches, ingests, and demonstrates openly. Violence in the media simply affects violence-growth among people. It influences aggression and violent behaviors among individuals who watch and take these violent activities as part of life.  Therefore, I stand for the fact that indeed violence determines the growth and development of adolescent’s behaviors.



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According to the Journal of Youth and Adolescence, there are many factors considered among youth as they move from their childhood to the adulthood. These factors include academic capabilities, encounter with rampant violence in the communities, and childhood developmental problems. Within the study subjects, “childhood and adolescent violent media preferences contributed significantly to the prediction of violence and general aggression” (Boxer, 2008) With more violent shows in the media, the young generation is likely to exemplify this attitude through getting to higher levels of aggression. I agree with this facet, though to many other people aggression is more of a self-influenced sentiment which develops and explodes within an individual only under certain circumstances.

According to Boxer Paul, one of the psychology professors at the university of Rutgers in Newark, many youth in the society today are a replica of what they view and incorporate into their lives as they grow up through the various developmental stages. These findings are based on the research done by Boxer and sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) among the youth in the university. Within their stage of development, many youth engage in tragic and exclusive behaviors, most of which are observed from their mentors. They are quick to learn, replicate, and make these characteristics a part of their lives. Many psychologists agree with this fact, though to some limited level of measure. However, when this fact is reiterated as a causal agent to many forms of criminal behavior, many people are up against this.

For a period close to forty years, media violence has rocked entertainment industry in the entire world. This has even established a close relationship between media violence and its resultant effects of violent behaviors among people, especially the youth. Much of the research done within a laboratory setting in the absence of a field denote that there is a relevant and practical connection between media violence skills and the actual human engagement in critical and antisocial behaviors among many people in the world. As far as many people support media violence while basing their ideas on connotations of entertainment, certain individuals engage the act as a form of crime or antisocial behaviors.

Violent behaviors emanate from engagement in media violence tricks and mechanisms. However, this is not true according to varied and myriad perceptions of the people. Media violence influences and exposes children to violent and aggressive behaviors in and out of school. However, this is not a proven thesis since many children also learn and acquire other skills of physical development.

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According to the Journal of Youth and Adolescence, violence is known to “multiply determined behavior.” With the presence of other factors influencing aggression,, media violence plays a critical part in affecting aggressiveness growth among individuals. However, this is not the take of many people. According to Paul Boxer’s publication in the journal of Youth and Adolescence, “even in conjunction with other factors, our research shows that media violence enhance violent behavior.” According to a research done on 820 high school students of the state Michigan school “on average, adolescents who were not exposed to violent media are not as prone to violent behavior as those who had this exposure for most parts of their lives” Upon splitting these students into various groups according to their age, gender, and specialty, the students were subjected to interviews which revealed these results. The interview touched on the state of parents and their responses to students whenever they interacted with them. Besides the learners, parents and teachers were also interviewed.

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When asked about individual favorite TV shows, many of the youth fell under the category of “horror” and “action” movies which involved a lot of vigorous and violent moves. Most of these features were acquired from TV channel broadcasts, movie stores, computers, and internet sources. Most of these movies involved use of dangerous and yet glamorous weapons. The youth expressed passion and great desire to engage in such activities as they viewed them as “real” sources of pleasure. When asked if they had actually engaged in such activities as use of weapons, many of the respondents indicated that they had ventured into this practice just for fun and to “prove a point.”

Upon further analysis of the results according to the Journal of Youth and Adolescence, youths are the most exposed individuals as regards internet, web, and informative uses of technology in the world. Youths are engaged in activities of aggressive behavior and have transferred this to school, where they are always victims of violent and aggressive activities. According to the journal, youth exposure to violent media “added significantly to the prediction of both violence and general aggression”.

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The findings of the research, published in the Journal of Youth and Adolescence, demonstrate that “violent media expose scores among the youth.” In fact “even for those lowest in other risk factors, a preference for violent media is predictive of violent behavior and general aggression”.

Violence is a new facet within the human race. However, this act is on the increase in the modern world. Over a period of not less than thirty years, there has been done an in-depth research and study on the relationship between media violence and violent behaviors among individuals, both children and adult people. Every research, cross-sectional, longitudinal, or experimental, have struck that there is a correlation between the acts of violence and aggression. Over the past few years, there have been increased presence and use of televised violent scenes in many homes. Almost ninety nine percent of American families expose children to acts of violent media in one way or the other. This has similar coincidence with poor parenting, when many young children access TV scenes without the supervision of the parents (Kirsh, 2006).

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Furthermore, “some researchers have demonstrated that very young children will imitate aggressive acts on TV in their play with peers”. This specifically starts at an age of four and older. In this case, children view violent moves as simple and common occurrences which can be embraced. In general, these televised violence movies demonstrate the models of conflicts which influence children schemas of behavior. According to the journal, “children will ultimately perceive that it is cool to carry an automatic weapon and use it to knock off the bad guys” as they view in the television sets. Apart from the direct violence movies and TV shows, there is another new form of violence, which is replicated in music and lyrics. This normally repeats the nature, in which domestic violence has taken toll among the young and old generations.  


There are assorted groups of individuals who can be reliable to fight this problem of aggression and media violence. The pressure of media is known to have side effects among children, adolescents, pediatrics, and psychiatrics. Television violence is the core of every score of aggression reported among the American families in the present century. As such, media violence is a transcriptional exemplification of attenuated aggression in today’s society. The more media violence appears in the society, the more aggressive and violent the youth become. To curb this problem, equitable measures should be taken as regards what the media offers to the public together with what information each home lets children and adolescents access through the TVs. If nothing fails to be done, there will be a replicated increase in cases of violence among the young people. The future generations are thereby liable to suffer the side effects of these aggression and violence resulting from the media violence (Neamtu, 2010).


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