Free «The Expectations and Experiences of Minority First-Year Faculty» Essay Sample


Minority teachers in universities are those educators who have been legally classified by university authorities as being participants of a minority group. The eventual objective of the research is to play a role in university communities’ comprehension of circumstances that either promote or hinder rendering the growing diversity at universities into an intellectually demanding and outspreading experience with regard to groups of first-year minority faculty members.


While in the majority of universities all over the United States the word "minority" is a specific referral to Afro-American educators, there are areas including the American West as well as Southwest in which some other oppressed minority groups like Native Americans are likewise regarded as minorities (Washington, 1996). Furthermore, despite the fact that university authorities do not typically consider female educators as minorities, the sexism that they could encounter in their quest for a teaching career may make them eligible to be incorporated in the minority group. Aside from that, because disabled teachers have traditionally encountered significant problems in their quest for higher educational placements, they likewise may make use of the concepts concentrated on in this research. Consequently, the minority teachers in universities include members of oppressed ethnic groups or more specifically Native Americans, Latinos and Afro-Americans, as well as handicapped teachers and women (Washington, 1996).



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In short, minority teachers in universities are those teachers who have been registered at the university and whose racial background, gender, ethic standing or physical state have made their historical status in such establishments of higher education an insignificant one in relation to their standing in American culture. Furthermore, it is believed that since they are referred to as minorities, they are envisioned to be sufferers of unfair discrimination. The sociological explanation of a minority group is that it has to be a subordinate circle who experiences discrimination irrespective of whether it is big or minor in proportion to the predominant group (Washington, 1996). This kind of sociological explanation is therefore beneficial in describing why  minorities tend to be discriminated in spite of their enormous input to the improvement of the American economic climate; why disabled individuals are consistently discriminated in spite of their capabilities to be formed into sound-minded, beneficial individuals; and why ladies are regarded as a minority group in spite of their important input to contemporary society, let alone the reality that they exceed the men who are accountable for dealing with them as minorities.

For the objectives of the research, discrimination here is referred to as the subordination of one ethnic group or race by a different predominant one. Structural concepts of ethnic as well as racial interaction offer additional ways of comprehending racism by distinguishing between social and organizational racism (Haas, 1992). Social racism occurs when a participant of a predominant group accomplishes something to preserve the subordination of a representative of a different group. Organizational racism tends to be structural in character and commonly concealed; the developments of an organizational framework, procedure, or approach prefer or do not prefer a certain group.

No individual might mean to discriminate, yet the framework, procedures or approaches of the organization lead to unequal outcomes. Guidelines or procedures considered to be race-neutral may nevertheless negatively influence one race in relation to another. A well-recognized illustration of this is the situation of offering insufficient consideration to qualified service when it comes to promotion and tenure judgements in spite of the strain typically applied to participants of minority communities to serve their racial or ethnic groupings in a number of time-consuming methods. The reality that models of organizational racism may be supported by individuals, who honestly consider that they are not biased, questions the theory of integration additionally (Haas, 1992). To put it differently, racism will not terminate due to the fact perceptions can alter; instead, the unequal influence of procedures and approaches on privileged and underprivileged categories of people must be acknowledged and altered appropriately. Structural solutions can serve as a different solution to the integrationist methodology to racial as well as ethnic interaction. As an alternative to concentrating on attitudinal transformation and the assimilation of minority categories, structuralists tend to be more likely to promote ethnic solidarity along with self-importance so that communities will be energized to deal with organizational racism. What is more, Kanter (1977) determined what she referred to as structural determinants of conduct. For instance, she contended that the proportion of majority community members to those of minority unfavorably impacts the conduct of the individuals who belong to the minority. To deal with the unfavorable influence, it is essential to modify the numerical rate. In other words, the target is to proceed from an imbalanced proportion between minority and majority community participants to a reasonable one. Affirmative action can be a method to obtain a critical mass of racial and ethnic minorities to ensure that they will not be cut off in university departments or colleges. In other words, the objective of structural equality is to do away with structural roadblocks to the advancement as well as achievements for all minority groups.

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Properly hiring and keeping racial and ethnic minority faculty members continues to be a major concern in higher education. Nevertheless, the improvement in the small-scale proportions of minorities' representation in different faculty positions has been minimal ("The faculty," 1997). Instead, there is an increasing indication of that racial as well as ethnic minority community members go through serious marginalization on university campuses (Aguirre, Hernandez, & Martinez, 1994). They refer to day-to-day relationships, both interpersonal and organizational, that cause them to feel uncomfortable, disrespected and undesirable. They think that their colleagues presume that they were employed for affirmative action reasons. Therefore, they feel compelled to demonstrate continuously that they are worthy of their jobs (Reyes& Halcon, 1988). What is more, minority faculty members, who have a scholarship emphasis on racial problems, point out a significant concern over seeing their results devalued and ignored as being out of  general importance or self-helping (Reyes & Halcon, 1988). Some may feel themselves compelled to build up scientific pursuits that are appropriate for being published in White periodicals. Due to the fact that their scientific work and cultural engagement are typically concentrated on social transformation and minority problems, they have to deal with conclusions that these pursuits are non-academic and improper (Astin, 1997).

Minorities likewise have to cope with a variety of obstacles in the tenure evaluation procedure. To begin with, they have a tendency to have more combined or divided appointments (Menges & Exum, 1983). They frequently place a greater value and invest more efforts in service and teaching, as well as student counseling, which both are unlikely to be acknowledged or compensated compared to researching (Menges & Exum, 1983). Furthermore, they are frequently less acquainted with the guidelines and codes that regulate the institution (Altbach, 1991). They are frequently separated, do not have enough mentors, and have access to tenure and promotion at a reduced percentage. Yet, the point that reduced promotion outcomes stem from smaller publication results is not backed in studies (Blackburn, Wenzel, & Bieber, 1994).

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Regrettably, White co-workers evidently consider the feelings of racial and ethnic minority faculty associates with growing ambivalence. Certain members of faculty are inert, nearly ignorant; some others, in reaction to the traditionalistic move of national course and policies, acknowledge that it is less difficult now than in the past to disregard campus-based ethnic problems (Altbach, 1991).

In spite of the increasing illustrative information conveying the practical experience of minority faculty members as well as the extensive heritage of theoretical conceptualization on racial and ethnic interaction, there continues to be a somewhat minor utilization of theoretical knowledge to the minority faculty members.  An essential objective of this study is to proceed from determining the typical experiences of ethnic and racial minority faculty members to interpreting the regularity of those occurrences.

Review of literature

Minority first-year teachers encounter many complications in the universities. While all teachers are obliged to improve accountability expectations, these frequent demands are amplified by the distinctive difficulties experienced by minority first-year teachers. Such challenges may lead to job discontentment and, eventually, a choice to give up teaching (Liu & Meyer, 2005). The literature indicates a number of potential factors that may produce discontentment amid first-year minority teachers and induce them to abandon the field. A typical source of discontentment amid first-year minority teachers is a shortage of adequate training for educative work (Johnson & Birkeland, 2003). First-year minority teachers could feel overpowered by the requirements of practically teaching in the lecture room, especially if they are compelled to teach away from their area of certification. For first-year minority teachers, preparatory work may be a considerable difficulty, due to the fact that minority teachers work more frequently in urban educational facilities (Shen, Wegenke, & Cooley, 2003) where resources might be restricted and enhanced teaching techniques are essential. 

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Behavioral management is a relevant problem. First-year minority teachers could  more commonly end up in “a challenging” setting (Bobbitt, 1993). In such complicated environments, satisfactory behavioral management abilities are usually in higher demand as opposed to academic training skillsets. Because first-year minority teachers have a tendency for more challenging teaching settings, they could be more inclined to consider that their behavioral management abilities are insufficient (Bobbitt, 1993). Helping first-year minority teachers to cope with the associated problems of getting ready for teaching as well as behavioral management abilities for challenging student environment may play an important role in their job contentment and eventually retention.

University administrative assistance, for example, may be particularly essential to first-year minority teachers. First-year minority teachers’ concepts of administrative assistance are essential to their choice to continue to be in the field (Bobbitt, 1993). University administrative assistance may be found in a number of methods, such as mentoring, typical planning time, decreased first-year program or release time. Educators, who go into the field and feel overpowered with no assistance obtained to aid them to deal with difficult tasks, will probably be more disappointed with their careers.  A number of factors are likewise specific for minority teachers’ contentment with educating projects. First of all, minority teachers are more prone to work in urban educational institutions, where behavioral difficulties are likely to be more recurrent and resources are tighter (Shen et al., 2003). Student difficulties additionally are likely to be more complicated in urban educational institutions, requiring higher in-class management and teaching abilities. Research indicates that maintaining quality teachers happens to be more challenging in urban educational facilities in comparison with  suburban  institutions (Murphy, DeArmond, & Guin, 2003). Liu and Meyer (2005) discovered that minority teachers claimed less contentment than non-minority teachers when it came to student conduct and work environments in the institutions. A lot of the research related to minority teachers’ contentment is outdated, and it is essential that minority teachers’ developing complications are examined to be able to improve retention in this category.

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Analyzing the concerns that result in job discontentment and eventually teacher attrition is essential in this period of growing accountability. As a lesser number of teachers depart the field, educational solidity must enhance for minority teachers. First-year minority teachers encounter a number of complications apart from the issues that most of teachers deal with on a daily basis. New teachers could be particularly susceptible for the reason that they are struggling with new problems for the first time. Improving the diversity of the educating employees is essential as the student population gets to be progressively diversified. As a result, taking care of difficulties specific for minority teachers is imperative. Obviously, establishing a more effective comprehension of the issues, that these two groups encounter, is essential to developing a strong platform of particularly competent teachers.

Study design

The study is carried out on the basis of a qualitative approach using the method of a longitudinal survey of a university minority faculty. Qualitative methods are specifically beneficial for researching and explaining complicated phenomena and offering comprehension and classification of people’s individual feelings and understanding of phenomena (i.e.,  or insider’s point of view). The objective of qualitative research is to research human practical knowledge to uncover the techniques by which individuals establish meaning with regard to their environments and to state what those meanings tend to be. Qualitative researchers are engaged in comprehending the world from respondents’ point of view.

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By researching the people's “insider” opinions, we have the ability to evaluate the diversity environment with regard to the experiences and comprehension of the racial minority faculty members themselves. Interviewers take a look at participants’ occurrences as minorities' viewpoints on diversity and discrimination in educational circles and suggestions for development.

The research question of the study is, “What are the areas of minority first-year faculty members where the actual professional experiences least coincide with expectations?”  The Survey objectives are to:

• Aid the university management to comprehend the level of personnel contentment amid staff members;

• Determine aspects for development;

• Analyze a number of subject areas: physical work setting; the character of work interactions, possibilities for growth, and general job contentment;

• Evaluate by demographic categories.

 The survey includes a questionnaire structured into 6 major sections addressing 15 essential aspects, followed by general ratings and open-ended questions at the closing of every major section to provide for supplemental remarks on expectations. Part I will deal with Work Environment: 1) Working conditions and technology 2) Empowerment 3) Self-esteem and value ones feels when executing the work 4) Procedure for performance assessment 5) Shared dedication between the teacher and the university.

Part II will research possibilities for training, growth and job promotion.

Part III - Working Interactions: 1) Working together 2) Rating the person who is the immediate supervisor 3) Rating university management 4) Communication 5) Ethics of university workers.

Part IV - Diversity, Staff Relationships and Equal Work Opportunities: 1) Diversity and the same career options 2) Employee interaction 3)Payment and advantages.

Part V -  General contentment: 1) General contentment with the university. as a setting to work 2) Rating the university  3)Probability of working at the university. two years from now (If unlikely--a major reason why this is improbable) 4) Primary four aspects for the university administration to deal with 5) What would you desire the President of the university to realize that did not obtain coverage in this survey? 6) What tend to be the greatest aspects with regard to working at the university? 7) If you could potentially transform issues about working at the university, what might they be?

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Part VI - Demographic details.

The open-ended questions for minority first-year faculty members are as follows:

•Exactly what has been your experience as a first-year minority faculty member at the institution?

•Do you think your viewpoints differ from the viewpoints of a non-minority faculty member, generally and at the institution?

•Precisely how do you feel being a first-year minority faculty member impacts your career development at the institution?

•Do you feel first-year minority faculty discrimination at the institution? Have you encountered discrimination?

•Have you ever felt ruled out, unwanted, or not comfortable at the institution as a result of your ethnic or racial background?

•Have you ever experienced that you were over-used or exceedingly called on considering your ethnic or racial background?

•Do you think like you have particular duties according to your individual background?

•Do you sense that the institution has to improve diverseness on campus?

•What do you believe are the obstacles to improving diverseness?

•How do you believe these obstacles could be surmounted?

•How has it felt to be questioned about these issues?

The respondents are first-year minority faculty members, described as those who specified one of the following ethnic and racial groups (a) American Indian, non-Hispanic, Alaskan Native (b) Pacific Islander or Asian , non-Hispanic, (c) Black, or (d) Hispanic, irrespective of race. Data analysis focuses on determining the relationship between the lowest mean response ratings for the questions in the questionnaire and the open-ended questions at the end of each major part for extra remarks on expectations.

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Open-ended responses are independently examined using standard qualitative content-analysis techniques. Responses are read a number of times to determine repeating ideas, which, consequently, are formulated into discrete codes. These codes are utilized to brand comments in the questionnaire that displayed discrete ideas or topics. A directory of codes (the code book) that matched the topics noticed in the questionnaire is put together. Portions of text are evaluated for whether a particular code is found there. Codes are consequently arranged into domains with topical labeling, and these domains go through an impartial secondary evaluation for relevance and reliability. Ultimately, domains are utilized to produce overarching topics. The topics and the response ratings are correlated to reach findings with regards to the aspects of minority first-year faculty members where the actual professional experiences least coincide with expectations.

The limitations of the study are defined by the intrinsic focus of the study exclusively on the minority first-year faculty members and the scope of the areas as well as the number of higher educational establishments the surveyed faculty members officially represent. On a wider scale, with an increased number of contributors, the outcomes may differ. Furthermore, this study is dependent upon the peculiarities of the district where a university is located, which may limit the variation in the outcomes. More substantial correlations may turn out to be evident in other wider university settings. Future research on this approach would profit from an inner-city or more varied environments, permitting higher diversity in minority faculty setting. The results may have a restricted generalization capacity, determined by the sampling as well as the institution. Additionally, selection bias may be possible in that only specific people, who may be more engaged in the problems of minority first-year faculty, may respond to the request to participate in the survey.

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Ethical considerations

The approval to conduct such a survey must be given by the Ethics Committee of the given institution. Special consideration to vulnerable topics should be paid to keep clear of breech of ethical rules. Respondent information sheet needs to be given to the research contributors in the course of recruitment, outlining the goals, methods, potential advantages as well as rights to decline engagement in the research. Permission should be received from the respondents, and measures should be undertaken to guarantee confidentiality of data presented by the subjects.  


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