Free «Men’s Blazer» Essay Sample


The men’s blazer is a classic, faintly classy fashion that has managed to remain stylish from the time when it was discovered. It is described as a form of coat similar to an outfit coat, which is cut more informally, normally with metallic buttons, reflecting their remarkable boating alliance association. The fabric making a blazer is generally durable, as it is projected to be an open-air jacket. The assortment of blazers dates towards a past time around 1900 to the scheme that it denoted membership in an elite faction like a prestigious school, a yacht association or prestigious school. Nevertheless, it rapidly became suitable for dressy occasions and parties that did not call for an absolute suit (Jackets, 2012).

More often, the word blazer is one of the erroneously applied terms in men’s fashion. It is usually used to refer to almost any suit-type jacket; although, men’s blazer has a more precise meaning. It should also be noted that both a sport jacket and a blazer are just casual jackets that are worn on their own rather than being part of a complete suit. Although a sport jacket and a blazer are used interchangeably, the difference between them has to do with styling and fabrication. Men’s blazer is made up of a sturdier fabric (than a suit), but a smoother one than a sport jacket. A blazer is thought of a single breasted, which may come in a double breasted ahoy matey version. In addition, blazers have patch pockets instead of flaps and sometimes a blazer can come in a single breasted. For the sport coat, it is made with an earthly fabric (like the houndstooth or tweed with three buttons, a flap pocket or even an extra pocket on each side). The polished buttons that are united with a badge and sewn against the chest pocket reflects the first blazer’s naval birthplace (Men's Blazers – AskMen, n.d.). However, different countries have different specifications for men’s blazer, especially with the detailed specifications. Details like peaked lapels, buttons and other flourishes are often the characteristic of a blazer.



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The Cambridge University in the late 19th century was the mainly eminent learning institution in England and it consisted mostly of the wealth and rich students. The rowing sporting activity was highly famous in the school and this is where the idea of blazers began. Due to their fashion and trendy nature, together with their social pride, they decided to come up with a distinctive jacket, which would only be worn by the rowing club members. In order to attract more attention, they decided to be different or rather design a more different jacket, which varied from the ones their parents worn. Therefore, for them to be auto-conspicuous they took up the fire engine red color and the stylist at that time did not put a breast pocket to the blazer. The picture below represents the 1900 red-colored blazer, which was invented by the scholars at Cambridge University (1910s in Fashion, n.d.).

The style found in blazers has definitely changed over time, where, for instance, it has transformed from a customary look like the famous typical blue blazer to tawdry looks similar to the checkered blazers in the 1970s. Nowadays, people are exceptionally affectionate of firm color blazers resembling brown or grey produced from thicker fabric. On the other hand, the blazer coat has kept the similar rank of style and dressiness no matter the discrepancy it assumes (Barnes, n.d.).

In 1930s, the global economy together with the fashion and most industries were completely turned upside-down. The infamous crashing of the Great Wall Street resulted in major cutbacks on the process used to manufacture and purchase clothes. Men’s blazers were intensively restructured by creating a coat with broadened torso and its shoulders squared-off though the use of pads or wads. Moreover, blazers with double-breast pockets became famous during this time and mostly blazers had high demand during summer times and had unique colors such as tobacco brown and bottle brown (Scholte, n.d.).

Unluckily, it is simple to appear geeky dressed in a blazer – mostly if the blazer is ill-fitting. For one to circumvent this scenario the blazer’s fit ought to be extremely slender and one’s shoulders must not be excessively overpowering. The imperative of thumb in coat shoulders is to streak up one’s shoulders with the pads of the shoulder adjacent to a wall (Fashions and Clothes Styles, n.d.).

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In early 1960s the strip-styled blazers happened to be the most popular clothing amongst the British. In 1970s, the style varied where the jackets became three-color thin/thick stripe blend, having three-button sole breasted front 5/6 inch center or side vents and sleeve cuffs containing multi buttons. In addition, men’s blazer also underwent constant renovation whereby it became more fitting. The blazers took more brightly-colored trend, which were, basically, the fluorescent colors (Barnes, n.d.).

The Giorgio Armani clothing company sprung up during the 1970s and it intensely influenced the fashion world by revolutionizing the male look. The company took a radical step in coming up with differently styled men’s blazers, which revealed an absolutely relaxed and shabby look. The fashion designer made the blazers softer by taking out the lining and padding and then eliminating stiffeners of any sort. Moreover, he joined baggier pockets with thinner lapels and longer or rather loose-fitting blazers (, n.d.).

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Armani went further to create a new styled men’s blazer, which had an unstructured look and they were as soft as the silk pajamas. However, since fashions do change, the Armani designed blazers changed by early 1980s, whereby its shoulders were extended, and padding was added to them. This second sartorial improvement bestowed men with a strongly built, slim-hipped opulence.

Blazers have been known to be with a big variety of other outfits, for instance, a polo shirt or a shirt with a tie. The blazers are matched with all colored trousers ranging from jeans, beige/brown chinos, grey flannel, to classic white linen/cotton. A classically cut, fitted, double breasted sky/navy blue blazer coat having navy-mode buttons is quite a trendy design sometimes knows as the reefer blazer in the United Kingdom and North America. The attire is being used for any event, business informal or casual wear. The picture below shows the reefer-styled blazer that is navy blue and it has brass buttons, and single-breasted.

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In 1990s, there came up numerous elements of popular American culture, which highly influenced the styles of men’s blazers. Blazers were made with the purpose of expressing ones individual interests like sports teams and even hip-hop. New designers designed blazers, which were a little bit more relaxed and during this time the designers removed the big shoulder pads, which had ruled blazers of the previous years and also the giant buttons were also done away with. Moreover, the men’s blazers had more outstanding collars, which were strong and the sleeves were predominantly fitting and enlarged at the base. The blazer’s material had become lighter, comfortable, and casual that the suit coats. Also these blazers were designed to be appropriate for any work since they were lighter (Fashions & Clothes, n.d.).

The new millennium saw numerous changes to the men’s blazers even though some designers opted to mix some of the best essentials of all the preceding fashion eras. The single-breasted blazers of 1930s, the fluorescent colorations of 1960/70s, close fitting models of 1970s and the more relaxed blazers of the 1990s were all incorporated into the new fashion of blazers. Therefore, during the new millennium, the fashion styles of the new blazers did not have a specific pattern, which stood out from the others even though the new designs of blazers has simplicity in them. More importantly, suede and corduroy blazers became invented during this era and most of them were of the fitting and well-trimmed sleeves (Barnes, n.d.).

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In United States and across commonwealth countries, blazers are put on as a component of school attire and it is found in a broad spectrum of colors. Most of these school-based blazers are modeled in the convectional manner, where they have a single breast pocket having the school badge, and regularly are in bright colors (Fashions and Clothes Styles, n.d.). A sample of a college blazer showing its qualities of being less brightly colored and a school badge on the breast pocket.

Many sporting activities adopted and fashioned the blazer to fit their desires and, moreover, blazers have been known to denote victory. For instance, the topmost master’s golfer is awarded a green-colored blazer in USA.

The blazer is a gentlemanly piece of clothing and has been worn by many people including Bonaparte and Washington. It should be noted that the blazer is typically more of a casual dress.


To date, men’s blazers have diversified in that the fabric being used to manufacture them. For instance, demin has been used to make blazers currently and also blazers have been refurbished to cater for the older generation who normally go for double-breasted blazers. Therefore, t is interesting how the man’s blazer has evolved in terms of manufacturing style and also the textile used and this is majorly attributed to external influence from new cultures and innovative technology that has taken the world in a storm. Currently, men use blazers both as a casual wear and in business informal settings and many youth prefer the fashion as it appeals to them. Moreover, learning institutions have adopted and incorporated blazers as a uniform component and this shows the diversification to which the blazer clothing has developed and achieved and seemingly it will have extraordinarily many uses and in different environments. 


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