Free «Fredrick The Great» Essay Sample

Fredrick II is one of the greatest kings and rulers of their time.  Fredrick’s father was a ruler that laid a proper foundation for this young and powerful leader. In nurturing his son Fredrick William trained him and treated him like any other Prussian citizen.  Fredrick’s father had considerable interest in his son, which forced him to train and discipline him, using aggressive measures, including authorizing execution orders against him.  His father’s influenced in his life forced Fredrick to marry Elizabeth who was his father’s choice.

While on the throne, Fredrick engaged in several wars that were critical in the restructuring and raise of new Prussia. He tactfully developed a strong military base that gave him victory in most of his war battles.   He constructed the small nation of Prussia into a great nation among the European community. He developed trade channels and developed infrastructure that critically elevated the country’s contribution to common trade. He supported democracy and removed the penalty of execution to offenders.



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Fredrick demonstrated outstanding leadership, and played the true role of being commander in chief of the defence forces by actively participating and commanding his troops. He developed battle tricks and used them to defeat his opponents. Fredrick was liberal to religious stands and allowed freedom of worship. His interest in the transfer of knowledge and skills allowed him to accept protestant waivers fleeing from Maria Theresa strict catholic adherence.  He gave trade privileges equal to Prussian citizens to Jewish traders and merchants.  This encouraged and promoted the development of this nation in trade and economy. 7617Fredrick the great still remains one of the foremost leaders that history will carry their presences generations to come.  His impact and influence on Germany history is indestructible.

Fredrick The Great

Fredrick the great also known as Fredrick II has full significance to the history of Germany and forms a figure in the independence of Germany, even though Bismarck initiated the war towards independence. He remains one of the famous German rulers of all times because of his tremendous achievements in military successes and domestic governance  (Ritter,1968). He ruled as a King of Prussia from the Hohenzollem dynasty. Born in 1712, in Berlin Germany, he became a ruler at the age of 28 and ruled for 46 years. Among the famous names he acquired is an enlightened monarch, which was attributed to his works.

In his youthful age, Fredrick devoted himself to music and philosophy and unsuccessfully attempted to flee from his occupying father, Fredrick William I. his leadership qualities were inherited from his father who formed a strong army that acquired respect among other countries. Fredrick’s father trained him to be a real man through the hard way including beating him up. This forced Fredrick in his early 18 attempt to flee to England together with his childhood friends. There plan ended up in their arrest and later charged with treason. Fredrick’s father ruled the execution of his son, but was not executed instead he was forced to watch the execution of  his close friend Hans Hermann Von Katte. His father went on to choose a wife for him by the name Elizabeth Christine Von Braunschweig-Bevern, though he did not like her, Fredrick pushed through the planned wedding.

This union provided an opportunity for him to ascend to the throne after differing with his father. He resumed to his routine soldiers training even after their marriage. His father following the marriage gave him a present inform of a land, and a house to live. It is this move that made him happy and rich. (Woloch, 1982). In 1740, Fredrick Wilhelm died calling for his son to succeed him in the throne.  It is this event that marked the change and rebirth of Germany as it is today.  While, on the throne, Fredrick did not want Germany to be unified and his main goal set was to make his country Prussia better. He led Prussia to war against Austria in the famous seven  year’s war and the Bavarian succession war in 1778. There, he acted as commander in the field of war.

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Before his ascension, wise men of the land had told him that he was the leader of liberation that people have been waiting to have.  In 1740, Prussia consisted of scattered territories made of Cleves, Mark and Ravensberg that lied to the west of the Holy Roman Empire, Brandenburg among others. In his bid, to unite his vulnerable disconnected land Fredrick fought against Austria, which was under Habsburg dynasty reigned as Holy Roman Emperors. This war lasted for centuries from 15th century to 1806.  He managed to develop Prussia to be the fifth and  smallest European super power by utilizing resources already founded by his father.

Fredrick the great managed to develop Prussia then a small country with no power or trade and army to a country that led the list of the most developed and trading countries. For instance, he brought new products such as potatoes and turnips to trade in the region.  He built canal and turned swampy land into agricultural productive lands.  He developed and restructured the taxation system which brought more wealth and riches (Fraser, 2000). In social life, the king banned and condemned torture setting the stage for the country’s transition to modern  democracy. He financed the rebuilding of towns having generated resources from agricultural reforms and constructed thousands of miles of road networks.

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In 1713, he declined to endorse the pragmatic sanction for Austrian province Silesia. Silesia was one of the most prosperous regions in Austria and Fredrick envied and desired it.  His decline followed fears that Augustus III, then the king of Poland and Elector of Saxony could seek to connect his scattered land through Silesia.  This promoted his invasion to Silesia and held its power the same year . (Koch, 1978).  In his invasion, he used the 1537 treaty between the Hohenzollern and the Piast dynasty of Brieg as a justification.  It is I this first Silesian war (1740-1742) that Fredrick conquered the province, which was faced by resistance by Austria leading to the Second Silesian war (1744-1745) in trying to recover the land. Fredrick however, won again forcing his rivals to stick to the initial peace terms in the region. His victory was attributed to by his strong army that he developed under his leadership.

In 1756, war came to the menu again this time Fredrick faced France, Russia, Austria and the German Empire. Therefore, was little support from England which was determined to fight France and provide material support to Prussia. This battle saw the destruction Prussia’s resources and infrastructure. However throughout the conflict brevity of Fredrick and his army was still depicted in the organisation and discipline of his forces and top army generals.  After the takeover, Tsarina Elizabeth died allowing Peter III to change Russia’s position on Prussia. Another insider, Catherine  II assassinated peter to gain power. This move demoralised the opponents of Fredrick the great and brought the conflict to an end.  After the end, of this war Fredrick’s rapidly reconstructed his nation and in 1763, a new era began which culminated in placing Prussia at the brim of foremost European power.

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Later in his late life, Fredrick the great involved Prussia in what seemed to be a low grade war of the Bavarian Succession in 1778. In this conflict, Fredrick stifled attempts by Austria to trade the Austrian  Netherlands in exchange for Bavaria.  In 1784, he took a different side from his previous position by creating the Furstenbund, when Emperor Joseph II tried to scheme again in 1784.  This is the only move that placed Fredrick in a position of defending German liberties, in contrast to attacking imperial Habsburgs. In his war tricks, Fredrick personally led his military troops and always had six horses shot by him in every battle (Durant, & Ariel,1967). Most people today celebrate him as one of the powerful geniuses of all ages.  His greatest successes are the operational wins that prevented the unification of superior opposing forces that attacked his regime. These tactics placed his enemies far from Prussian’s core territories.

On religious life, Fredrick accommodated tolerance on religious beliefs. This was proved by the retention of Jesuits as religious instructors in Silesia, Warmia and the Netze after pope Clement XIV took over.  In his brevity, Fredrick saw the educational skills in the Jesuits to the importance and the impact they would have on his nation.  His passion to attract massive skills into his country explained his  flexibility in the matter. To him the religious belief did not matter as long he would what he wanted (Amanda, 1998).  He particularly allowed trainers from Jesuit, Huguenot citizen and Jewish merchants and bankers. He used these tactics to transfer skills from these professionals to his own country men and women. He accepted numerous protestant weavers from Bohemia region avoiding the devoutly catholic rule of Maria Theresa.  The reward for these weavers included tax exemption and military services. He particularly allowed Jews on the polish border to perform all trade activities they wanted and provided them with the necessary protection and support. He gave them all the privileges of Prussian citizens.

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His devotion to the army allowed him to allocate about half of the state’s revenue to the defence forces.  He also initiated and  completed the construction of a new foundation of new military tradition in Prussia, which came to its end with Adolf Hitler’s collapse. This great leader of history through the edge of war acquired new land and improved the living conditions for peasants. It was his devotion to making happy peasants that are better peasants.  He also initiated and created public organisation that simplified trade with food commodities. In his leadership, he controlled and monitored prices thus allowing reasonable prices and reliable availability of food even in difficult economic times.

Fredrick the great had exceptional talent for music and was a gifted musician. In his life time, Fredrick composed over 100 sonatas for transverse flute that he played with professionalism (Frank, 1942).  History owes him for the composition of Hohenfriendberger Marsch, which is a military march  that he composed to commemorate his Victory in the Hohenfriedberg war.  In Fredrick’s regime, he ensured that Austria would not devour German resources and territories. The land mark left by this renowned leader has perpetual existence and cannot be destructed in the history of the Germans and Europe.


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