Free «Agriculture Economics, International Business and Communication» Essay Sample

The tradition of excellence in this field in the university was one of the things which attracted me into choosing agriculture economics. I wanted to choose a course with a history of good performance not only in the university but also with an impact to the growth of the nation. During my research on the course, I understood that the course falls in the school of economic sciences and that there are several recent journals written including the American Journal of Agricultural economics. With this in hand and mind, I was definite that I have fallen on the right track of the kind of course I ever wanted to take.

The career path of students at WSU in agriculture economics is supported by willing staff members of the school who not only give educational support but they are also mentors to the students in social matters. The school is also equipped with updated scientific resources which make learning interesting and updated.

Dealing with matters affecting the world population has ever been my interest and food security being one of the issues facing the population, studying agriculture economics as a major is a major step in doing what I have always wanted. In addition to having interest in matters affecting the world population, research work is part of what I take pleasure in doing and the course has the opportunity for the activity.



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 However, in agriculture economics, I realize that I have to study scientific facts and also have hands-on experience on the same. I realize that agriculture economics intersects science and economics. I really like studying economics but I never enjoyed studying sciences; however since it’s a requirement in the course, I have to put up with it.

Major achievements of WSU in agriculture motivated me in choosing the major. I learnt that WSU one of the leading agriculture research centres in the world. This means that while learning there will be interaction with successful professors with national and international knowhow.

What a typical student does after graduation

Agriculture economics is a wide field offering variety of positions which include market researchers, food brokers, and product analysts. Major employees are private industries, government agencies, commercial farms, and universities.

For a freshman the following are the perquisite courses for the agriculture economics major;

AS 101: Introductory Animal Science

Chem 101: Introduction to Chemistry

CropS/Hort 102: Cultivated Plants

AFS 101: Introduction to Agricultural and Food Systems

HD 205: Communication in Human Relations

Once enrolled for the program the following courses are core to the students

Econ 102: Fundamental Macroeconomics

Math 202: Calculus for Business

EconS 351: Introduction to Food/Agricultural Markets

EconS 450: Advanced Farm and Ranch Management

EconS 452: Adcanced Business Management Economics

Requirement for graduation

An average GPA of 2.50 and above is must for courses and an accumulative GPA of not less than 2.5. In addition, the student must have not less than 60 credit hours. A professional internship and a GPA of 2.5 are compulsory to all students in order to graduate. Upon graduation, in order to join graduate school, strong skills in statistics, English composition and mathematics are recommended. Since the program requires involvement in research work, students prefer working together in order to have productive work. The economics club in particular play a major role in motivating the students to work since it brings them together and gives them the opportunity to share ideas.

This exercise has been of significance in helping me track down whether I made a good decision in taking the major. It has helped me reflect on information regarding the program thus giving more insight into the program.

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International Business

When choosing my majors, I looked at courses which are closely related since I understand that this would make my studies easy to carry on. Choosing courses which are related would also make it interesting since it would make it easy to derive ideas from one course to the other. International business was another major course of my choice; the field interested me since I like taking courses which requires a global consideration in discussing issues.

 International business looks at global market when dealing with trade and commerce in general. When looking at a global market, there are aspects of business that are never left out including political environment, economics, and cultural aspects. With this information about the course in mind, I am sure that agricultural economics and international business are linked by the fact that the two courses share a similar idea of global business.

Just like agriculture economics, international business program does exemplary good at WSU. The presence of updated equipments and classrooms stand as one of the driving force in the excellence of the program. The professors are also experienced with in-depth research knowledge and they appreciate the significance of globalization of business. Some of the core areas of study in the major include business law, foreign language finance, tourism, marketing and management.

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Students in the university have formed clubs to enhance learning and interaction among students with interest in business world. For instance, Entacus is a club that focuses on business ideas through projects. Cougar Entrepreneurs club encourages creativity to interested entrepreneurs-to-be.

Requirements for certification

International business just like other business majors in the university is competitive and strict accreditations are required to take the program. Certification of the major must meet the following requirements; completion of the course with a GPA of 2.50 and above in ACCTG 230, 231; B LAW 210; MGTOP 215; ECONS 101, 102; ENGLISH 101; MATH 201, 202; and MIS 250. The student must also a cumulative GPA of not less than 2.5 and not less than 60 credit hours. Graduation requirement is a minimum of GPA 2.5.

The potential employers of students with an international business degree include government agencies, intergovernmental agencies and multinational corporations.


My third choice of major course was influenced by the fact that to succeed in a global business, there is need to have deep understanding in the evolving field of communication. Communication studies involve studying how information is conveyed; this is a vital resource in various fields including the world of business. The communication program at WSU is offered in three units namely; communication and society, journalism and media production, and strategic communication. However, the three units are all core while taking the program meaning that every student must take each of the units to complete the course.

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The striking idea about the three units is that they will not only help the students in professional field but they provide variable platform for the students to get ideas on how to relate with people of different cultures in the day to day activities. Therefore apart from the academic importance of the program, it offers an opportunity for the students to pursue social interests. This further improved by the fact that a full program requires the students to have hands-on practice and students get the chance to have experience before graduating.

The information I learnt about the strengths of WSU communication program grounded my confidence that I chose a good major.  Just to mention a few, I learnt that WSU has been ranked as one of the best television broadcasters and the best in public relations impacts all over Northwest. A good number of professors in the program are award winners for their professional work and their research work has been recognized with high standards. WSU has also been recognized as the only broadcaster with a comprehensive program in the state.

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Requirements in communication program

The course outline of the program puts emphasis on research, writing and creativity. The goal of the program is to improve competence in communication especially now that the world has become a global village. In order to graduate, the student must have an assessed internship in order to have practical experience in market research, writing, principles of building long term relationships, and management.

30 credits hours with the following courses are compulsory in order to join major in communication; Media and society, Communication in Global Contexts and Communication Orientation. Admission to the program also involves taking a writing test and consideration of cumulative GPA. Once enrolled, two core courses are Multimedia Content Creation and
Writing in Communication. The communication major also requires specialization in either advertising or public relations. Certification requires; COM 101 and 105, Sophomore standing  and a pass in written grammar exam.


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