Free «Juvenile Delinquency» Essay Sample


Through understanding and evaluating several homes that have both parents and those that have single parents it means that kids grow and adapt a lifestyle in accordance to the way their parents bring them to the later age. Most children who are born from single parents have the tendency of being spoiled since the mothers or the fathers do not have more time for them unlike the children from both parents this kind of kids are monitored at all costs. Taking an instance of Eminem the rapper who was brought up by a drunken addict mother and his father disappeared during his young age he grew up with that pain to the extent that he abuses the father and the mother for not taking good care of him. In this case the kids from the single parents thus adapt the bad behavior mostly the boys this if because they lack the father figure and thus if they tend to get out the grudge from one parents since the other one is not there. Mostly for the kids who have both parents and for instance both parents usually drink or fight in the home the child tends to adapt and thus grows with it till he/she becomes married. This affects them mentally and emotionally knowing how let's say one of the parents used to make the other one suffer. The paper explores the changing face of kids in their homes in line with the situations they are going through in their day to day living. The paper concludes with the observation that, single parents kids suffer most more than those kids brought up with both parents (Wolfgang, 1987).



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Statement of the problem

The actions associated with homes having kids with single parents is hard to determine since the kids are thus grown and brought up in accordance to the life the parent is living and with this they usually adapt both the good and bad behaviors leading to the delinquency juvenile cases that are used as counseling or even as jails for the actions that they have committed for instance murder and rape cases. It is through this that the kids adapt more problems since the parents at some point doesn't care and at the end the parents comes out crying for their kids even though they did not treat them as required this cases are for instance when a mob justice comes against the child due to lack of care and thus he/she goes out to steal. The other case is when the kid involves themselves in drug trafficking while the parent does not notice the child is thus taken to juvenile where he might be jailed for years and when they come out they release the grudge by even killing their own parents. The different with the kids from the two parents is even if the child involves themselves in bad acts the other parent for example mother will always know and this can be solved since they are always monitored and brought up very well unlike the kids from single parents (Gilmore, 1990).

Literature review


A vision refers to the overall goal that the parents aspire towards their kids.  Going through MacDonald's profile, there is nothing clear to qualify being termed as a vision. Unless parents clearly know the purpose of its existence, it is hard to achieve such a purpose. In spite of striving to deliver good image to the kids, parents will provide good way through the long experience that they have gathered over the years need to envision being the global destination for not only quality life but also variety in order to remain relevant to their kids (Hearn, 2004).


In its mission statement, it strives to achieve this by employing he kids to emulate the good things and avoid the bad things in the world. Although such a statement sounds good, it lacks a clear direction as to the real end result expected. Delivering quality knowhow to the kids is not enough in the homes to enable it achieve a vision of being a global. The question it should answer in the statement is whether it is offering to the kids what they require to understand (Gilmore, 1990).

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Objectives of the Research Study

The Objective designed for this research study is aimed at investigates how kids from single parents have a big problem compared to those kids who are brought up from both parents. This study has not been carried out there giving rise to the knowledge gap that needs to be filled. The findings from this research will fill this knowledge gap and add to the current literature. Findings from this study will also be very significant in identifying the determinants that can be changed to design the best strategies in order to come up with simpler and improvised ways of improving the life styles of the kids. However, the objectives also assist in eliminating the challenges that are brought about due to lack of parenting by the single mothers as compared to the care that is offered to the kids by both parents who are living together. The research conducted to the role of parents among their kids shows that both parents play a major role as compared to the parents who raise their children as single. All these modifications have been done because the multiple effect parents requires is designed to for the benefit of their kids and thus through inputting rules to the kids It improves their way of living  and thus to avoid them from being taken to jails due to misbehaving Criminological (Research Institute of Lower Saxony, 2000).

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Scope of the research

This thesis will deal with the concept of the juvenile delinquency of the kids from single and both parents in the society. It will be based on the balanced scorecard method which measures the ways the kids live with their parents and among themselves in the outside world. The relation between the kids and their parents as being the output of the cause will be examined to find out whether if they are positively, negatively, or not related.  Also, the awareness will be raised to make sure that the parents bring together their kids and help them to have a good life.

The scope also entails of how kids relate with their parents in terms of livelihood and the way they treat their kids in terms of love and care towards them.  It also shows how the incorporation of the parents with the kids will bring harmony among themselves. The scope also, expresses how kids try to emulate what their parents teach them and so the parents will be required to avoid certain things or do them outside the sight of their kids (Wolfgang, 1987).

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Many kids depends on their  parents and if they do not support them then there will be a great problem that may result to the kids having trauma with life and living with grudges that they were nor assisted by their parents during their younger age at all. However, since the kids depends on the treatments from their parent it will be necessary if the parents will guide their kids to live in love and harmony at all times so that such cases as juvenile delinquencies will not be acted to them.


This study is carried out through a case study method. The parents states of the kids from both the parents and those having single parents. The situation is presented in comparison to what the kids from both parents and those from single parents hold among their way of living. The study will be a qualitative research, as the qualitative methods will be more appropriate in understanding meanings and experiences relevant to the kids living with single parents. Quantitative methods might however be used if the need arises. Qualitative methods have however, been criticized for not having the scientific firmness. Some researchers have gone further in an attempt to provide systematic approaches to assess its quality for example, identified several dimensions along with which the reliability of quality studies can be assessed: transferability, dependability, credibility, authenticity, and conformability. Guided by the above-mentioned principles, the research will recognize the importance of providing reliable, verifiable, and credible data (Gilmore, 1990). 

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The research design will involve a mixed methods approach to help understand the potential achievements towards having both parents than having just single parents within homes. In order to come up with an in depth interpretation concerning the aims, there are certain variables that needs to be identified so that there can be great concern of the data that is used successfully in the field to come up with the goals of the research, therefore this variables include child labor, child parental satisfaction and basic child support by both parents. These variables will be fundamentally extended with the examination of the literature that was studied previously and thus this will need to from the research as it can be expressed in the homes.

Secondary and primary data collection methods will be used in the research study. The secondary methods to be employed will include literature review, and policy and legislative analysis. Primary methods will include focus group discussions, focused interviews with key informants, interviews with parents who are single and those who are both in different regions and surveying the attitudes and beliefs across various regions. The data will thus be used to show how really is the importance of developing kids with both parents for this will reduce the effects that comes from kids of single parents.

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Considering the questions to be answered by this research, a comprehensive social cultural instrument will be developed. Perceptions, attitudes, and opinion questionnaire (PAOQ) will be informed by literature review and the social cultural factors that are relevant to the target regions. They will also be scientifically validated before administering them across a representative sample in each target region. Using a like scale, the PAOQ will be a self-reporting assessment of perceptions, attitudes and the opinions of the parents and kids that will be designed for both different regions. The questionnaire will contain several sections: parents with single kids, divorced, with both parents and those who do not get support at all and have both parents. The researcher hopes to administer the questionnaires within group settings. The survey that was conducted thus showed that kids with both parents had an effective legible effect over the kids with single mothers. It also stated that many kids from single mothers had adopted the ways of their parents more than those from both parents and this have caused many to suffer at the end since no one is available to give them guideline s and the result is to juvenile delinquencies upon them (Hearn, 2004).

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Sampling method will be used for the PAOQ. The researcher aims to administer 500 questionnaires across the targeted regions. The questionnaires distribution will depend on the region's population with regions with the high population getting more questionnaires. The researcher also aims for 50-50 representation of the males and females. The key variable will include gender, education, socioeconomic status, age and rural/ urban.


The researcher will then analyze the PAOQ data using the statistics package for social sciences version 16. The given variables will be analyzed and their contribution to the topic measured. Frequencies will be used to provide the statistics and graphical displays that will be useful in describing the variables to be measured. Cross tabulation, method will also be employed to measure the association of variables. To investigate the possible gender effects, ANOVAs test will be used and conducted between the men and the women on all dependent variables. The researcher however has the mandate to use any other data analysis technique depending on the kind of data that will be obtained from the field.

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Conclusion and recommendations

As the researcher undertaking the situation about parents and kids it is important to understand the process and give some truth condition descriptions on the re-build projects and the local people's recovery life. It is good for the parents to promote their children welfare process and also to try in contribute good morals which will increase in the process of credibility in the future.

The word of mouth is the best way for the parents to use to the kids and homes so that kids can build confidence with their parent's at homes. Therefore the parents can ally with juvenile courts and sponsorship agencies in each country that is developing to carry out some training and counseling processes to the kids. For example, to invite people who have donated money to the countries that needs assistance so that they can expand all the information's about parental relationships.


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