Free «Aircrafts Fuel Lines Change Procedures» Essay Sample

Aircraft fuel line maintenance is carried out to ensure the optimal flow of oil within the system. This ensures that the aircraft can accelerate and decelerate within the prescribed rates. Effective maintenance of this system ensures that the aircraft is able to pump fuel to the propulsion system. Such fuel systems are different from one aircraft to another in relation to theperformance of an aircraft that they are installed in. For instance, while an aircraft with one piston has a simple fuel system; heavy tankers not only have the power to manage its fuel reserves, but can also provide fuel to other airplanes (Kinnison, 2004).

In a multi-engine aircraft, each of the wing tanks has its boost pump. In single engine aircrafts, cross feeding of the engine occurs where one of the tanks from either right or left provide fuel to the engine. To balance the asymmetric weight, the flow valves, as well as pumps are used in feeding the engine with fuel.  Turbine fuel systems are different from those of single engine operations. Flights using this form of fuel system have high capabilities for going to high altitudes, longer flights, as well as flying to areas with lower levels of temperatures. To avoid the fuel humidity from solidifying (normally at -55degrees Celsius), such tanks are equipped with thermometers, as well as heating system. Turbine fuel systems often burn fuel at a higher rate than the other forms of engines. It is also worth noting that in turbine systems, the fuel needs to be injected via a combustor. This ensures that the fuel is channeled at high rates and pressures.



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The component of oil line maintenance is a part of the ATA 79. It deals with units, as well as components that are external to an engine and concerned with the storage, as well as delivery of lubricating oil engine into and out of the engine. It covers all of the units, such as inlet fittings and outlet fittings among other auxiliary oil flow systems. It is also a part of the ATA 28. This ATA deals with components, as well as units that are used in storage and delivery of the fuel. This includes tank interconnectors, ventilating systems and tank sealing, among others. It is also a part of ATA 12, which is concerned with the maintenance of the entire aircraft and periodic servicing (Aircraft Parts Manufacturing Assistance, 2012).

Part 2: Aviation Maintenance Task

The first step involves checking for the sound igniter within a period of 12 seconds after ignition. This begins 20 seconds after switching on the ECU. If the igniter cannot be heard, the maintenance technician has no option, but to replace the transmitter. The next step involves checking the tank that contains the fuel. If such a tank is found to be empty or low, the maintenance technician needs to fill it with a JP-4 fuel.

Step three in the fuel line maintenance involves checking whether the ETI meter is operating normally. If its needle is rotating up and down normally, it is clear that the meter is operating properly. If the ETI meter is found not to be running, there is a need to the disable switch for the pump is placed in its OUT position. Moreover, if the ETI meter is not operating normally and the pump disable switch is already set out to its right position, there is a need to replace the transmitter.

Step four involves checking the exhaust port after an attempted start. This is mainly done with an aim of checking for any signs of oil dripping. If the fuel is not dripping, there is a need to adjust the fuel flow into the right way. If fuel is found to be dripping via the exhaust port, there is a need to set the switch for pump disabling to its centre position and run the aircraft’s ASU blower for at least five minutes.

Step five involves assessment of the flow of fuel in the entire fuel system. If the fuel flow, having been measured in step four, is found to be extremely small or non-existent, the technician needs to replace the oil transmitter. On the other hand, if the fuel flow is still too slow shaven after replacement, there is a need for the maintenance technician to call AVIM for further assistance (Kinnison, 2004). The sixth step involves V1 fuel flow and setting it from the aircraft, placing it on a level ground. The fuel tank is removed from the modulator, as well as the transmitter. The fuel tank is set upright; making sure the fuel is half full. The maintenance technician needs to insert an instrument with a blunt end into the aircraft’s seal end of its fuel line, disconnecting the fitting. If the fuel does flow out of this fitting, fuel line in such transmitter is malfunctioning.

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On the other hand, if the fuel fails to flow out of the fitting, it is the fuel line in the transmitter that is malfunctioning. The fuel line in the fuel tank is equally malfunctioning. If such a malfunction occurs in the fuel line in transmitter, there is a need to replace the fuel line. However,, if the malfunction is occurring in the fuel line of the fuel tank, there is a need to replace the fuel tank. There is equally need to ensure that fuel flow occurs within the right temperatures. This would be achieved by ensuring that the fuel regulator knob is working effectively. When the desired level of fuel flow is attained, there is a need to tighten the fuel regulator of the control knob (United States Department of the Army, 1991).

The maintenance manual used in identification of the above is obtained from the United States of America Defense Department. It was established with an aim of ensuring that security aircrafts are maintained at the highest levels of standard at all times. This manual is highly detailed and provides a clear blue print in ensuring that maintenance of aircrafts in the organization adhere to best practice maintenance practices in the aviation industry.

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After implementation of the above maintenance process, documentation is done on maintenance procedures. This acts as an important tool of trouble shooting in the future.

Maintenance documentation completed during and after task acts as an important tool of trouble shooting in the future. Future maintenance not only relies on the observed problems in the future, but also on the documented problem-solving procedures carried out in the past.

It is worth noting that in the aircraft industry, maintenance documentation often involves high numbers of pages. There is, thus, a need to employ the use of electronic technical manuals that clearly define the description language. Such languages include the XML topic map for various procedures. Beyond the syntax data, such a language is employed in capturing semantic information. Such information is used for multiple adoption of semantic information used in adaptation of systems to multiple output modalities and devices (Springer Link, 2012).

Any Relevant Safety Precautions Related to the Performance of This Task

Various safety precautions, as well as procedures, are employed in maintenance of an aircraft fuel line system.  The lubricating oil normally contains poisonous additives that are easily absorbed through the skin. There is, thus, a need to ensure that the maintenance team does not get into contact with such lubricants. It is also clear that oil releases fumes that are harmful to one’s health (Integrated Publishing, 2012). It is, thus, necessary for people undertaking such maintenance to prevent any form of injury. It should also be noted that the fuel used is highly flammable. There is, thus, a need to ensure that no smoking or any other source of fire is close to the maintenance location. Having gloves is also important in preventing hand injuries on the maintenance team.

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During the fuel line maintenance procedures, a number of problems have been encountered. This is with regards to the timing of the maintenance duration, since an organization may not be willing to place all of their aircrafts under maintenance, leaving customers stranded. There is, thus, a need to match aircraft rest time with maintenance period. Maintenance of the fuel line involves assessment of various components of the aircraft that supports propulsion. Replacing some parts of the aircraft may sometimes distort the intended functionality. This calls for high level of product specifications when procuring aircrafts’ spare parts.


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