Free «Information Technology» Essay Sample

Behavioral Targeting

Behavioral targeting is a variety of techniques and technologies that are utilized by online website advertisers and publishers, which boosts effectiveness of their operations by capturing data generated by websites and landing page visitors. This is done with permission from visitors. If it is done without the consent of the visitor, it is considered as violation of browser’s security as well as illegal in several States’ confidentiality policy, data safeguarding and end user safeguarding laws.

When a consumer visits a website, a profile is created by the sites that link to the visitor’s Web browser. This is achieved by collecting information on pages they visit, the links they click on, the amount of time they view each page, the searches they make and the information they interact with. Publishers use this information to make defined audience sections based upon users that have the same profile. If a user returns to the specific website or collection of sites with the same Web browser, the profiles are used to let advertisers to place their online advertisements at the front of those visitors who show a greater level of interest and purpose for the services and products that are offered.



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There are two main categories of behavioral targeting: the first is onsite behavioral targeting and the second is offside behavioral targeting. Onside behavioral targeting refers to a method that utilizes visitors’ behavior to target a particular content, which is believed to be more appropriate to a group of visitors. It is preceded by including investigation of users and their distinctiveness. This is by using web analytics tools. On the other hand, offside behavioral targeting refers to a technique, which advertising companies employ in order to increase advertisement targeting. This may be creating profiles according to themes certain users like. 

Theoretically that properly embattled advertisements will fetch more consumer interests, and the publisher is able to charge a top fee for these advertisements over a random advertising basing on the framework of a site. Behavioral targeting has a number of benefits. With behavioral targeting, it is possible to get to and detect customers basing on their behavior hence relevant advertisements are engaged to them. This improves online advertising performance, and reduces waste.

Creating this profiles basing on the needs of a site visitor will ensure that the visitor sees the relevant products. With this, the company is able to advertise the products to the relevant customers. This will increase the sales of the company since a large number of people are in need of the same products, which are targeted. Moreover, cost of advertisement is greatly reduced, since the targets mark specific relevant consumers.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a technology that facilitates use of computer resources i.e. hardware and software over a network. This network is typically the Internet. There are many types of public cloud computing. This includes: platform as a service (PaaS), infrastructure as a service (IaaS), storage as a service (STaaS), software as a service (SaaS), security as a service (SECaaS), data as a service (DaaS), test environment as a service (TEaaS), desktop as a service (DaaS), backend as a service (BaaS), and API as a service (APIaaS).

Users of cloud computing are able to store data, run their business and use cloud services with reduced investment in new infrastructure, licensing new software or training new staff members. There are a variety of ways to store data over the Internet. Users are able to store and access data around the world and manage email accounts that facilitate unlimited storage with no worry of storage space. Cloud storage and services platforms are offered by a number of companies some of them include Amazon-S3 and Nivani among others.

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Cloud computing reduces the cost of both the hardware and the software. It allows loading of one application, which allows workers/users to log into a web-based service that hosts all the programs that the user would need for his/her job. Computers, owned by another company that is offering the service (cloud computing), run all the programs. This greatly reduces hardware and software demand on the user’s side. The only program a user needs to be able to run is simple cloud computing system interface software.

Data storage services refer to the storing of data over the Internet.  Usually this activity is referred to as storage of a service (StaaS). With cloud computing any user’s needs are presented with a robust infrastructure, which surpasses the needs of any consumer who are having an Internet connection. StaaS lets users to save data on distant storage systems, which are maintained by a third party. The user, from his working station, is able to access this data through the Internet i.e. the user establishes a connection between the user’s computer and the database.

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To select a good service provider, there are some factors that one needs to consider. This includes cost considerations, disaster recovery plan, services offered and security.

In Canada, there are several companies, which are offering cloud computing services. These companies include: Canadian Cloud Computing Inc., Cloud Path.

Enterprise Systems

Enterprise system (ER) refers to a large-scale application software parcels that funds business processes, reporting, information flows and data analytics in complex organizations. These are packaged enterprise application software systems. Enterprise systems have different types. This includes enterprise supply planning systems, customer relationship management and enterprise planning system.

The Enterprise system is a software package, which is specifically designed to integrate computer systems and which manages the entire phases of enterprise’s operation to make possible collaboration and synchronization of operations across the enterprise. The main objective of the enterprise system is to put together very important business processes. These processes include human resource, accounting, sales, finance, manufacturing and inventory. An ideal enterprise system is able to control most important business processes in real time over single software architecture. Enterprise system is used widely and its scope has expanded to facilitate linkage between business partners, suppliers and customers.

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Customer relationship management (CRM) is an enterprise system used for handling a company’s interaction with customers, sales prospects, and clients. This involves by means of technology to automate, organize and synchronize business processes majorly sales activities, marketing customer service and technical support. Its main objectives are to find, attract and win new clients, service and retain those whom the company already has, attract previous clients to come back, and lessen the cost of marketing and client service. CRM defines a company - wide business plan including customer – interface sections as well as other departments.

CRM facilitates collection of materials that classifies customers’ buying habits, including frequency and preferences, which gives the business a closer appearance at their customers’ wants and needs. This knowledge on customers will facilitate offering of better customer service. CRM provides simplified marketing and targeting. This is through making a wide range of data available to the company owners and departments. This information makes them to target specific consumers hence improved customer service. CRM facilitates understanding of the customer during their entire lifecycle. This makes the management to provide customized customer service to a specific customer.

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Customer relationship management (CRM) has a number of advertisements. Firstly, it facilitates automation of sales. This complete controlling of the sales, empowering of sales teams to manage effectively, forecast and report on all phases of the sales cycle. Also, there is guarantee of customer satisfaction. This is through facilitating customer interactions and to an extent of even allowing customer controlled access. CRM automates marketing process. These advantages creates a very excellent customer service thus an implication that CRM will enhance the best customer service.  

Search for Information Using Mobile Phones or HTML5

Mobile applications are a software that has the ability to function on a mobile device like an MP3 player or cell phone that will let the gadget to perform specific tasks that are typically limited to PCs. These applications are becoming popular since almost every person possesses a mobile gadget.

Developing an application for mobile operating systems is advantageous. Firstly, the application will give the customer the exact information since the application is customized to pass the specific information to the customer. Secondly, the company is able to know the number of customers whom it is targeting since the number can be compared with the number of applications that have been downloaded. Thirdly, with mobile applications, the company is able to present change the information of a product easily. Despite these advantages, mobile applications have disadvantages.

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Mobile applications run on a specific operating system. Since the operating systems of mobile devices vary, it means that an application for each operating system has to be developed. This is a very expensive process and the company may end up making losses. Moreover, mobile applications are limited to people with mobile devices that support this application. This implies that people with devices that do not support this application will be exempted from the company’s information. This directly shows that the number of targeted people is limited to those people with mobile devices that support mobile applications.

Development of HTML5 has more advantages than developing an application for each mobile device. HTML5 is OS independent. This means that one code is developed once and the same code is used in different environments and in many different markets. A single set of code facilitates less maintenance hence lowering the lifetime cost. An HTML5 website is the best for presenting a company’s information for its product. Since it can be accessed with all the mobile devices independent of the operating system despite this advantage; moreover, the website is expensive in its development and hosting


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