Free «The North Country Movie» Essay Sample

The issue of conflict is the core matter of concern for the North Country movie. The director initiated the plot as per the revelations of the conflicts. The entire plot revolves around Josey Aimes, a single mother to two children. As she left her abusive husband she was in need for a job. This is the need that made her undergo various levels of personal and sexual compromises. The entire story tries to depict the actual scenario behind the declarations made by a woman who actually wants to settle down and earn her living. As she gets into the mines her daily life turns tough. Earning of the daily bread and to provide livelihood to her children, made her undergo serious physical and mental strains.

The latent conflict in the film has been depicted through the willingness of Josey to provide a better life for her children. However se can well perceive that by working in the mines she cannot actually give them a better life. The torments of physical hurdles and the tough life of the mines leads her to the stage where she actually feels the conflict of her life and thus manifests her will power to deal with the job and her personal life. She is not a woman to see defeat so soon and thus turns up to be a strong ideal personality. She is determined to provide a better life for her children and for the same she accepts all kinds of physical and mental troubles.



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The film as a whole shows the sexual and the mental harassments of the mines life and the struggle that has been well felt by Josey. It is a persuasive story based on the actual Lois Jenson,who was working at EVTAC mine in Eveleth of Minnesota in 1975. It is through her struggles that the film pictures the factual instances of leading a tough professional and personal life by a woman.


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