Free «Pay Appraisal» Essay Sample


Work needs reward and a worker is rewarded in shape of remuneration. Life is very hard it needs constant hard work to have sufficient money for bread and butter. The matter is not only for bread and butter but also the artificial life has engaged everyone to maintain and upgrade life standards. This urge of maintaining and upgrading the life standard needs more hard work to get pay appraisal and other benefits. It is very simple and straightforward formula that increase in remuneration on the performance of worker will ultimately allow him/her to spend more and upgrade his/her living standard. Therefore, this purely economic and professional formula has some social aspects as well.

The concept of feedback system in pay appraisal:

The concept of pay appraisal in reference of feedback system is the best option. Especially in the big organizations management can’t evaluate everyone’s performance. Even middle management would become unable to realize the actual efforts of every worker. So, this vacuum can be filled with the system of feedback in pay appraisal. And in my sense it is the only thing which will give you the actual report on performance of a worker. It is noticed in many case studies that where no system applied for worker evaluation. It will create panic situation for management as well as for worker. Therefore, a strong feedback system in pay appraisal should in place to fuel the organizational as well as personal performance.



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Feedback from supervisors, peers, subordinates, customers, and one’s self:

Another thing is the system would be fruitful when it covers all aspects in all respect. In the feedback system of pay appraisal it is mandatory to cover all stakeholders to conclude a realistic result. The circle of feedback includes feedback from supervisors, peers, subordinates, customers and one’s self. It gives a very comprehensive and realistic view to the management, middle management and other concerned officers to properly appraise worker’s contribution and took the right decision for pay appraisal.

Interesting: System means satisfaction:

When a system covers all aspects so it has quite comprehensive appraise for pay appraisal. There is very less chances for a wrong decision with a strong system applied like system of feedback. Therefore, system means satisfaction and in reference of feedback system for pay appraisal as discussed above is the best. It gives you the complete overview and helps you to decide the best for each worker and avoid panic situation for each party.


At the end of treatise, it is better to state that there is no alternate of system. System always helps you to streamline the efforts and directions. Therefore, system should be placed to be satisfied in all decision with endow.


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