Free «Round Midnight» Essay Sample

The Round Midnight is a story of a once great American jazz artist of American origin. He is the tenor sax player called Dale Turner. The American musician having been forgotten in his home country decides to travel to France. He decides to earn a living as a musician in Paris. Despite his talent in jazz music, Turner has a big problem; is addicted to alcohol. He is befriended by a French music lover Francis Borler. Borler discovers that Turner is struggling against depression, alcoholism, and drug addiction. Out of sympathy, Borler decides to help the American music artist to reform by being his caretaker. As a result, Turner’s health improves significantly.

The video Round Midnight is a success not only in performance but also iin terms of its theme. The director Bertrand Tavervinier is practical on what happens to most jazz music artists. Despite their talent, some of them are involved in serious malpractices such as drug addiction and alcoholism. These musicians normally need the help and support of other people. Through portraying Turner destroying himself, Tavervinier sounds the alarm on the impending death of jazz music.



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Bertrand Tavervinier is successful in the way he incorporates starling music performance and his story. Very few movie directors are able to do this. The viewers, therefore, benefit both from the story and music. One amazing thing with the Round Midnight movie is that it maintains the jazz authentic atmosphere. This is made possible by the stunning jazz music performance by Tenor sax technically brilliant jazz legend Dexter Gordon and his fellow players. The music played in this movie is well beyond average standards. The Academy Award-winning Herbie Hancock’s supervises the musical performance to ensure that the music is of “class”. This superb organization clearly demonstrates Tavernier’s keenness on oral and visual complexities of the jazz world. To say the least, the movie Round Midnight is a great success.


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