Free «Citizen Kane» Essay Sample

Citizen Kane is a drama movie that was produced in 1941. This is Orson Welles’s initial feature film, in which he plays the roles of the writer, producer, and director. Citizen Kane depicts the life and picture of Charles Foster Kane (Orson Welles), the illusory newspaper publisher. This movie portrays the life of William Randolph Hearst, who had a successful stint as a working-class, unsuccessful politician, and a recognized newspaper tycoon. This paper discusses three main business related points as demonstrated in the movie.

It is evident that business requires good leadership to ensure efficient management and quick adaptation to new trends in the market. After getting his inheritance, Kane purchases the Inquirer, a New York City based newspaper (Welles). The paper is managed in an inefficient and old fashioned manner, but Kane transforms it by sucking old employees and initiating an approach of tabloid sensationalism, patriotic rhetoric and populist muckraking to boost its circulation tremendously. This approach turns the Inquirer into a formidable political and journalistic force.



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It is crucial to note that some businesses thrive as a result of malpractices such as dishonest and propaganda. Kane turned the Inquirer into a scandal-mongering paper that was not interested in telling readers the truth. The paper publishes false stories such as “Spanish Armada off the coast of New Jersey” that increases its circulation and sales rates at the expense of the reader (Welles). Additionally, Kane promotes the magnitude of some news items through the printing of unreasonably large headlines. Kane explains to one of his employees who is dissatisfied by his actions, "If the headline is big enough, it makes the news big enough” (Welles).

In conclusion, to experience growth and businesses should motivate employees. This is evident from the movie when Kane allures most outstanding journalists away from his rivals by giving them exceptionally hefty salaries and lavish entertainment. Through this treatment, employees work hard to achieve Kane’s business goals.


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