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“Hana’s Suitcase” is a true non-fiction story where the director of the Tokyo Holocaust Centre, Fumiko Ishioka, is struggling to inform the youth in Japan concerning the revulsion of the Holocaust. She tries to do this by bringing something substantial to show the realism of the conflict nearer to home; she obtains a suitcase belonging to a child that originated from Auschwitz. Records highlighted with the paint on the front are the names Hana Brady and a birth date: May 16, 1931 as well as the term orphan. The kids are anxious to discover all they can in regard to Hana. Who is she? Where does she originate from? What befell her? Fumiko Ishioka assured the kids that she would carry out all the necessary investigations in her power to find out. This is the first plot of the story since it is about Fumiko Ishioka trying to enlighten the youths in Japan. While on a visit to Auschwitz in 1999, Fumiko Ishioka asked for a finance boost of children's stuffs, objects that would put across the tale of the Holocaust to extra kids. She precisely asked for a shoe as well as a suitcase. This suitcase gives a clear story of how kids living happily with their relatives were moved and were to carry only one suitcase. The second plot is about Hana, a young girl from Czechoslovakia who had a brother known as George. Via George, we are able to learn that Hana loved skiing, drawing, assisting her family in their store and playing piano. Hana had at all times wanted to teach, and George was delighted to know that Hana’s wish was fulfilled as she educated many Japanese learners about the Holocaust.



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I agree with classmate one on the two plots of the story, the plot about Hana and the other plot about Fumiko Ishioka. According to classmate one, the main plot is about Fumiko’s search for Hana Brady where she travels the globe researching the tale of her life. She wants to enlighten the children in Japan on the dangers of the Holocaust. She finds out more through her journey, and this gives her a clear overview which she can deliver to the youth of Japan. Classmate one bases the second plot on the life of Hana in the Holocaust, and even if the little girl and her brother seemed desperate, their struggle is evident, and this tragedy shows the significance of history in the future.


In this case, the two major plots are character versus self as well as character versus social. The character versus self is seen in the two stories as Hana has doubts whether she will see her real parents or not, and the same doubt is seen in Fumiko as she wonders if she will get the whole story of Hana. The character versus social expectations is evident in Hana’s story when Hana faces hardships from the Nazis and finally imprisonment. Classmate two stresses that these two plots contribute to the theme of the story a lot but the major plot is that of character versus self. Classmate two is sure that it runs well with the theme of hope after hardship and that things turn up for the best, although, it may not be in the way planned. This also comes out as Fumiko persevered and enquired from people regarding the Holocaust. Besides, she gets the story of Hana and her relatives from a Czech woman. Hana is seen to face her last minutes with optimism and hope.


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