Free «Critique» Essay Sample

1st article: Television

The overall flow of this article is good and provides insightful information on many a topic that may rarely be given attention to by the common man. Despite a few grammatical errors, the article is flawless and easy to read and understand. The point to point expression of the facts goes a long way in making it an objective article. It is also appropriate that that paper has been arranged based on a chronology of events which lead up to the main point of the author. Generally therefore, the article is sufficient in its presentation of the topic.

There are however a number of errors which do otherwise dent the image of the article as an informative piece. Perhaps to begin with the minor errors, as highlighted before, there are minor grammatical errors that damage the readability of the article. Secondly, the introduction falls short of providing a quick reflection of what the paper is about. Thirdly, and most importantly, the points in the article are too varied and wide that upon discovering the main point of the paper, the reader will have gone through a series of external points that are not necessary. Too much attention is given to historical facts; though they help build the point, a few examples would have served the purpose. Still on the same theme, the main point of the paper seems to be the impact of television on society. However, the author easily wonders into external matters such as politics and business which take too much of the room that would have otherwise been spent on facts relating directly to the main point.



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2nd article: Media and elections

This article can be summed up into a few merits and demerits concerning the way it is organized and presented. Starting with the merits; one of the noticeable factors about the article is that facts are stated and supported with adequate evidence. An example would be the point on the passive ingestion of media news, which is supported by pointing out some of the places where this happens, such as salons. Further praise goes to the general arrangement of the paper in that each paragraph introduces a new point and provides the necessary explanation. This improves the flow of the article. Finally, in terms of merit, the author does well to provide a good conclusion in the form of a point to note.

When it comes to the demerits, it quickly becomes apparent that the article commences with a very abrupt introduction in the form of a statement. A good introduction starts gently as it deepens with the main points. It is also noticeable that facts are provided in the article but sources are not documented inside the text. In-text referencing is of utmost importance. Minor grammatical errors are also present and should be avoided to improve the quality of the article. What is most notable however in terms of demerits is the fact that the main points in the article do not synchronize. The points seem to be thrown haphazardly and do not link in between the passages. In other words, the author wonders off the main point and concentrates a lot on unnecessary facts, which do not contribute solidly towards supporting the thesis.


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