Free «Reflection of thoughts and Opinion Based on the Factors» Essay Sample


This study is mainly concerning about the economy and the factors that are influencing those concerns. These can be well defined based on the four main aspects and they are Access, Equity, cost and the quality.  For any kind of economy these factors are helpful to analyze and predict the features like what, when, where and how to take the necessary steps towards the actions to prevent and control the problems.

Four Dimensional Factors

These four factors are highly essential to build up any prospects for the effective usage and dimensions for the society to build the negligible team to work and produce successful results.


The most important aspect is access, without this nothing will be taken care, it relies on the transportation, mobility, technology, information, reach ability based on public, private, socio economic, health, administration, cultural arts, employment, youth services, policies, business and other aspects too. Connecting and accessing the legislative members and the people through their financial literacy, training and managerial skills will mentor and handle them will increase in efficacy. 



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The major factor includes by forcing factors to make some serious conclusions based on the aspects analyzed by the marketers. The stock market can be considered as the best example to this factor. This is the valuable option,

either by means of company, individual or by the market.

This equity is referred by the value as money inflow and outflow, through the common stock or preferred stock by means of typical ownership or by decision taken by the stock holders. The equity is the total value of assets minus the liabilities will be assessed either by the book value, net profit or through the stake holder’s value. This influences the loan payments, interest rate, trading,

Internal and external value securities, brokerage accounts, price value and the marginal profits earned by the company or by the individual, as the important crisis. Based on the evaluation, the investors will invest their money on any shares and this stands as the balance between the state and situation, in which the opposing forces balanced each other to control, maintain and sustain with the stability to reach the particular level by managing the other activities.


The involvement of money in terms of investments to any business or the transactions, were made with the help of cost. Utilization in proper way is the beneficiary causes for all actions rely on gaining or loss. The cost can be assessed primarily and calculates by investment for the tax based purposes. These are considered as the internal revenue in generating more money and services, to determine the cost for tax payment and deductions relied and influenced the situation with all the well known factors. The cost factor is the patent system, which affects the demands to any extent through empirical analysis. The validation and the transaction costs will be effective due to the protection of the witness and the highly fragmented, expensive and the intellectual property. Based on the cost and the output, one will invest the shares, depends on the size of the market.


The last and the fore most factor is the quality, the better quality leads the better life. Quality can be defined as the fundamental relationship for the ongoing process in building and sustaining the basic relations by complete assessment, anticipation and fulfilling their standards by the implied needs. These are implicit in nature with the rational characters seeks further for the structured futuristic characters based on the market , product and services, that should have the ability to satisfy the needs of the customer by providing them the excellent quality

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In the realistic situations, are considered as the fundamental way to express the

Better leading prospects.

1) Factors reflecting on Political Ideology

The economic system prefers the justification for the society offering strategies to help public through policies and events. The political reform should plan and execute based on the cost, better quality, accessibility in getting medicines, resource allocation to utilize the available material. Covering the health insurance by the coop payment should be implemented to help the people to live successfully with tax deductions with the Medicare coverage. Medicare facilities have to be upgraded with terms of all right from the kid to the old age people. After retirement many re literally suffering without the Medicare, gong through the self policy is not advisable and that’s highly expensive to afford for their living cost. This should be taken effectively by renovating the new ideas. Implementing the based structure by reassigning with some alternative and basic things will provide the good opportunities to the job less people; this will also improvise the people to reach the good prospects. Revising every single activity has to be look out by means of different prospects by discovering and providing opportunities to everybody will resulted in profits, by producing successful results towards the people, satisfaction of every member of the people will increase their life style to lead better life. More and more opportunities bring in the good name with in the country as well as yield high results.

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2) Opinions on organized lobbying

The authoritative person riding the crisis to overcome the idealistic mistake and take the necessary actions to stimulate the fiscal discipline to lead them in better way by working and deciding on the effective equipments for the tremendous success. For this stimulus packages has to be considered, effective change in the policy with the high offerings and demands have to be considered, bailout and resolutions has to be addressed immediately without any concern, because these are the serious issues, which can cause the illustrative problems with in the economy, technical comparison has to be done with the current crisis and the existing crisis to evaluate the fiscal policies and other policies, whether they improved or falls down. Resolving the consequences by means of talking to the politicians and publics to find out where they are lacking, how to penalize the problem and to derive for the success in overall growth rate, to turn them effective.

3) Reflection in American Beliefs

Many among us are still not realizing the common factor that the companies are downsizing the employees to cut the cost. The financial crisis is on the major flop, due to the economic conditions. The economic conditions never have the stability to sustain in the market, it always goes up and down, and the fluctuations will be there forever. This can be effectively managed by the diversification of market goods and the analysis of investment. As we consider the diet is not going to going to reflect on major, but it is, as the heath goes down, need the policies to take care on the cost based criteria, this increases the debt by spending lots and lots of money for even a small problem. The most important thing is the American’s never having the immunity to bear even with the small harm to the body. Even for the normal cold, they used to consult the doctor and get medicines to prevent from the further disease. Sometimes even before the cause they will approach the doctor for the problems.

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4) Values impacting on reform and effects related to Access, Equity, Costs and Quality of US Health Care Services

Adopting the new strategies, techniques and value affects the public choice with the strong correlative methods to handle the intrinsic connections. Universal access and equity have to be concerned and expressed to emphasize and focus for the plan of action, by cutting down the cost on health services enables the effective in financing the services to the public. Enhancing the mechanism towards the market relates the tendency to define the patients as the consumers and takes the preventive actions and medical treatments to cure the health based issues by finding out the solution, this will be effectively taken care to improvise the quality of health. Separation of provider and purchaser, reform the aim to bring back the third party to enable competition between providers. This can also be effectively increased by means of nongovernmental economic shares.

5) Opinions

Transition towards the competitive integrated models is core towards the market oriented changes, tendency towards, economies, organizational aspects promoting the ideas of emerging the diverse in ownership and motivation.

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Encouraging the resources including non profit organizations and health practitioners to service the focus by adding befits to the whole community.


Adding and extending reforms, depends on the knowledge, roles, market focus, providers quality issues, effectiveness in health management, obligation to develop more standards to excel and establish to coordinate by monitoring the special efforts to maintain and enabling force to determine the health values. This reflects the cost for the effective decision making allows having more choice to fit in by gaining effective outcomes.


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