Free «Implicit Personality Theories» Essay Sample


Implicit Personality Theory tends to relate the general perspectives or expectations human beings have about people after knowing their central traits. The theory was developed by Solomon Asch who noted that there were similar characteristics among people who possessed the same traits. A person who is jovial and full of life is expected to be friendly and well composed. On the other hand, one who is quiet and reserved tends to be shy and does not get along with remarkably many people. These are some examples which have been noted over time. The assumptions that an individual may have characters related to their traits may not be true; there are differences in people which need to be studied in detail before making a general assumption (Kendra, 2012).

According to Asch, human beings tend to have a central trait which dominates their general behavior. He assumed that the central trait gives a general perception of a person and automatically demonstrates the presence of other traits. He also demonstrated a direct relationship between the behaviors of a person in relation to their personalities. People of similar personalities tend to behave in a similar manner with the same attributes. They have negligible differences. For example, the sanguine are said to be jovial and cheerful. This also makes them friendly and love being around other people (Kendra, 2012).



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Importance of the Implicit Theory

Knowledge on implicit theories is relevant in people’s day to day lives. These theories are used to explain the behavior of people in relation to their traits. This can be used to classify people and make them able to understand each other. It helps in establishing good social relationships among people who interact regularly. Understanding the human behavior is an essential component of the society. The theories have been often used to help identify issues of relevance among researchers in various situations. There are many situations where implicit personality theory can be applied (Kendra, 2012).

Application of Theories

In Nursing Practice

The theories can be applied in nursing practice. According to Peplau’s interpersonal nursing theory, there is a strong bond that develops between the nurse and the client. This bond develops as a result of communication, the pattern of integration and the role of the nurse. It is the duty of the nurse to understand the personality of their clients. Thus, it helps them to interact in the correct manner and come up with ways of dealing with any difficulties which the client might be experiencing. There are four phases that facilitate the development of this theory during nursing practice. These are orientation, identification, exploitation and resolution (Current Nursing, 2011).

Peplau suggests that, during the orientation phase, the client approaches the nurse and explains the problems they are experiencing. The nurse is expected to make the patient to understand the problem they are facing. This is the beginning of their relationship. The identification phase allows the patient to know their problem and how it can be treated. The nurse has a role of reinforcing positive feelings to the patient to strengthen his personality and make them brave for the treatment (Current Nursing, 2011).

The exploitation phase allows the nurse to help the client set new goals and aim at achieving them. This creates a bond that cannot be easily broken. The resolution phase allows the patient to free himself from identification with the nurse, and he is able to pursue his own goals and aim at achieving positive results. The nurse needs to be patient and use the interpersonal theories to help identify the nature of the client so as to facilitate their progress in terms of dealing with their problems and working on their personality traits (Current Nursing, 2011).

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In Cyberspace

Research conducted by Anita Blanchard, studies show that the application of interpersonal theories is setting in the computer generated world (Blanchard, 2006). Implicit personality theories play a vital role with regard to prejudice and issues related to social identity. Cyberspace has been used to test the implicit personality theories among various people. This research was done to make comparisons in relation to intergroup and intergroup stereotyping. It was found out that some students were not comfortable with the interviews which were conducted online whereas others found it intriguing and they were excited to find out whether or not the assumptions made in the theory are true (Blanchard, 2006).

Blanchard implies that, the increased use of the computer generated means of communication has resulted to change in the relationship patterns. People are more inclined to interacting using machines than the old face to face methods. These are the current trends in communication, and the interpersonal theories are still expressed through these sites. This has led to the birth of cyber psychology, which aims at offering information on the behavior of people, and why they are inclined to this new form of communication.  Interpersonal behaviors are developed and shared through this space. People can interact, share their views and attitude towards life. This has increased the global interaction and changed the trends in communication and relationships (Blanchard, 2006).

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In Society Relations

Harry Stack Sullivan, innovator in American psychiatry set out a study to find the relationship between interpersonal relationships and society. He found out that the environment n which one is exposed largely to determine their attitude and zeal for life. For example, a person who is exposed to an abusive environment and is constantly tortured will grow up with so much hostility. They find it hard to accept that there are kind people in the world. They end up bitter and frustrated since their interpersonal development was disrupted from childhood (Sullivan, 1998).

The society plays a pivotal role in nurturing the behavior of people. He suggests that, despite the individual differences, people who are exposed in the same society have much similar attributes and behavior. Culture plays a crucial role in instilling some of the common values that are accepted in different societies. These affect the manner in which people behave and their interpersonal relationships. The values in each society vary and thus the interpersonal relationships between societies are also different (Sullivan, 1998).

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Interpersonal theories give a general outlook on what to expect from different kinds of people. The theories try to demonstrate how behavior is related to a key trait that is associated with a person. This relationship is true. A dominant trait in a person may make others predict  their likes and dislikes, behavior and approach to life. Since human beings are social beings, this aspect can be related to different categories of people and a valid conclusion determined. The interpersonal theories emphasize on a dominant trait that expresses the other aspects of a person’s individuality. The theories emphasize on understanding dominant traits in people, and this has helped me to learn how to communicate in a better way by learning the traits of a person and treating them in a manner less likely to provoke them.


The Implicit Personality Theories uses general perspectives to categorize the behavior of human beings.  Human beings have dominant traits that tend to affect their entire personality. Several researches have been conducted to show the importance of understanding how interpersonal theories affect relationships. Good interpersonal relationship is beneficial as it promotes productivity and allows a person to have a better understanding of their fellow human beings and aids in effective communication.


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