Free «Nursing Grand Theorist» Essay Sample

Nursing is professional practice of providing care to the ailing and infirm. Indeed, it involves personal deliberations and the absolute care attendance to the ill, often a practice in the contexts of hospitals. Additionally, various theories have been put forward towards nursing. However, there have been diverse views onto the basic idea behind nursing as far as the activities involved are concerned. Furthermore, various theorists have attempted to describe nursing at the perspective of the clients involved in the bustle while a good number still believes that it is a support provision mission towards the reinstating of the patients’ esteem and self acceptance as put forth by Myra Levine. Consequently, this therefore forms a discretely distinct discipline under which nurture is enshrined (Marriner-Tomey, 1994).

As a matter of facts, there have been various theories that has been put forward in exclusion to explain the in-depth basics of Nursing as a discipline. However, there has been a considerable variance in the views and the general idea of nursing among the theorist. This paper will however analyze the views of four major theorists who have come up with diversified theories to explain the wide topic, nursing with a view to consolidate human perception of the basics of nursing.



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Views towards Nursing by Various Theorists

Dorothea E. Orem is perhaps one of the renowned theorists who came up with the Orem nursing model. In this model, Orem describes nursing as the provision of therapeutic self-care aimed at the consolidation of human health as well as overall sustenance of human life. According to Dorothea, virtually every patient is capable of providing self nurturing service which he considers to be paramount in the enhancement of a quick recovery through performance. Indeed, he further argues that nursing is vital in the endorsement of patients’ self-care (Sitzman & Eichelberger, 2011).

In actual sense, Orem proposes that victims of ailments recover more vigorously through performing. On account of this theory, Dorothy says that the nursing service is paramount in supplementing self-care particularly when the patient is not in a position to render themselves such services. Indeed, nursing is a complementary noble task of providing further support to the patient including emotional support through encouragement.

On the other hand, Myra Levine developed explanation towards nursing. In his theory, the conservation theory, Myra Levine emphasizes on the significant role of ethics in the re-imbursement of the personal character through transformative activities and mutual consistency in the personal behaviors. Indeed, Levine says that the personal character is well defined by the human behavior with respect to personal commitments on other people’s issues at all times regardless of the needs at hand. In this regard, Levine emphasizes that personal commitments on other people’s way of living and the interrelationships thereof on a daily basis, makes up the broader spectrum of nursing enshrined in care of others (Parker, 2006).

As a matter of facts, Levine asserts that nursing involve consistent and perpetual favorable adaptations and safeguarding wholesomeness of individuals by the virtue of the conservation principles. Consequently, this directs the nurses towards the optimization of personal control. To achieve this, the nurses basically employ social integrity through minor focus on the medical care perspective but a personalized and receptive care for the individual patients in the presence of a patient. Indeed, this makes up the broader idea behind nursing all all enshrined within the conservation principles (Parker, 2006).

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Additionally, another theorist who set forth in explaining nursing is Jean Watson. In his theory, human caring, commonly known as the caring model, Jean argues that nursing is all about care of the human society as far as health is concerned. Indeed, Jean says that humanistic philosophies are vital components besides super-vibrant role played by strong value system in the field of nursing. However, he posits that such virtues though very essential require a fortified backdrop of laissez-faire arts (Basavanthappa, 2007).

According to Jean, Nursing encompasses a science of know-how of people’s ailments deliberated by the intervention of professional and principled human interventions and other related activities. Indeed, he asserts that caring for human health is practicable and feasible through the employment of creative measures that results in the achievement of fulfillment in one of the human basic needs for survival. Indeed, Jean states that caring is a paramount role in nursing that helps the victims develops self-esteem besides creating a healthogenic phenomenon other than the obvious curative point of view (Basavanthappa, 2007).

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Finally, Hildegard Peplau also developed an interpersonal theory that seeks to explain what nursing entails. According to this theory, Hildegard emphatically points that interpersonal relationship between patients and the nurses plays a central role propagation of nursing performance. Indeed, he states that secret behind a quick recovery is the presence of a good client-patient rapport. Consequently, this marks the essence of nursing as development of a good relationship with the patients within and without the hospital environment (Sitzman & Eichelberger, 2011).

With respect to my personal philosophy, nursing encompasses the paramount care exuded in human beings towards each other regardless of the personal state of mind and body functioning. However, it should also entail human caring factor through effectual nurse-patients relationship that enhances the patients’ quick recovery besides boosting self-esteem despite the seriousness of the ailments. In this regard, my philosophy is most harmonious with Myra Levin’s perspective and leaning towards Hildegard Peplau’s point of view.

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In conclusion, nursing can be said to the all-round care of the human being often at the moment of ailment. In addition, it can be further regarded as the total care of the human life regardless of the situations therein with respect to health. Furthermore, human concern for their counterparts is considered paramount and quite significant in the social welfare which consequently leads to good health. As a matter of facts, nursing is a function of good care and concern for the well-being of the parties involved and therefore enshrined in first-rate interpersonal relationship which consequently exudes emotional comfort thus a quick recovery for the patients.


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