Free «Sustainability and a Changing Environment» Essay Sample


Sustainability and business-to-business marketing as written by Arun Sharma, Gopalkrishnan R. Iyer, Anuj Mehrotra and R. Krishnan is an industrial marketing journal which gives a communication needed that highlights the role of marketing in a green supply chain and the interface that comes with it with manufacturing operations that are friendly to the environment. In this work, Sharma et al (2008) have integrated different research streams and established a broader framework that highlights the suitable function and focus of business-to-business marketing in the chain of supply for attaining objectives that sustain the environment.  The authors of this article point out major approaches in realizing the this change which is thought to come through a reduction of the surplus supply of goods, reduction of reverse supply together with internal marketing. With the application of these aspects, the role of marketing in environmental sustainability is significant for attaining superior competitive advantage as well as financial performance. This is the main reason why Sharma et al (2008), have come up with such a project.



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Sharma et al (2008) main idea is to change the manner of operations in manufacturing industries to attain environmental sustainability objectives which are crucial in marketing processes and procedures. The authors base their argument on sustainability, building to order, repair, green marketing, recycling and reverse logistics. The background of this research stems back into the idea of a sustainable link between business and environment which came to being like twenty years ago and has been going round and about the idea that the environmental conservation and business goals do not need to be different or conflicting in any way. Sharma et al (2008) in building on this assertion made two decades ago, go further into the reality of the matter. The authors affirm that that when properly focused, the profit motive of business can accelerate the transformation toward global sustainability, with nonprofits, governments, and multilateral agencies, all playing crucial roles as collaborators.


The article in its approach as put down by the authors apparently is taking the marketing concept into a new level. The concept of marketing in industrial organizations is expected to promote the welfare of all in the environment as purported by Sharma et al (2008). This is what they are referring as green marketing. Engaging in such practices as lean manufacturing, good waste management procedures are deemed great approaches as supported by their work. The authors are more centered on the performance of activities that can sustain good environments and direct the flow of goods and services from the manufacturers to the consumer as well. The approach clearly defines the process and it has indeed proved practicability. Manufacturers will not struggle to sell what they produce but instead will be expected to produce products that can sale by themselves.

The article is of great significance to all manufacturing firm and even to the welfare of the environment. It advocates for a change that can be sustained both in the future of manufacturing and even in the environment.  The design as proposed by authors is long term engagements that will help manufacturing companies realize long-term profits. Customers in the market are definitely going to endorse products that are manufactured through operations that are deemed friendly to the environment. Focusing on environmental sustainability has worked so well in building the Company's reputation. The article states that Companies need not focus on their competitors but on what will win the support of everybody in the surrounding environment. The company's image matters a lot in the way the products will be received in the market.

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Making to order or making enough for what the market needs has been considered a good practice as it avoids over production that may lead to a process of re-manufacture or recycling. This way, environmental interests are safeguarded and sustained. The change through such an approach is expected so many factors beyond the company which have been overlooked in the past but are deemed to produce insurmountable change. The authors identify this as reducing surplus supply. Making products that can be repaired and reducing products that require recycling as refereed to as reverse supply reduction is also well analyzed and the change that is thought to result from it.

Sharma et al (2008) also emphasize on changing internal processes of manufacturing. Reinforcing good manufacturing process which is environmental friendly completely changes the concept and approach of marketing. Good manufacturing environments ensure safety for all. The employees are encouraged to work under such conditions which are friendly to the environment and also to them. The end product is thus of high quality because workers on the production process have given their best. The best input into manufacturing processes works for the good of the company and everyone involved in marketing of industrial organizations. The goods produced meet the taste and preference of the customer thus lessening the work needed in marketing. There are no more struggles realized in selling the products. With this approach, companies can sustain a competitive existence in the market.

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Ensuring the co-existence of environmental friendly manufacturing processes and good practices in manufacturing and general operations gains an upper hand in this literature review and analysis. The relationship between the facts represented on this article together with the marketing comes in handy in promoting a sustainable change. This change is ideally expected to impact the company even to wider aspects touching many more external factors. The company's mission is expected to incorporate external issues which it connects with. This is a very sound argument because the existence of the company is because of the customers. Therefore, if the organization's efficacy is not felt, then the organization is failing.


Well, Sharma et al (2008) provide a very good solution to industrial marketing through environment friendly production procedures which are expected to produce a long term change in matters of success and profits. However, the new change advocated for may be limited in some way. The change requires complete restructuring and redefining company's mission. To achieve a sustainable goal as provided by the article will require serious adjustments. Sharma et al (2008) should have stated the ways in which the already established companies should integrate this change. Conventional company manufacturing processes and procedures require a careful analysis financially before they can be implemented. The already established company may find difficult in applying it. Good financial experts are needed to make the process effective without causing harm during adjustment.

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In conclusion, building a system of production that is friendly to the environment is crucial in promoting the welfare of the organization or company in marketing. This change can be sustainable under well organized systems of control and monitoring. This change requires a process of restructuring both externally and internally. Through this, a company can realize long term benefits in the market. While the focus initially has been on the customer and the competitors, Sharma et al (2008) highlight issues that can help change the image and perception of the company internally making reference to external factors. The change affects the company's general operations and therefore it is morphogenetic.


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