Free «The Law of Globalization» Essay Sample


Economic globalization as a phenomenon associated with economic practices between different countries operating in areas that allow maximum production and associated benefits, it spans to corporate dominant power or control for some of the big multinational companies that do not wish to have legal structures block their business ventures in terms of accessing markets and other logistic aspects. In addition, the corporations influence on economic globalization constitutes the breaking down of production and providence of services, which can include the choice to have productions in different locations, spanning from local to global level (Boulle 6). This paper examines economic globalization from the three sociological perspectives; structural functionalism, social conflict, and symbolic interaction and goes ahead to illustrate how United States of America (U.S.) workforce if preparing for postindustrial economy. As illustrated in the paper, structural functionalism emphasizes of the association of the surrounding and the people helping us to appreciate the hidden abnormalities of social characters to enhance society development. Social conflict helps understand differences and accommodate changes with symbolic interaction helps to acknowledge exchanges information (Brain, “Continuing Professional Education”). Structural functionalism, social conflict, and symbolic interactions are sociological perspectives that dictate economic globalization as they can destroy or enhance it.



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Social phenomenon of globalization cuts across cultural practices and technology to influence economy

Considering globalization on the social perspective, it will constitute the increased association of different individuals/people who belong to diverse locations, backgrounds and cultures as well as the exchange of information and practices like fashion trends where to some extend there can be some sorts of dominance, standardization or synchronization. In addition, it will include the expanse in technology that involves computer technology and new communication modes beyond national jurisdictions where people become free to transverse countries and even acquire foreign citizenships (Boulle 8).

Structural functionalism involves interdependence between human and environments dictating international relations

Considering that structural functionalism has emphasis on how people and environments depend on each other, which is determined by how human practices and culture affect the surrounding and its response to these actions, structural functionalism looks in to how a certain event in the society ends up affecting others as some are less acknowledged. For instance, following the 2001 September 11 attack of the United States of America, public interest on environmental issues reduced greatly, perhaps from the government’s diversion of interest to terrorism as opposed to environment. In addition, the fluctuations of fuel prices in producing countries ends up affecting the economies of dependant countries hence social aspects of these countries (Mooney et al. 559).

From the above, understanding of structural functionalism helps acknowledge concealed abnormalities of social characters that are not intended and not widely acknowledged. For instance, considering that construction of a water reservoir has benefits like provision of irrigation water and electricity, they have negative repercussions of destroying human and animal habitants and same can apply to global economy if underestimated factors in regulations are overlooked, affecting majority who seemingly looked secure. With regard to this, structural functionalism on economic globalization helps in understanding the structures associated with various social organization/pattern functioning to keep the society in motion, if not differently, at its present form. Thus, main idea is vision of society as stable and well organized despite it being a complex system with its different forms working together to enhance stability.

Social conflict perspective helps to understand differences in economic practices to accommodate change

Social conflict perspective of economic globalization will involve the manner in which wealth, authority and quest to benefit lies under the economic aspects happening around us. For instance, wealth will associate with the social practices that cause conflicts in the surrounding on the fact that the drive is set to create pressure on the existing available resources, like in the rich countries that have higher consumption of carbon fuels, which end up polluting the environment (Mooney et al. 560). Seemingly absurd, social globalization will involve the international responses that tend to resist consolidation of business adventures and the major aspect will be in the form of unified and persuaded reasoning that is self-driven, have the rights attached to people and protects the environment. All these factors collide ultimately presenting the prevailing trend of economic globalization (Boulle 7). From the above, it can be seen that economic globalization will affect status, authority and working of different countries where different countries compromise their border laws to allow exchange of economic, social and legal infrastructures.

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Thus, as society has inequalities that lead to conflict and change, it helps to understand the disadvantaged economies through globalization and work to uplift them to better positions. As it touches class, race, ethnicity, gender and age, it will help understand and solve conflicts in these factors. On the other hand, during the interaction processes, there can be ignorance of how harmonization of practices and dependence can bring together society, thus economic globalization will help to bring a unified understanding that helps eliminate these conflicts and allow development.

Symbolic interaction perspective of economic globalization helps to understanding as people exchange ideas/information

This sociological perspective interest in the presentation of meanings and definitions understood through exchange of ideas through the available forms of communications and how people in the society will react either positively or negatively on any economic issue depending on the acknowledgement of these meanings in economic interactions. For instance, big organizations will prefer using public-relation oriented and favorable positions to market their products. From this understanding, society is a product of what different people ends up gaining from their daily interactions, presents society as a real presentation of what people are. Therefore, symbolic-interaction approach helps us to remember that the society is build by how people interactions that dictate economic ventures despite that to some extent, influence of culture can be forgotten (“Sociology perspective, theory and method” n.p.).

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U.S. workforce preparation to work in the evolving postindustrial economy

The United States of America authorities acknowledge that economic globalization helps in understanding itself properly, increasing relationship over the world helping to understand other economies as they understand theirs, and it gives an opportunity to learn new ways of doing business with the world. To succeed, the prospects of economic liberalization need to be smooth and the U.S workforce has noted this, starting from the government level. Thus, the need to remove barriers to economic liberalization to enhance trade starts with the removal of the negative impediments and the U.S government has moved to remove barriers on the law making institutions in such a way that does not raise domestic costs of consumers arising from protection of local industries. For instance, at federal government level in the U.S. they enacted reforms on workforce development in the 1998 Workforce Investment Act (WIA) consolidating seventy separate programs to become funding units. In addition, Workforce Investment Boards (WIBs) under the WIA act increases efficiency in operations that include skill assessment and support services where employers enjoy decentralized workforce development system that allow them to access maximum service concerning job listing, available trainings and vacancies from a single point (Brain, “Continuing Professional Education”). The interest in this endeavor is to remain updated on the skills in demand from local to international level and the citizens on their part have taken the obligation to get informed and share information through trainings and social network sites in the internet. This is basically driven by the prospects of postindustrial economy that will not have strict regulations protecting local industries and workers as “protectionism is regarded as an incompatible factor because it impedes trade and investment across state boundaries” (Boulle 15).

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With regard to the above, structural functionalism, social conflict, and symbolic interactions are sociological perspectives that dictate economic globalization as they can destroy or enhance it. On its part, structural functionalism will involves interdependence between human and environments leading to change of existing situations where else social conflict perspective helps to understand differences in economic practices to accommodate any changes. Symbolic interaction perspective of economic globalization helps to understanding as people exchange ideas/information in manner that affects their response to the economic environments. For these reasons, the U.S. workforce preparation to work in the evolving postindustrial economy involves favorable legislations put in place to enhance liberalized trade, increasing efficiency and eliminating legal and technological barriers.


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