Free «Company Profile for WM Morrison PLC (Supermarket)» Essay Sample

This paper focuses on the company profile of WM Morrison Company and precisely the supermarket. The paper uses secondary data to form a credible report on the subject matter. These sources include Internet sources and written accounts from relevant books; the information obtained is directed towards the whole structure of the company and its management.

Morrison Company was created by William Morrison in the year 1899. Before its transition, it was a butter and egg merchant at Rawson Market in Bradford, England. It was named WM Morrison Limited before changing the name to WM Morrison Plc. It is currently having its headquarters in Bradford, West Yorkshire (Silk 2004).

The company was later taken over by his son in the year 1952. Ken Morrison took over the management at the age of twenty six years and expanded the company in 1958. It became the first store to offer self-service and priced products in its location. In 1961 it developed a supermarket in the district of Girlington in Bradford (WM Morrison Plc 2013).



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The company deals with food and grocery that are sold to its consumers in stores and supermarkets. It is considered the fourth biggest dealer in these substances and won an award for their service from the Oracle Awards in 2009. The company has a busy and demanding market force that forces them to have heavy manpower in their stores (Fame 2013). When compared to other dealers, it has the strongest and the most stable quality and provenance control. This company is 17 percent of the market.

Morrison Company switched from the black and yellow logo and also they changed their slogan from “More Reasons to Shop at Morrison” to “Food Specialist for Everyone”. It advertising also changed, along with their old packaging and the staff uniforms. This was a move to boost its market size through improving on its customer base sector. They capitalized on their geographical spread to achieve this objective (West 2001).

The research shows that its supermarket records over ten million consumers and one hundred and twenty four thousand employees in number. The company has a market share of eleven per cent, falling behind the top four performing companies. They strive to provide a more reasonable price range in their items as compared to their competitors.

Morrison supermarkets have been split into six regions in the United Kingdom. These are Scotland (with fifty one store), Midlands (with seventy five of them), North (having seventy two), South East (with sixty three), South West (having fifty one) and south Central having sixty two supermarkets (W M Morrison 2012).

In December 2012, the supermarkets achieved a decline of two and half sales decline. In spite of them showing hope in achieving their targets, the performance for that month was disappointing for them (WM Morrison Plc 2013). It was expected that during that festive season the sales would hit very high levels.

These supermarkets supply products of various ranges. It stocks a huge share of lines that are for their (Own Brand) goods. These lines are categorized as “M”; there is M Kitchen, M Savers, M NuMe and M Signature. These are mainly food products that have been put in different kinds in accordance with their nature and consumption (Fame 2013).

The company has huge competitors in business like Tesco Plc. This competitor has a share of thirty per cent in market. It deals with stores in the United Kingdom that have built its market strength and expansion across other nations. Unlike Morrison Company, Tesco Plc offers products both online and in stores. Another company is the Asda Group, which focuses on the hypermarkets and stores than other chains. The company is known for its low price in bulk goods. This is achievable due to their early establishment in business (1965). This company is 17 percent of the market (Fame 2013).

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Evaluative Report

It is important to determine the information obtained from sources. This is because some of the information lacks facts as they are opinions and comments on a subject. Source evaluation process is the way of ensuring that the right information is gotten from the sources.

The Breadth of Information from Sources

The sources used in compiling this report are of an extensive breadth. They give information that is complete in assessing the profile of WM Morrison Company. The information covers the aspects needed in writing a company’s profile; the market shares, the management and structure of business and the business involvement (West 2001). These sources give a detailed presentation of information on the company. Not only do they give the company’s profitability and performance in market but also the information is recorded in a graphical representation. This gives a clear comparison of progress and performance in an easily comprehensive manner.

The Depth of Information

Major and minor areas of business ventures for the company have been covered by these sources. Information obtained from books showed more detailed approaches and analysis of the company’s data. This included the background information, summary reports, market strategies and performance records. This information gave the whole scenario of the company as its complete functionality and history. Evaluating the depth of data shows that the sources merit this stage. For instance, Internet sources gave a full picture of the company’s management and location. The little details on its transition and expansion were not left out.

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Information that is purposed for a case study needs to be timely and up-to-date. While researching Morrison, the information was up-to-date as it showed recent trends and progress of the company. For instance, the sources provided the date of establishment and the most recent data; this was data for its performance in December, 2012. Information put in this study is recorded up to the end of the year 2012. This is a satisfying time allocation as current issues and market trends are catered for in the raw data.


The information was obtained from books that have the company’s structure in forms of the essays and tabular comparisons of trends over time. On the other hand, Internet sources offered data in the form of PDF files. These were previous studies on the company that had the required areas of the profile.

Content of the Sources

In this step the information is assessed in terms of its accuracy (Teacher Pet 2011). It was evident that the sources used had a precise account of the company. Data relating to the company’s specific dates of business were similar. For instance all sources gave the year of establishment as 1899. This shows that the profile has the right information about the company. In determining the accuracy, the locations were challenged and checked against other media. The results ascertained the location of the company to be true.

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It is vital to determine the presence of bias in the sources. Opinions that are subjective alter the validity of information. All the sources used were factual in their assessments. To back up this, they all had references that pointed towards the company’s website. These references depict that the information used had its basis from the company itself.

The sources used were attributed as a specific author’s work. Books, for example, had their authors accounted for in the context. This is important because it directs the efforts to a particular party that is responsible for the data recorded. Sources that are anonymous are likely to be pranks thus have no facts. These sources include Internet sources that are published from unknown parties. The Internet sources used, Morrison Company had their websites included as a reference and among their bibliography. It, therefore, follows that they obtained both supplementary and basic data from trusted areas. Their (URL) addresses showed that they were backed by various organizations or authors.

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Frequency of Updates

Information found in various sources should be frequently updated. This allows the data be timely and current, which is principal for the desired research (Teacher Pet 2011). The sources used were all updated in recent time thus they gave the current status of the company. For instance, the sites used were updated at the beginning of the year 2013. This explains how information on December’s performance could be recorded. The books used had been recently updated by their respective publishers. This ensures that the information is not obsolete and outdated for use.


The sources clearly stated the purpose of the data given. This was in the form of objectives set by the authors relating to the subject. For instance, one source of the company gave its purpose as seeking to show the character of organizations and companies. This was the source which was written by Geoffee (1998). Describing the purpose of the piece of work gives the information its objective. Internet sources used vividly indicated their aim in the study of the Morrison Company.

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Finding the necessary and accurate information for this study was a key task. These sources enabled the study case achieve reliable and detailed data on the subject. This proves that the sources are practical in their provision of information (Teacher Pet 2011).


Morrison Company was created by William Morrison in the year 1899. Before its transition, it was a butter and egg merchant at Rawson Market in Bradford, England. It was named WM Morrison Limited before changing the name to WM Morrison Plc. It is currently having its headquarters in Bradford, West Yorkshire (Silk 2004).

The company was later taken over by his son in the year 1952. Ken Morrison took over the management at the age of twenty six years and expanded the company in 1958. It became the first store to offer self-service and priced products in its location. In 1961 it developed a supermarket in the district of Girlington in Bradford (WM Morrison Plc 2013).

The company deals with food and grocery that are sold to its consumers in stores and supermarkets. It is considered the fourth biggest dealer in these substances and won an award for their service from the Oracle Awards in 2009. The company has a busy and demanding market force that forces them to have heavy manpower in their stores (WM Morrison 2012). When compared to other dealers, it has the strongest and the most stable quality and provenance control. This company is 17 percent of the market.

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Morrison Company switched from the black and yellow logo and also they changed their slogan from “More Reasons to Shop at Morrison” to “Food Specialist for Everyone”. It advertising also changed, along with their old packaging and the staff uniforms. This was a move to boost its market size through improving on its customer base sector. They capitalized on their geographical spread to achieve this objective (West 2001).

The research shows that its supermarket records over ten million consumers and one hundred and twenty four thousand employees in number. The company has a market share of eleven per cent, falling behind the top four performing companies. They strive to provide a more reasonable price range in their items as compared to their competitors.

Morrison supermarkets have been split into six regions in the United Kingdom. These are Scotland (with fifty one store), Midlands (with seventy five of them), North (having seventy two), South East (with sixty three), South West (having fifty one) and south Central having sixty two supermarkets (WM Morrison 2012).

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In December, 2012, the supermarkets achieved a decline of two and half sales decline. In spite of them showing hope in achieving their targets, the performance for that month was disappointing for them (WM Morrison Plc 2013). It was expected that during that festive season the sales would hit very high levels.

These supermarkets supply products of various ranges. It stocks a huge share of lines that are for their (Own Brand) goods. These lines are categorized as “M”; there is M Kitchen, M Savers, M NuMe and M Signature. These are mainly food products that have been put in different kinds in accordance with their nature and consumption.

The company has huge competitors in business like Tesco Plc. This competitor has a share of thirty per cent in market. It deals with stores in the United Kingdom that have built its market strength and expansion across other nations. Unlike Morrison Company, Tesco Plc offers products both online and in stores. Another company is the Asda Group, which focuses on the hypermarkets and stores than other chains. The company is known for its low price in bulk goods. This is achievable due to their early establishment in business in 1965 (Fame 2013).


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