Free «Mexico-United States Border» Essay Sample


The United States of America is one of those countries that are affected by immigration and drug trafficking. The main source of these illegal immigration and drug traffickers is its neighbouring country Mexico. These two countries have had constant disagreements regarding increasing immigrants from Mexico to United States of America. Most of the drug organisations in the United States of America are drug dealers from Mexico. This research focuses illegal immigration and drug trafficking along the Mexico-United States of America border. In addition to these issues, the research will focus on measures that these two countries are putting in place to curb these threats.


As already defined, it is the influx of foreigners into a country. These immigrants can either acquire legal citizenship of a country or be in that country illegally. The United States is facing this one crucial issue. Several Mexicans have migrated to this country without proper regard to procedures involved in immigration.



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For several years, Mexicans have illegally crossed the border into the United States. The chief reason for high rate of migration is the close propinquity of Mexico to the United States and the obvious disparity in the quality of life between these two countries. Several immigrants are from the poverty-stricken areas of Mexico and have the longing to come to the United States to attain the American dream. Most of the immigrants believe that by getting employment at a low-pay post in the United States of America offers a higher standard of living than in their home country. In the 1980's, the United States recorded a considerable increase in illegal immigrants from Mexico.

The immigration was not restricted to Mexicans from one specific area but from areas throughout Mexico. The reason is that all Mexicans are the same. This means that those living in bigger towns, in the country, have equal standards of living with those living in the rural areas. Individuals living in the prominent cities have a larger access to opportunities than those living in the countryside. The average wage for a Mexican is about four dollars per hour while those working in agricultural fields make lesser. This proves to be difficult for people with large families. More than forty percent of Mexicans are below the poverty line while another twenty   five percent is unemployed (Warner, 2010).

When the Mexican government tries to create more job opportunities, it is not enough for the increasing population. Mexicans, therefore, see the United States as attractive. Most illegal immigrants have devised routes across the Arizona desert in which they use to migrate to the United States. Some of these immigrants hope to obtain a green card and settle as citizens. Others hope to acquire enough capital to enable them start high and small businesses and buy a house when they get back to Mexico.

Measures implemented to curb immigration.

Immigrants normally employ the services of smugglers to transport them from Mexico to America. These smugglers have intense knowledge of the routes in the desert that can be used without being detected. However  in order to help to prevent these smugglers  the government  of the  United States  of America impose heavy fines and penalties on any person caught transporting  illegal immigrants. For immigrants who are captured on their way to the United States, they are normally returned to Mexico. This, therefore, has ensured improved security along the Mexico-United states border next to California (Warner, 2010).

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Secondly, the united States have increased staff to monitor the Mexico-United States border. There are increased numbers of border patrol officers on the American side of the border. They have placed checkpoints on their borders where the patrols ask people who come into the United States to produce documents that verify United States residency or citizenship. As illustrated previously, there is increasing measures of security along the borders of these two countries. It is, therefore, extremely difficult to cross the border into the United States.

Drug Trafficking

Drug Trafficking associations are a relentless and emerging domestic criminal threat. They are a prime worry to local law enforcement officials and the federal state. Mexican drug traffickers are the leading drug associations functional in the United States of America. Mexican drug dealers have increased their power in the United States. These drug traffickers increasingly develop new methods to counter law enforcement demands and shifting laws. Research has found out that Mexican drug traffickers association is the largest drug trafficking risk to the United States. They manage most of the United States drug market.

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Moreover, they have established different transportation routes, improved communications abilities, and tough associations with gangs in the United States. Their increased drug trafficking activities in the United States produce billions of dollars in unlawful income yearly. Research shows that Mexican drug traffickers supply drugs to over two hundred and thirty cities in the United States. They transport multi-tone quantities of drugs from Mexico into the United States yearly using maritime, air transport and overland means. The uses of different transportation have assisted Mexican drug traffickers to deliver constantly illicit drugs from Mexico to stores located in the United States for succeeding circulation (Stacy, 2002).

The aids to these drug traffickers are the employment of advanced communication technology and techniques to organize their illegal drug trafficking actions. They maintain communication between the dealers in the United States and those in Mexico through communicating near the Mexico-united states border. This facilitates cross-border smuggling of drugs. They use communication devices such as satellites, coded messaging, cell phone technology scanner devices, and two-way radio services.

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Mexican drug associations have strong relationships with gangs based in the United States. They use these gangs to distribute drugs in the country. They also use them to collect proceeds and act as enforcers in these states. For the success of their illegal trade, they maintain healthy relationships with the street gangs who reside in the United States.

Measures implemented to curb drug trafficking.

Various international efforts are put in place to control drug trafficking between these two countries. The chief security component is to increase international efforts to engage border countries in a mutual dialogue to determine shared anxieties such as criminal activities, for example, drug trafficking.

The United States has increased the number of security personnel to assist in rounding up the drug gangs in the United States. Those caught are jailed for life to set an example to the rest of the gang members. However, despite these measures there are still a large number of drug gangs in the United States (Stacy, 2002).

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Security is paramount for the United States citizens especially after several terrorists' attacks and are only justified in trying to control immigration and drug trafficking. This is because these two activities are a substantial threat to security.


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