Free «Media and Eating Disorders» Essay Sample

Eating disorders among girls is really interesting and relevant issue of the modernity. On the basis of the modern researches and studies it is evident that eating disorders among girls lead to behavioral changes, and cause a serious health impacts on the young generation. In accordance with data published on the website of the National institute on media and family, a negative attitude to the subject was shown. Statistics reflects that 40 percent of 9 and 10 year old girls made attempts to lose their weight. On the basis of information and images presented on the media, a slim ideal body is promoted. When girls reach 17 years old age, 78% of them are greatly concerned about becoming thinner. Nearly 90% of people, who are suffering from the eating disorders, are women. Therefore, it is evident that there is a direct relation between the influence of media and the modern society. The material available from this website is based on statistics, and it is very useful and illustrative in the process of research conduct. There is a high reliability of data presented on the website, because a week’s research, which was developed on the numerous studies, provides the data on this subject.



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This subject on the website is discussed from the general perspective and there is a lack of specifics on this subject. There are a few useful links provided on the website, which correlate data on national eating disorders and national mental health and wellness center. Nevertheless, there is a lack of a positive reflection of the way children are influenced by the media.

The second website is developed by media awareness network. There is the main goal of this website to inform people around the world about potential threats to their health. The website reflects to a negative attitude and underlines that in the magazines the images of thin women are usually popularized, and the modern women are captured by the modern images. There are threatening consequences of eating disorders outlined in the mass media, which lead to health impact and even death. This source is relevant to the modern society, because it is a new source. The site information can be proven by the sources provided on the website.

This study highlights the way images of thin women are reflected in the magazines.  There is a strong reliability of this website, because the American research group Anorexia Nervosa & Related Eating Disorders, Inc and stars magazine supports their data with numerous relevant resources. This website shows that the modern magazines are affecting modern girls and their attitudes to their weight. The following quote highlights the importance of a beautiful image of girls, which is shown by media: “exposure to images of thin, young, air-brushed female bodies is linked to depression, loss of self-esteem and the development of unhealthy eating habits in women and girls” (the American research group Anorexia Nervosa & Related Eating Disorders, Inc). Therefore, it is clear that the modern girls have to pay much for their beauty and compliance with the modern ideals of beauty. They are on a constant severe diet and they are not afraid of a negative influence exerted on their health; they just want to be beautiful and modern.

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If we take into account data presented in the newspaper article from the Daily Telegraph, we can see that:  “Researchers report that women’s magazines have ten and one-half times more ads and articles promoting weight loss than men’s magazines do” (The Daily Telegraph).

The models shown on the pages of this newspaper are shown naked, and their images are even scaring for the society. There is an ugly truth about a scaring role of dieting reflected in the book by Strasburger “Children, Adolescents, & The Media” (2002). There is a broad overview presented in the book and the way the young women are affected by the media. The author of the book claims that media is a strong and a powerful instrument in the modern society.  There is a need to develop both positive and negative discussions about the role media plays in the modern lives of the contemporaries.  

Another author Carney Tara in the article “Eating disordered behaviors and media exposure” in the journal Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology (Dec. 2006) underlines the negative influence of anorexia. The eating disorders are very intimidating factors for health of the modern young woman. In the result of such kind of a wrong nutrition, such health hazards as childlessness may occur. In accordance with Health news and the article “What makes people read magazines with ideal bodies” (March 16, 2011), people like to read magazines about ideal bodies and the way to obtain the ideal images. The skinny images are on the first place and it is very interesting and appealing for the modern women to look like them. This study is based on 200 people and they claim that they are not satisfied with their bodies, because sexual attractiveness is positioned as the highest value in the modern world.  

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In the article by Denise Witmer “Body image teens and the media” (2012) it is discussed that a special negative influence is exerted on the teenagers. In the magazine article by Meredith Melnick “Fast food ads target kids with unhealthy food, and it works” it is claimed that the high levels of obesity attacking the American nation because of a wide range and availability of fast foods. Therefore, the young women buy magazines in order to look at the ideal images, but in reality they may eat hamburgers in fast foods. In this case the influence of media can be interpreted in the following way: children eat advertised food and in the result they become obese. Very often modern advertisements provide the relevant basis for unhealthy food promotion and consumption. Children feel happy in case they buy the trendiest food from the advertisements.


It is clear that the modern American society is looking for the ways to decrease a negative influence of junk food consumption, and promoting a healthy way of life.There are two basic spheres of interest for the government: healthy food and physical activity. There are such kind of programs as the National School Breakfast and Lunch Programs, the Child and Adult Care Program and the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program (Powell et al, 2004).

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In terms of the National School Breakfast and Lunch Programchildren from underprivileged families may obtain free breakfasts. This program helps not only to get healthy food for poor children, but also save money for their families (Powell et al, 2004). The Child and Adult Care Food provide underprivileged families with free snacks and lunches.

The ethnic minorities and poor families have a perfect opportunity in terms of these programs, because the American government is focused on promotion of a healthy way of life. Healthy nutrition programs are focused on a potential decrease of the levels of obesity. Another emphasis is made on physical activity. Therefore, it is relevant to combine a dietary intake and physical activity. Powell underlines that: “…athletic facilities, street design, density of housing, availability of public transit, access to pedestrian- and bicycle-friendly transportation routes, and the availability of safe outdoor spaces play significant roles in promoting or discouraging physical activity” (Powell et al, 2004). It is necessary to take such kind of measures at both national and governmental levels in order to promote healthy nutrition and the absence of obesity and anorexia.


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