Free «Seedfolks» Essay Sample

Seedfolks is a book written by Paul Fleischman. It is a children’s book whose setting is in Cleveland, Ohio at Gibb Street. The characters hail from different ethnic groups. The city was dirty and highly infested with rats. It was however transformed into an urban haven. The transformation also marked transformation of the gardeners. The book has created characters that are different from each other in terms of race, color and culture. They, however, join hands and help in building the real community. The unifying factor in the book is the garden. The garden helps to exploit the theme of unity. The main character in the book is Kim. She is a Vietnamese girl who is fatherless after her father died eight months before she was born. She also helps in developing the theme of unity as she inspires the inhabitants of Cleveland to build a garden (Fleischman, 1999).

The book seems to talk on the benefits of the unity in our communities. The garden represents the world. The dwellers of Cleveland help in growing the garden which symbolizes the fact that we all should help in making the world a better place than it is. Kim represents the minority in the society or the less in the society. Kim’s initiative which inspires the villagers illustrates that anyone is capable of initiating change (Fleischman, 1999).



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Chapter Connection

There are various chapters in the book Seedfolks that connect in terms of theme, character or event. The chapters share the same meaning and help in building the same themes. They also explore the same characters. In Seedfolks, chapter two and chapter three are connected in terms of theme, character and event. Chapter two brings in a new character, Ana. Ana had no children, despite her old age. She is Romanian and she is the first person to see Kim planting the seeds. This aroused her suspicions on the fact that Kim might be hiding something illegal. She is also the first villager to know what Kim had planted. Chapter three introduces Wendell. He is a man who has faced so much sorrow e.g. the death of his son and wife. He is the second person to know about Kim’s seeds. He, however, learnt this from Ana (Fleischman, 1999).

The two chapters have a common theme, the theme of suspicion. The two characters, mentioned in these two chapters, help in building this theme. Ana was suspicious of Kim’s activity of planting seed. Wendell was also suspicious of his phone. Wendell has two memorable phone calls. The calls made were full of sorrow. This made him, cautious and suspicious of any call that came through. Kim brings in the storyline in both chapters. This is because it is her seed that leads to Ana being suspicious and eventually to Ana calling Wendell. The event is the same in both chapters. The event in these chapters is planting of Kim’s seeds (Fleischman, 1999).

Significance of the Connection

The connection is significant in that it helps in the building of the theme of unity. This is because Ana’s disclosure of the planted seeds leads her to calling Wendell who helps in watering these seeds. This leads to the development of the garden by all. It also helps in availing of two characters, Wendell and Ana. The connection is also of great importance as it helps in building transformation for all. The rise of the garden brought about transformation to all the characters involved. It also brought transformation to the once rat-infested neighborhood (Fleischman, 1999).

The narrative draws out various teachings. One of the teachings is that unity leads to success. The villagers’ unity leads to success. Another teaching is that it does not depend on the size, age, color or race of a person to bring change. The moral of this connection is that unity is strength. When people unite together, they can make extra strides of success compared to one person (Fleischman, 1999).

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Seedfolks is a book meant for children. It, however, has various themes that are evident in our modern world. The need to join hands and make the world a better place is exploited by the book (Fleischman, 1999). 


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