Free «Are we so Dependent on the Internet» Essay Sample


The development of the Internet have influenced a society and changed modes of production and the ways people interpreted the world. Internet has become one of the integral parts of almost every person’s life nowadays, and businesses also try to benefit from using the Internet. And while the Internet continuously penetrates lives of all people whether it be business elite or customers of web and other services, it is impossible to deny that the Internet is a very convenient and useful medium of connecting with customers, attracting them, depicting advantages of companies’ products and services. Overdependence to technology is explained by the fact that people cannot live and perform well without technology and innovations that enter everyday life.  Thesis Internet, as a historical innovation, changed the ways of communication and interaction between people and make our life easier and more interesting.

Advantages of Using the Internet

The Internet proposes many advantages for users and businesses connecting people with resources. The internet bound to a traditional physical form such as a book or map (or even a service delivered by a person) must be distributed through a transportation process and sophisticated systems have been developed to put this into practice. The pricing of physical goods and services is partly attributable to the cost of the materials and production and partly to the cost of moving the goods/service giver from production site to consumer. The economic realities of this environment have defined business decision ma for two centuries and led to the establishment of broadly similar production, distribution and marketing systems around the globe (Baudrillard 23).



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Geographical Boundaries Disappear

Geographical distance is one of the most important variables in this system as physical goods and services must be moved through a value chain extending through physical space. An information representation in digital form can be copied and transmitted over computer networks like the Internet very rapidly without any loss of quality or integrity, regardless of distance. Hence, the Internet makes it possible to distribute information as a good in digital form at an extremely low cost, thus changing the economics of information decisively. The Internet and data resources is the glue which binds together documentary and other knowledge resources, but as of now is so little defined outside each of any given traditional divisional boundary as to not only not bind material together but to almost inhibit its effective interoperation (Poster 54).

Information Access for all Users 

Metadata for internal documents delivered through Intranet systems are largely proprietary though potentially could be standardized at organizational level. The biggest impact IT has had on most institutions to date is the simplest: email. And perhaps the second most significant is the application of web technology to the delivery of guides, regulations and so on. All of which are relatively easy to mount within institutional intranets whilst the complexities of copyright surrounding library and similar quality material will inhibit its rapid take up (Poster 23; Baudrillard 65). There is also an interesting aside to the initial dominance of the Web by the university community. Students seem increasingly likely to defect to other home pages and we could well be engaged in promotional campaigns or similar battles merely to get our own pages and portals noticed in an increasing sea of competitors.

The compilation of courses will also be greatly eased by the importing of material and its customization-techniques already well documented in developments such as on demand publishing and printing in the US. This suggests academics will be able to tap into educational resource banks and draw content down into development portfolios. Several national and European projects are now seeking to develop just such technologies. The digital network can be present and possibly used in a variety of universes that are defined by the entities that inhabit them and their main functions, as relevant for the impact study. irrespective of the definition or scope used, impact studies have considered the Internet as a self-contained space (Baudrillard 76).

Communication process

The other possible communication forms have come into the picture almost exclusively from the perspective of their substitution, or as testimony of the past. This might be rather short-sighted. Even when digital communication will have pervaded all spaces and become vastly predominant, one can hardly imagine that there will be no room for analog communications, at least as long as the said spaces will be inhabited by natural, i.e. non-genetically manipulated, human beings and other living organisms. This information landscape can be further analyzed using criteria such as ease of handling and ease of interpretation (Poster 61). Thus hard data is easy to manage, to manipulate and to interpret but very difficult to collect, whilst library material is, when all is considered, easy to collect but very difficult to organize for effective exploitation. This process is defined as a social space in a given time and location, and operates through analog and digital communication fields (Baudrillard 88).

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Historical Change and the Internet

Web Reality   

For modern society and new virtual community, the Internet proposes new ways of communication and interaction. The weblog or a blog is a type of the internet site created for personal purposes. The first blogs appeared in the 1990s, when the software for conversations with threads became available for the community. Certainly, in that time, there were no PCs, and communication on-line was technically laborious process. It wasn’t until 1986 when the power and the possibilities that the Internet can bring were finally realized, and more and more people became interested in using it in all spheres of life. The creator of the first blog is Justine Hall, a freelance journalist. He opened the first private page in 1994. Also, in 1994 users were already able to order pizza online and enjoy many other services provided by the Internet (Walsh 72).

Organizations, social groups and institutions felt obliged to create web-pages to reach out to their customers on the net. World Wide Web was the solution to the problem which arose at the end of 80’s, when people realized that there should have been the way to organize the data to make it available to everyone and easily classified. As a result, WWW became an international medium for all Internet users. Later, first browsers appeared, the first ones were Cello and Netscape Navigator. Today, there exists a variety of different browsers, thus the users have a wide choice and can even customize them according to their tastes (Hillis 98).

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The next step in development of blogging is virtual communities. Virtual communities represent a unique communication environment with its own rules and principles located in cyberspace. Virtual communities became possible only with the development of the Internet and information technologies. One of biggest pitfalls of the cyberspace has been that it gave rise to one more form of divide amongst the society, termed as digital divide. But at the same time, the cyberspace has provided many opportunities to the mankind to spread education and disseminate knowledge through a number of channels including private and corporate blogs. One of the main threats in virtual communities is identity theft (Baudrillard 55).

“Helping Hand “

Even while managing an organization or community, cyberspace lends a helping hand. Development of virtual communities on the cyberspace, within a section of the society, group of friends, peer groups etc. are some of the examples which have become quite prevalent in our society today. Though earlier as well, we used to have the concept of the gathering of like-minded people, parties, clubs etc. but those were more formal in nature. The main problem with this definition is that it does not take into account social relations and unique communication emerged in cyberspace (Hillis 94). Identity and place play a crucial role in blogs defining unique communication patterns and interaction between users. The continuing releases of both the Microsoft and Netscape WWW browsers will greatly extend the ways in which individuals can communicate. These enhanced facilities will be available for communications as well as those between individuals in separate organizations. In addition to the simple exchange of e-mail messages it will be possible to have a private on-line dialogue with a group of people irrespective of where they are located. As the sophistication and variety of these new forms of communications increases it will take longer for the technical standards to become defined and globally adopted. There is an irresistible trend towards the development of new methods of virtual and impersonal communicating with customers: banks and software houses are desperately working together to produce secure payment systems; multimedia companies are desperately working to deliver these services over new forms of communication such as interactive television, satellite television, telephone developments and a whole host of other technological combinations (Walsh 101). Many young people are known to be traditionally taught not to talk with strangers and computer users. Under the circumstances like these the world must learn to be careful. In other words, people should be very careful while opening e-mail messages or attachments. The major parts of these things come from unfamiliar people or places that are located in distant parts of the world.

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Enlightened strategists and researchers are working within many producer organizations to work out new ways of adding value to the proposition. “Communication technologies stand at a peculiar interface between the technical culture of those who create them, the commercial interests of those who produce and market them, and the everyday life world of ordinary users” (Hillis 43). The problem of Internet security has been often accentuated by the Internet security experts. Many of these people hold to the idea that the most effective way of fighting problems is to spread the viruses across the territory of the country.  The idea can be best achieved with training end-users. These are trained about the dangers of unsolicited e-mail.  Theoretical approaches to the Internet suggest that the concept of virtual reality is closely connected with the online identity concept. There have already been a number of references to how the online identity can be used for communications. Applied to online identity, the Internet can be explained as the collective term that describes the technologies and functionality that make this possible and is simply the applications of communication techniques to individual processes (Baudrillard 54).

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The Internet opens a new era of communication and makes our life easier. In spite of such threats as computer viruses, identity theft and stress, the advantages of the Internet are communication at distance, availability of metadata and fats connection with users and resources. In the Internet, the role of personal contacts and physical interaction in Internet mediated communications has been evidenced for some time. Trying to understand the impact of the Internet without making appropriate room in the picture for the other forms of communication which occur in relation to the same needs or events is at least short-sighted. The conjunction of this dual mode communication sphere and the basic spaces is thus the universe to be studied.


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