Free «Never Let Me Go» Essay Sample

“Never Let Me Go” is seen as an astonishing novel, which uses language of the privilege and talk about the monstrosity. Ishiguro, the author of the novel and the other novel “The remains of the Day”, is a total master of the first hand writing in the first person. He also uses it in guiding and limiting and controlling whatever we learn when there is usage of not much and the unreliable narrator with the unquestioning one (Ishiguro, 2012). The author uses the same form of narrative and expectations in setting up to the expected in a certain kind of the thing and dynamites. It is very uncomfortable and reading experience, however, it is unforgettable one. The novel “Never Let Me Go” is science fiction about the three friends that grow up in the same place in England in late 20th Century. Tommy, Ruth and Kathy, attending an exclusive and boarding school have known as Hailsham, which has the unusual emphasis on the encouraged the fitness physical y and the artistic expression. This gradually revealed the reader and students of the Hailsham and they are clones that are being raised and donate their organizations. The three are then sent to be living in a communal housing with the other clones that start the process of organ donation; they finally started donating their own organs until when they are complete.



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Back at Haislsham boarding School, students are only taught poetry and art. Unfortunately, no life skills are taught in schools. The best works of these students are picked up by a lady known as ”Madame” and taken to some unknown place. The three friends who are the main characters, Tommy, Kathy and Ruth are seen developing close friendship with each other. In this setting, the three characters are seen to somehow lead a normal life as much as they do not receive much privilege like the other “normal” students. In a normal setting people make friends so do Ruth, Tommy and Kathy. For instance, early in the story, a strong bond develops between Kathy and Tommy. As time goes by, Tommy and Ruth gets into an intimate relationship, though they break up after sometimes, they still reconciles with each other. This is a normal event, even among the “normal students”. Ruth and Tommy seem to be young teenagers trying to explore nature. This is not absurd in our normal setting; “normal” teenagers often develop feeling with each.

As we go through the story, we realize that when Kathy was still young, she seemed to be so human by being kind, loving and caring to her friends. She helps Ruth and Tommy to reconcile with each after a breakup, she also stands up for Tommy, as he faces mistreatment from other students. In our normal lives, we have always learned to stand up for our close friends, families and even friends (Ishiguro, 2012). Through Kathy, we learn that people should always care for each other no matter the circumstances or the fate that lies in the future. The book outlines how clones are just human like us though they are used in an inhuman way. Their bodies are designed to act as spare parts in hospitals. They are also restricted in cottages, with little movement to outside world.

The lives of Kathy, Ruth and Tommy take a different route when they leave Haislsham to cottages. They are each assigned different roles by their guardians. Ruth as a young girl is described as hopeful and full of life. Ruth dreams of becoming something greater than just being an organ donor. She falls in love with Tommy, and she also excited of getting a deferment of three years from being donors. Although Kathy’s dreams were never accomplished, later in the book, we see her encouraging Tommy and Kathy to give it a try again. Apparently, every normal person has a dream, we all dream of getting married at one point in life. In a market place, people often encourage one another regardless of the circumstances one might facing.

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Ruth encourages Tommy and Kathy to pursue for deferment letter from “Madame” despite of the many challenges they face as clones. Ruth also apologizes to Tommy and Kathy for being manipulative. On the hand, Kathy acts as “carer” to Ruth even after realizing what Ruth did to her. She is determined to perform her duties diligently despite of her knowing the truth about Ruth. She also appreciates her life in Hailsham. She also listens to Ruth’s advice of getting a deferment after falling in love with Tommy. We see Tommy being bullied when still young, his classmates laughs at him because he not as artistic like the rest of the class (Willens, 2010). Despite of this, Tommy did not give up; he grows up to be an intelligent young boy. He is not afraid to fall in love with Ruth neither is he afraid of seeking for a deferment. Therefore, it is clear that all of the three characters lived a purpose had driven life in spite of the challenges in their lives.

Apparently, there are no any forms of outside resistance with reference to the fate of clones. There is an awfully discreet and polite program of which Hailsham. No one bothers to raise money or better still make speeches against raising clones in an inhuman conditions. The government should form foundations to nurture clones in a more human and enjoyable settings, rather than the factory settings that existed before Hailsham. Such foundations like the Hailsham should completely abolish from the current society. However, in the acreage of anti-vivisectionist program, animal rights activists as well as individuals willing to validate against genetic engineering. I hold less confidence in the human race, and I do not understand why such a movement against cloning would not be successful. It is clearly believable that it would receive enormous support from nutcases who would dare do something seriously counteractive.

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It is unbelievable that such a movement that supports cloning do not exist at all in England. The first cloning was done in Europe, 1950, aftershock of the end of the Second World War and the exposure of Hitler’s concentration camps. I am completely shocked if such movement did not occur in Mr. Ishuguro’s fictional England. And it could be quickly fixed after the great revelation the book tend to build on slowly would be stronger if the cloning backfired. Mr. Ishuguro did not reason earnestly about underpinning of his imaginary world. It is 1990s and large scale cloning is witness’s everywhere.

In fact it started back in 1950s before begun questioning the act. Mr. Ishuguro reference is not true according to actual repots. Ishuguro’s work has proved a great success in the world of science. If Ishuguro fiction becomes a reality today, it will be both a disadvantage and an advantage in the society. The advantage is that the cloned people could be used in developing human spares parts just like in Mr.Ishuguro story. The clones could also be used in carrying out manual activities. In Ishuguro’s story, we can see how Tommy, Ruth and Kathy learning poetry and art. Cloned people seem to be creative and therefore, one could use them in performing some creative work. On the contrary, the same cloned people could be easily be used in executing crimes terrorism, robbery, and suicidal bombs. They can easily execute crimes and go unnoticed following their unanimous nature.

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Mr. Ishuguro explains the lives of the tree individuals who are cloned with the intention of providing human beings with body spare parts. Even in the successful scientific clones, it has never been possible to clone human beings that would live a normal healthy life through adulthood. Mr. Ishuguro tends to exaggerated this in his fictional story. He credits as a great surge of scientific progress. He seems so excited the cloning movement not citing its negative side’s effects on the society. Although he brings out cloning as reality of technology, he does not show the negative side of it. In his setting, human cloning is not as bad as people think. Tommy, Kathy and Ruth live a normal, and facing normal challenges like most of us. In my view, this should not be the case, human cloning is the worst inhuman act that has ever been in existence. Firstly, according to religion, it is against God’s will and therefore greatly discouraged among religious activists. The government should come up with legal laws that highly discourage this act. They should also make reference to religious books such as the bible and Koran that forbids such laws.

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The orders rules were accepted by each and everyone. The readers soon learn that the Hailsham is, whereby the human clones are raised and then used as organ donors. As the narrator Kathy talks about their fate, at 31 years, she was nearing her time to donate her body parts. On the other hand, Kathy reflects on intersecting lives of three friends, they sorted through their childhood and the memories in school-age, the experiences they had shared throughout the young adulthood, also, the ultimate time together as they also entered last phase of young lives.

Theme of technology in Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go book with Islamic community perspective

The Islam presented their views about the issue of cloning in the Muslim religious laws. The laws tend to suggest the plurality basing on the independent interpretation and research of the legal scholars in the community. Even though the ethical issues are associated with the assisted technologies for production and as vitro of fertilization and has been dealing with some detail by the Muslim jurists and belonging to major five legal rites, one Shi’i and four Sunni, to writers knowledge on the subject of the possible cloning of human beings which is not yet discussed (Ishiguro, 2006). Cloning facts are always emerging, in the book “Never Let Go”, and light of better understanding facts about cloning, it is both through the nuclear transplanting and embryo splitting, further, the impact it has upon Muslims ways conceived of the human life and its purposes, the legal assessment and ethical experiments among Shari’a scholars. The article was summarized through technological, legal and ethical dimensions of issues on the associated to cloning and Islam with the due attention to possible differences in interpretation between Sunni and Shi I legists.

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Legal Dimension on the issue (cloning)

According to Islam, legal and ethical, religious dimensions are always interrelated, it is required to understand legal cloning aspects that Muslim legists then evaluates the aspects carefully in legal reasoning and deduce judicial decisions about the subject. The legists are always expected to remove two fundamental equity principals (istihsan) and the public interest (maslaha) in furnishing religious independent basis on legal decisions on the subject. The two principles then function as a supplementary procedure to provide the rules applied to create new decisions overriding strict letter law. Moreover, the three major principles in subsidiary or the rules that are applied in resolving the ethical dilemma and derive the judgments relating them to bioethical issues are the protection against the distress and the construction (Usr wa haraj), refrain from causing loss and harm to each other (La darar wa la dirar), averting the corruption causes on bringing the benefit (dar’u al-mafasid muqaddam ala jalb al-masalih).


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