Free «Success Issue» Essay Sample

Intelligence is the measure of IQ that a person has. Intelligence in life propels the activities of human beings in a dignified manner. Thus intelligence can be measured in terms of classroom work, business, the general life situations and leadership qualities. Intelligence goes hand in hand with achievement where a person shows progress and adds value due to his professional expertise. Intelligence people have therefore flourished in several fields such as music, arts, soccer and in business.

People’s goals and beliefs are the key determinant of their success. For instance, there are people who believe in entity theory where intelligence is considered fixed. The entity theorists believe that performance goals are the core aspect which life depends on. It is evident that these kinds of people will engage in less challenging activities. Furthermore, they will neglect challenging opportunities and tend to rely on assistance in all fields. However, there is also a group of people who are called achievers ad they ‘love’ success in their activities. This group of people believe that intelligence in human beings is malleable. They are reluctant to failure and associate themselves with successful people.



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In a research conducted, a neuroscience model was used and the event related potential used to measure the gains. This study aimed at analyzing the goal directed behavior. The results revealed that entity theorists had a different orientation towards the negative performance feedback. Furthermore, the results correlated positively with concerns that are aimed at proving your ability to the others. Thus, the entity theorists developed low memory in daily lives and achievement activities. Therefore, the study shows that intelligence is determined by beliefs. This reveals that beliefs influence success both in life and other learning activities. In the book, “outliers: the story of success”, the author poses a provocative question on why people succeed while living a proactive and an active life. This therefore depicts a big difference between successful people and the unsuccessful in relation to the intelligence.

Success is more similar to achievement. Achievement can only be achieved through hard work and determination. More so, achievement requires talent and special method of working. Gladwell questions why other people have never accomplished their full potential in life. More so, he challenges the common believe among human of self-made man and acknowledges that superstars in life do not arise from nowhere. He confirms that prosperous people are propelled by talent and genius. Furthermore, Gladwell outlines several people who have succeeded in life. For instance, Chris Langan is depicted both as a successful and an intelligence person. After high school, Langan earns a mathematics scholarship to study in a private college but due to financial constraints, he loses his chance. He drifts from one job to the other but due to his intelligence; he later becomes one of the successful men. This shows that one cannot just achieve through struggle and hard work. Talent is a medium of expressing one’s ability especially genius aspects.

Achievement in life is considered as a lifelong process which depends on the initial steps or foundation that someone lays. Despite the challenges that can affect somebody in life, self evaluation and revolution incorporates other people for success. Thus, Samuel and Port alludes to personal revolution as the only element which creates possibility. He acknowledges that success starts with small activities before undergoing through big thinking. He also states that dreams can be achieved by thinking big and it is the vital element of success. He also acknowledges that through revolution, we can become successful in life. He reiterates that self confident and the talented in our societies have shown aspects that they have not been involved in thinking big. Thus, the authors have outlined ten principles that are vital for one to succeed in life. They posit that the ten principles will awaken people’s way of thinking and conducting activities and decisions in life. He incites us to awaken and think big so that we can achieve in life. Thus, the think big manifesto is mainly concerned with aspects in our daily lives. He advocates our daily to be dedicated and related to our friends, community and family members (Port and Samuels 87). Therefore, achievement is not static but a process which depends on one aspect for the success of the other. Achievement also relies on outer sources for materials and moral support.

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Furthermore, success does not just rely on intelligence alone but also democracy and openness it all the operations. Governance and leadership qualities foster faster performance and achievement of a specific activity. Semler relates his personal experience as a counselor to the success of a Brazillian Company which progressed from the traditional structured business to a free and fair governed business. He gives a detailed course of change in the progress of the company. First he states that the company banned the dressing code and other unscrupulous regulations. He gives this appellation as a counselor of the company (Semler 77). More so, he acknowledges his efforts in creating a consultative democracy where employees set their salaries. In addition, he confirms that the company had freedom and it allowed the employees had the freedom to decide on the salary and wage scale. He rejects attraction to success as success to Semler, “success shows how heart, values and a sense of fairness and solidarity can be good business advisers (Samler 173).” It therefore implies that to be an achiever, you have to be leader.

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However, Gladwell contradicts his statement when he reiterates that success does not just rely on intelligence. He acknowledges that all people have the same ability thus they require an advantage to compete favorably. He equates the advantage to opportunities in life. “It is not the brightest that succeed. Nor is success simply the sum of the decisions and efforts we make on our own behalf. It is rather, a gift. Outliers are those who have been given opportunities- and who have the strength and presence of mind to seize them (Gladwell 34).” First, he starts by alluding to the greatness of an individual, the Beatles and the titans of the Silicon Valley. In addition, he refers to the success story of the Jews born in New York during the 20th century. He relates this trait to Beatles and Bill Gates as opportunity has a vital role in perpetuation of success. Successful people have opportunities that are rare and other people do not easily access it (Gladwell 79). He gives an example of Bill Gates who is admitted to school that own and has computer connection to the larger computer. The author reiterates that this was quite unusual especially in the 1970s when computers were very expensive. This gives Gate the opportunity to learn computers an early age and thus is ahead of the others.

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In conclusion, intelligence fosters the growth and success of an individual. Intelligence favors people due to its added advantage it has over others. Advocate to this view acknowledge that intelligence fosters both opportunities and competition for achieving benefits in life. It therefore implies that intelligence controls human activities and success.


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