Free «Meaning of leader or not» Essay Sample

A leader is defined as one who leads, guides, or one who is in command or in charge of others. At the most fundamental level, leaders are people who lead others. What makes one a leader and what is it on being a leader that people understand utilize to their own benefit? As a leader, what might you do to be referred to as a leader? Here is all what one needs to know and apply. A leader has a drive, a vision, and a commitment to achieving that vision, or the skills to make sure it happens (Michael et al, 2008). Is a leader a boss? A leader has leadership qualities. It is important that possessing the word leader does not imply that the figure head is yielding positive image to work the subjects who proclaim him or her as a leader or to whom he is self appointed. Although the position as a supervisor, manager, lead, or any other position gives one the authority or power to accomplish specified tasks or objectives in the organization, this authority does not make them a leader, it only makes them the bosses. A leader has to be a moral role model. Definition of a leader as done here in will assist followers to identify whether they have a leader or not. Leadership differs in factors that it make the devotees want to achieve high objectives, rather than bossing people around for the title. You get declared as a Leader by your position and how you display developing Leadership qualities by influencing followers to try new ways to meet their set aims and goals (Michael et al, 2008).



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All leaders have to posses visions. Leaders identify a problem that requires to be fixed or an objective that requires to be met. This may be an issue that no one else had noted or an issue that no one wants to handle. Whatever it is, this is the focal point of the leader's point of addressing and how they attack it in determination. Whether the objective is to double the firm’s annual sales target, they develop a way that will solve their bottle necks, or start a firm that can meet the leader's objectives; he or she always has a better target in mind. It should be a big positive image, not the procedure improvement that reduces errors by a certain percentage but the new procedure that entirely eliminates the sources of the errors. It is the new method that makes follower says "we should have thought of that" (Nancy et al, 2006), now that is leadership in making. The absolute form of vision a leader has.

In addition, it is not sufficient to only possess a vision. Many people see acts that should be take care of, things that require fixing, great step forward leaps. What makes a leader different is in the way that they act. They take calculated moves to achieve their goals.

Moreover, is it a passion for the proposal, an inner drive, or a sense of obligation? Whatever this is, it is the force that lets a leader move their goals forward despite all the barriers, and pessimists, it is that costly. A true leader moves forward and perseveres despite the obstacles to successful leadership. Above that, there are traits and Skills any leader must hold, there are matters that set a leader apart from his supposed followers. Some of these characters and traits are inborn. Others learn them as they exercise as leaders. They are things that can be done if they want to be a leader is strong (Nancy et al, 2006).

There are three basic traits of a leader that makes them successful. One, a leader has integrity. Followers have to suppose that their leader is pursuing their dream because it is the right act to take, not only because they are ego driven. Secondly, a leader is a people figure. A leader understands the variances that make them unique and ability to use those skills to achieve their objectives. Lastly, a leader is a positive image. Good leaders encourage and reward followers and makes them want to attend to a matter and do it in the right manner.

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Beyond the individual traits of leaders, there are certain skills they must master be leader. Leaders must have a sincere understanding of who they actually are, what they know, and what you can do. Additionally, note that it is their followers, not the leaders or people who determine whether a leader is triumphant. If followers lack confidence or do not trust have in their appointed leaders, they will not be inspired (Lamb et al, 2004). To be successful they have to persuade their followers, not themselves or their superiors, that they are worthy of being followed or worth their moral role model titles.

Different leaders require dissimilar methods of leadership qualities. For instance, a new hire needs more supervision compared to an experienced staff. A person who does not have motivation requires another approach than that with a lofty degree of incentive. Leaders must know their people. The fundamental focal point is possession of a good mutual understanding of the followers’ nature, such as emotions, needs, and motivation. Leaders must come to know their employees and do attributes (Lamb et al, 2004).

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Leaders lead through two-way communication method. Most of this is nonverbal. For example, when they “set the example,” that communicate to their followers that they would not drive them to do anything that they could not be prepared to do, no force used. What and how they communicate may build or harm the relationship existing between them and their followers.

All situations are varying. What a leader does in one situation does not always work the same way in another situation. A leader must use his or her judgment to make decisions on the best courses of action or a leadership method needed for each cases. For instance, they may need to confront a follower for inappropriate conduct, but if the intervention is ill timed, too late or early, harsh or weak, then the intended results may be ineffective (Nancy et al, 2007).

Furthermore, situations normally have a greater impact on a leader's deeds than their characteristics. This is true because while characteristics may have a impressive stabilities over a duration, they hold little consistency over other situations This is the reason why leadership scholars suppose the Process Theory in Leadership qualities as a more precise way than the Traits’ Theory of Leadership to identify a leader. Various forces affect the above factors. Those forces include the relationship with seniors, skill of the followers, an informal leader within the organization, and how the organization is structured or organized. A leaders dream dreams. He or she refuses to let anything or anyone get in the route to achieving the dreams. Their dreams are realistic, but remorseless. They should be polite, but adamant. The consistently and constantly drive forward towards their objective. Anyone can be a leader but only when it matters enough to them and they execute it as a moral role model. “The very fundamental nature of leadership is the way to meet the visions. It is got to be one a leader articulates clearly and vehemently on every instance” (JoAnn et al, 2011).

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Despondently there is no such case to have perfect leaders, either in the present or past, in America or anywhere else. If there is such a leader, he or she is just pretending, in an effort to look like one. This implies that leaders must consistently make every effort to improve them. Every businessman knows a tale about an intelligent, vastly skilled manager who got a promotion into a leadership post only to fail in delivering in the job. They also must have heard of a story about people with solid though not unheard of technical skills and intellectual abilities that were promoted into a related position and then lost (Nancy et al, 2005).

Such anecdotes add mass to the widespread beliefs that identifying a person with the “right traits” to be a leader is more of art than science. In any case, the individual method of superb leadership varies: Some of the leaders are analytical and subdued; others voice their manifestos to make them recognized. And just as essential, different occurrences call for similar or different form of leadership. Most of the mergers require a sensitive envoy in control, whereas most turnarounds call for a more vigorous authority (JoAnn et al, 2012).

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However, the most effective leader is alike in a crucial way: he or she has a high degree of what is known as emotional intellect. It is not that Intelligence Quotients and technical skills are not relevant. On the contrary, they matter, but mostly as “entrance leadership qualities” (JoAnn et al, 2012); that implies that they are the initial level requirements to hold executive posts.

Further into this research, beside other recent related studies, the study clearly pints that emotional intelligence as the sine qua non leadership. Without emotional intelligence, a leader can have the highest training, analytical mind, an incisive, and a never-ending flow of smart ideas and he still will not make a better leader. People want to be lead by leader they respect those who possess a clear sense of direction to successful results. To win respect, a leader must be ethical. The sense of direction is got by conveying a wellbuilt vision in days to come (JoAnn et al, 2012).

In conclusion, when a people are deciding if they respect you as their leader, they do not think about their attributes, somewhat, they observe what you do to ensure that they can know who their leader really is. Followers use this observation to discern if a leader is honorable, trustworthy or a self serving figure who misuses power and posts to impress and get promotions. Such leaders are ineffective given that their followers only obey their instructions, not follow their leadership. They succeed in a number of areas because they attempt to present excellent images to their supervisors at the expense co workers. A leader must draw a line whether they want to be just bosses with no positive image, leadership qualities and will. A leader is not a leader just by possessing this title.


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