Free «The Internet and Academic Paper Writing» Essay Sample

The internet refers to the global interconnection of computer networks that serve many users around the globe using the standard internet protocol suits. The emergence of internet played an instrumental role in revolutionizing the academic work including the writing of academic papers. It has simplified the entire process of gathering the significant information used in writing academic papers meant for different purposes. According to Zilman (2005), the internet has made it easier for writers to access a myriad of information used for writing academic papers presented to be utilized for significant functions. The internet has also revolutionized the writing of academic research papers by facilitating a comparison of various pieces of information that promote the writing of these papers. The search engines involved in the acquisition of vital information meant to write the academic research papers including Google, Yahoo,, and Bing. These search engines work effectively in order to ensure that large amounts of information are collected. The Boolean phrase is a programming language that involves the true or false constant values. When appreciated, it triggers the Boolean constant.



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This essay explicates the key roles that the internet has played in revolutionizing the writing of research papers.

The internet has facilitated the access to huge volumes of information, hence, enriching and simplifying the writing of academic research papers. With the internet, researchers have had an easier time writing the academic research papers because of the ease with which they can access large volumes of relevant information. The writing of academic research papers takes lesser time because of the availability of large volumes of information online used for the effective writing. Moreover, individuals intending to write the academic research papers have been able to access the effective formats that facilitate the writing of their work. The availability of plenty of information has made it easier for researchers to write the acceptable information used for academic purposes all over the globe. The Department of Library Services (2006) asserts that the internet has ensured that there is a correlation of the information written with that collected by other significant researchers. The comparison of information from the huge volumes existing in the internet has simplified the entire process of writing and presenting research papers. The internet has ensured that less time is involved in the collection, writing and presenting of academic research documents by ensuring that there is the adequate information and formats that have to be followed while writing these papers.

It has changed the writing of academic papers by ensuring that there are higher levels of accuracy in the papers. Academic research papers would only be significant in cases where they are accurate and relevant to the research topic. The internet has changed the writing of these papers by eliminating the unnecessary approximations related to the data. It has ensured that academic papers are as accurate as possible by offering the exact figures and data used in the sections that they are required. According to Laurence & Miller (2000), researchers have been able to confirm vital details of information and have been able to write the documents that are accurate and desirable for the further research. The enhanced accuracy of academic research papers has boosted the reliability on these papers, hence, ensuring that they are used in the referencing of other vital works. Thus, these papers are presented in their accurate form and are utilized for the various purposes that they are meant for. Furthermore, the accuracy attained in these papers has ensured that there is the increased compatibility and reliance on the research information. This has been essential in improving other researches by following a similar procedure.

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The key search engines involved in the collection of data for the academic research paper writing include Google, Yahoo,, and Bing. They work in various ways to ensure that the significant information has been collected and effectively used for the writing of papers. For instance, Google has been regarded as a king of the effective research for everything. Winkler & Metherell (2011) points out that it works in a fast and relevant manner that ensures that the information has been significantly collected and utilized. It is the largest single catalogue of the web pages that could be accessed at any moment. In addition, it works in a manner that presents some images, maps, and other significant features, hence, ensuring that the vital information has been collected in line with the needs of those seeking the information. These functions have made it easier for researchers wishing to collect the information for the various matters that exist within their scope of research. Yahoo is another significant search engine. Yahoo is regarded as a search engine, an email box, an aggregator of news, a horoscope, a travel center, and a games center. It works with a web portal that ensures that the task of searching the significant information is simplified for beginners. Yahoo offers vast opportunities for the research and exploration of data in the internet. is a super-clean engine that facilitates the faster search of information. It presents the entire information relevant manner, hence, ensuring that it is effectively utilized for the required purposes. Bing is another key search engine that is sign significantly and utilized in the MSN search. It is regarded as a decision engine because of the key roles it performs in the decision research. It facilitates the effective research by ensuring that there is the adequate data for any research. These numerous search engines have ensured that the process of gathering the data for research is effective, timely, and relevant to the research topic.

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A Boolean expression refers to phrase in programming, which when appreciated effectively it triggers the Boolean valued data. It relies on the basis of the true or false variables in its analysis of data, hence, ensuring that it is accurate and effective in its operations. It must be noted that a Boolean expression may be composed of a combination of the true or false constants, Boolean-typed variables, Boolean-valued functions, and Boolean-valued operators. The Boolean expression is especially used in programming and ensuring that all programs utilize some effective symbols that are recognized all over the globe. These expressions must always contain one variable in their presentations. This ensures that the research data are effectively presented and utilized for the purposes required to serve. This ensures that all the information presented in a manner that is readily understood by the required individuals.

The internet has also played a significant part in revolutionizing the referencing of academic research papers. All the details related to the current modes of referencing are displayed in the internet effectively and have enabled most of the researchers to effectively retrieve them and utilize them for the research. Academic research papers can now be referenced according to the styles that are required courtesy of the internet. It must be noted that the internet contains all the updated styles and gives guidance to the manner, in which the references are supposed to be put at the end of each academic research article. The internet has ensured that this is easier in text referencing of the research data presented. The Turabian (2007) reports that the internet has ensured that the specific information presented in the academic research documents is cited appropriately, hence, enabling individuals to relate appropriately with the information. The internet has made it easier for researchers to cite their documents according to the changing trends around the globe, hence, ensuring that they are appealing and acceptable among all individuals. It has also revolutionized the manner, in which researchers put the references at the end of their texts. They have been able to adopt specific styles of referencing and utilize them according to the requirements of the subject. These styles are also accessed easily by searching them in the internet and comparing them with those existing in the field of research. This has ensured that all the research data are referenced effectively before being presented for their acceptance and use.

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Numerous research tools and resources exist all over the globe today. Roztocki (2000) asserts that the research tools that exist around the globe today include some questionnaires, archives, internet, and cameras that could be used for taking photographs of the features existing in the field of research. These tools have ensured that the effective data to be used for research are gathered and utilized by researchers. This has ensured that there is a room for the collection of a wide variety of data. Research resources include the existing research articles, books, and even the social media that provide a clue to the collection of the desired information.

In conclusion, the internet is a global interconnection of computer networks that serve many users around the globe using the standard internet protocol suits. The existence of internet has facilitated the effective writing of academic papers. Schelcher (2005) reports that the internet has simplified the process of gathering some significant information used in writing academic papers used for different purposes. Writers have been able to access numerous resources of information; they have been able to compare the information, and have effectively compared the works already written, hence, promoting the efficiency. It has also made it easier for individuals to reference the academic research papers, hence, boosting their acceptability. The internet is instrumental and will always remain instrumental in the promotion of the academic research work.


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