Free «San Rocco Magazine» Essay Sample

San Roccois a magazine which tells us about architectural innovations. It is mostly based in Italy. The project of the magazine was developed for 20 years. San Roccocannot be called a serious edition. The preference in the magazine is given to pictures and not text. It does not solve any architectural problems. San Roccois an independent magazine.

The two main goals of the magazine are: a) to cover all of the tiny details of the architectural world; sometimes, these details are new and fresh; other times, they are either too difficult to understand or too out-of-date; b) to disclose as fully as possible the topic of islands.

Editors of San Roccoexplain that they plan to issue such topics for discussions as scary architecture, demolition, the wrongness of simplicity, and the way houses for billionaires have to look.

Any architectural magazine’s mission is to highlight the most interesting, innovative and traditional ideas for those who are working in this field. San Roccois called on to publish articles of simple architects. The language or ways of expression are not taken into consideration; that is why many of those who appreciate a high quality level of everything are not quite happy with this edition. This is not editor’s drawback, but the magazine is supposed to be very helpful and available to all architects; that is why articles are published in their own special language. On the other hand, it is very easy to read San Roccoas the segments are very short. The content of the magazine is as if it spreads the idea that the Internet should not be the only one source of information.



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The materials in the magazine are presented in articles, illustrations, essays, comic strips, designs, and even novels.

San Rocco takes its name from a little area not far from a small town in Monza. The history tells us that two architects, Young Giorgio and Aldo Rossi, decided to design this town in 1971. Unfortunately, the project did not even start, and instead of it ordinary apartment blocks were built.

All who wish can still find some drawings and black-and-white pictures which show this project in monographs of those times. However, the town did not bring fame to the architects as it had no well-determined unique standard.

The design is quite pure and radical. Despite this, the magazine reveals new opportunities for design. These opportunities include innovative type of architecture which is under the perspective of development. San Roccodoes not reject the possibility of using traditional design. It proposes the development of personal and open, monumental and fragile architecture. But this architecture will always remain questioning and rational.

Two first editions were very interesting, and many professionals appreciated the ideas. The first edition describes islands. The author, Gilles Deleuze, divides them into two: oceanic and continental islands. Oceanic islands, according to Mr. Deleuze, are created by the ocean. Continental islands are eroded big areas of land. The author takes into consideration all the possible aspects: political, anthropological, literary and even includes historical literature.

A close examination undergoes the submerged Bikini Atoll in Sicily, Isola Bella of the 17th century and the Lashima in Japan. The way San Roccodescribes these islands is quite urbanistic, amusing and speculative. The author starts retelling the story of those islands by gradually disclosing embassies, prisons and military outposts.

What is quite surprising, Dirks de Meyer describes in a fascinating way how people can grow their own islands. He thinks that if people try hard enough, it will not take them too much effort to grow up comparatively small floating rocks, which can be transformed into formed according to the laws of natural areas of land. He asserts that such islands will be good enough to maintain the life of some humans. Dirks de Meyer ends his article by stating that with all those small atolls and reefs being at risk to submerge into the water due to the rise of the sea level, development of such island-growing techniques can become a profitable business.

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In the second edition, we can read the editor-in-chief, Joseph Grima, who talks about his perception of the ethics which should be present at any construction sites across the whole world. He provides an example of the Nile Valley, which used to be a deserted area but very fast became densely populated – once inhabited countryside became a new city. The beautiful architecture of the Nile Valley is still shown in the halls with columns of ancient mosques.

The amount of articles and essays in San Roccois quite large and versatile. They allow one to work out a completely fresh perception of architecture.

I would also like to add a few words about a well-known architect in his field, Matteo Ghidoni. He was born in 1972 in Brescia, Northern Italy. He has been a teacher at several universities in Italy and a tutor at Domus Academy, Milan. In 2003, he became a member of research agency in Milan where he headed the international research seminar on the expansion of borders. Matteo Ghidoni now delivers many lectures at different universities across the whole world. On the 31st July, 2012, he gave a lecture at Columbia University. He talked about San Roccoin frames of Advanced Architectural Design Arguments.

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Comparing San Roccowith other architecture magazines, such as Domus or Next American City, I can say that the other two magazines are performed in a much more professional way paying a great deal of attention to the design details.

Domusis bilingual. It is issued in both English and Italian. A prominent Italian architect and designer, Gio Ponti, created it in 1928. In the United States, besides interior design and architectural news, it contains the information from real estate agents featuring properties for sale. People from ten states have the opportunity to enjoy this magazine.

Next American Cityis based in Philadelphia, and it depicts urban affairs. It is a very modern magazine; first edition was issued in 2003.

Next American City’s main goal lies in tracing the change of modern cities and its causes. This goal makes it similar to the San Roccoas the latter also describes the progressive changes of the cities.Next American City, however, considers these changes with a great deal of details. It outlines such topics as urban economies, planning, housing, transportation and environmental issues.

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To conclude, I would like to say that San Roccomagazine is a great opportunity to upgrade your knowledge of different architectural innovations, which are created with unimaginable speed in our world. Each day, someone writes a project for construction one more beautiful building to meet the people’s needs. One should not be a professional architect to understand San Rocco – its simple manner of writing articles is good even for beginners.


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