Free «Primary Care Ethics» Essay Sample

The modern world has continued to experience tremendous changes in every area. Much of these changes can be attributed to the introduction of technology, which has transformed every sector of different economies across the globe. One of the areas that have also experienced these changes is the workplace. Whereas in the past education counted much in any form of profession, the modern world’s requirements continue to increase on the qualification list; with behaviors, characters and personality being added on the list as a qualification of people who are able to work well. Among the qualities of a professional that are valued in the modern world today is the aspect of a person being good. Whereas there have been arguments that the goodness of a person cannot substitute his/her professional qualification, research proves that a good person is a better professional in the current professional world.

While the position that academic qualifications in any particular field cannot be substituted by the goodness of a person, there is enough evidence that proves that goodness plays a critical role in enhancing the career status of a person thus enhancing his or her professionalism and the fulfillment of his or her duties. According to Bruhn (2001), the modern world of professionalism has lost its vigor by a certain margin due to an extensive focus on academic qualifications of professionals rather than integrating both professional knowledge and skills and the virtues that are held by a person (47-52). Instead, the workplace setup has in most cases ignored important virtues that drive people to work in an excellent way thus being in a position to touch the hearts of those they have been assigned to serve.



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The society or rather community as a whole has varying needs that must be addressed for it to be able to continue functioning in a proper way. As a result of this, there are different bodies, organizations and professions that have been developed to deal with these challenges in the society. Therefore, while these professions will require people who are qualified to work and satisfy the needs of the community, it is also important to note that one cannot be able to work effectively to meet these needs if he or she has no concern for the needs of the people he/she is serving. For example, a community officer cannot in any way serve his community and be in a position to achieve the intended goals of this community if he has no desire or rather concern of the people he is serving in such a community. On the other hand, this desire or concern for the people one is serving because he or she has the knowledge and skills that are needed by such a community or society does not arise from acquiring these skills but from an inward virtue of goodness. As has been exemplified in Jarvis’ (1983) work, if, as a result of mastering an area of professional knowledge, the practitioner may achieve some personal development and as a result of service both the practitioner and the client may achieve the fulfillment of their human needs, then professionalism is good – not because of its utilitarian nature but judged on its value to the human being (126).

There are two arguments that are attached on the above statement. It is well known that most professionals will always work in a particular area of practice with an intention of earning a living. Yet, when goodness and other virtues are mentioned, the monetary value is not included in the argument in regard to the benefits that one will be able to achieve from his profession. In reference to Jarvis (1983), there is a specific achievement that is human in nature that one needs to achieve from professionalism (126). It is important therefore for one to understand that these achievements cannot be fulfilled in a person’s life if at all the focus of one is on his professional knowledge and skills rather on the satisfaction of one’s heart in his service. In addition, this satisfaction cannot be achieved if at all one is not ready to achieve it by being good. While serving people, one needs to be satisfied too inwardly to be able to counter the pressure and challenges that accompanies different professions. That is what gives people the motivation to continue serving despite the challenges that are involved and breaks the boredom that comes with doing the same thing over and over again. It must be recognized that this can only be attained in a professional’s life if he is good.

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Therefore, one needs to be good to be able to achieve the satisfaction of human nature that arises from serving in a particular profession. For example, if the desire of one’s heart is to see their clients happy with the service that one is offering them, then there is need for such a service to be packaged in such a way that the client cannot resist the temptation of appreciating the effort behind it. This not only requires knowledge and skills of how to provide the service but also a clear attitude towards the way the service is presented to the clients. That is what marks the difference between a good leader and a bad leader. Whereas both can be having the same level of skills and knowledge, one will be appreciate more by people more than the other because of the virtue of goodness. This also applies in nearly every profession across the globe.

The second argument on Jarvis’ (1983) argument concerns the client. While being served, the client must be assured that the relationship between him and the professional is not just a hit and run relationship, but rather a relationship that is meant to last. As a has been observed by Vaarama, Pieper and Sixsmith (2007), there is no future without care, and care must provide a future or at least support the client in constructing and maintaining a sense of future and a perspective on life which is personally meaning (137). This means that a certain type of care must exist for there to be a future between the client and the professional. Such care remains as a dream that cannot be attained as long as the client feels or assumes that the professional that is serving him in a particular area is not good. For example, research shows that marketers that are good have a tendency of getting more clients and retaining a large market share of clients as compared to marketers that that lack the goodness character in them.

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The dependency of the clients on a particular service that is offered by particular types of professionals also has been found to necessitate for the need of good professionals who are considered to be better and placed at a point where they can be able to serve dependent clients with ease. According to Vaarama, Pieper and Sixsmith (2007), a client must be able to feel confident that his or her relationship with the care services is a reliable, continuous and persistent element in his or her life with care being integrated into the identity of the client by reconciling it with past experiences (137). This is particularly important where the client has been failed before but close people or even professionals. Therefore, for such a client to gain confidence in the professionals, he or she will need a professional who is good to him or her. Consequently, after several occasions of interactions with a professional who is good, such a client will be able to build his confidence and begin relating well with other professional and with people back in his community. In such a case therefore, a professional with goodness as one of his or her character is better placed to deal with the client better than a professional who lacks this character. This is because the client can be able to build his or her confidence in the professional who is personally good and thus be able to reveal deep issues within his or her heart that would aid in solving his or her problem easily.

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There are different professions that value goodness as one of the most important virtues. Among them are doctors. Acquiring professional skills among doctors is one of the most significant prerequisites and an imperative step to one being the best doctor within a particular region. However, there are also personal characters that are needed for one to continue thriving in this profession. One of these characters is goodness. A doctor in nearly all cases deals with people who are desperate and in most cases have lost hope of living a normal life again. As a result of this, many of these people desire for an assurance that it shall be well with them after being treated. Therefore, doctors need the virtue of goodness to be able to go an extra mile of assuring their clients that all be well. According to Bowman (2007), the goodness of a doctor can be able to prevent recurrences of particular problems or challenges that are being faced by his or her client (93). On the other hand, it is important for one to understand that being good does not necessarily mean that one would act on every situation that come on his way. However, one can assign the task that needs to be accomplished to another person. For example, a doctor, due to lack of time may be unable to visit his patient and bring him some fruits as a sign that he values him. Instead, he can write a small note, purchase these fruits and send a nurse to deliver them to his patient. In doing this, he would have accomplished his part of being good to the patient. Such attitude and character in doctors has been found to bring hope to the patient and quicken their recovery process, thus rendering doctors with goodness as a virtue, better professionals than their counterparts who lack this virtue.

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Whereas there have been arguments that the goodness of a person cannot substitute his or her professional qualification, research proves that a good person is a better professional in the current professional world. This is because good people possess the capability of not only satisfying their clients but also of deriving their own personal satisfaction from their professional service to clients. As a result of this ability, most of them are able to keep clients for longer periods of time as compared to their counterparts who are not considered to be good. On the other hand, goodness is not beneficial to clients alone. Instead, when a professional is good, he also derives joy from offering his service to the clients, a factor that increases the motivation of a person in his work, thus increasing his efficiency and turning himself into a better professional. One of the professions that require its professionals to be good is doctors. As a doctor, one’s attitude towards the client is vital to the overall recovery process of his client.


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