Free «National Strategy for Homeland Security» Essay Sample

The National Strategy for Homeland Security is a security response edict that is in place by President George Walker Bush in July 2002. The strategy remains one of the rafts of measures, put into place by the United States Government in response to the worst terrorist attacks that occurred in the United States, on 11 September 2001. The Strategy for Homeland Security was a reactionary measure that its aim was protecting the nation’s security interests against further terrorist attacks (Longley, 2011).

The National Strategy for Homeland Security has three strategic objectives. The objectives are firstly, to prevent terrorist attacks within the United States of America, secondly, to reduce America’s vulnerability to terrorism and finally, to minimize the damage and recovery from attacks that do occur (Department of Homeland Security, 2002). The critical mission put into place by the Department of Homeland Security, towards achieving the three strategic objectives is the securing of the country’s national borders, while allowing only lawful immigrants into the country (DHS Strategic Plan, 2008).



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The main focus of the US Homeland Security Strategy is wholly craving upon the country’s experiences during the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks. As a result of this, the strategy deals with only terrorism, both within and outside the US (DHS National Strategy to Secure Cyber Space, 2003). While this is commendable, it is to be pointed out that the same may be inhibiting as it prevents the country from expanding its legitimate strategies to borders beyond terrorism concerns. As a result, the US has not for instance developed a stronger and proper Foreign Policy to deal with possible challenges posed by such states as Iran and North Korea (Longley, 2011).

At the moment, it is not easy to gauge the level of progress, in terms of achievement by the National Strategy for Homeland Security. This is because the said fight is progressive and not an event. However, the Department of Homeland Security needs to put into place requisite yardsticks to enable the government to be able to determine whether or not the fight is making any progress, and if any strategic revisions may be necessary. For instance, the administration needs to determine the levels of immigrant entries into the US vis-à-vis any changes in the Homeland Security concerns (DHS Small Vessel Strategy, 2008).


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