Free «Journalism, Gender and Race» Essay Sample

The answers to the question of the characteristics of a ‘good woman’ are variant based on whom this question has been directed to. While women may have a totally different answer from men, older people may also have a totally different answer than that of the younger population. It is worth noting here that the qualities of a good woman are not on the basis of brains, beauty or capabilities. What is actually being addressed are the things making a person who she is; the things making her to be considered as individual worth knowing and worth spending time with. For a woman to be regarded as a good person, she needs not to be a down-home caliber. On the contrary, there are a number of shared characteristics which women, irrespective of their places of origin, ought to possess for them to be qualified to be good.

A good woman actually has to be sensible so that she can be able to understand what matters in the long-run. It is quite a big challenge to deal with persons who are considerably insensible and it would be burdening. Loyalty is another of the characteristics of a good woman. This facilitates the sharing of secrets in every relationship. Nosy women are actually a problem. Besides, she has to be supportive and more especially in representing the man when he is absent and far apart. Independence of a woman is an imperative characteristic since this means that she is in a position to take care and manage herself. A good woman also ought to be confident and respectful. In the media environment, women have greatly been featured. Having been among the world’s underutilized resource, the media has often campaigned to governments and other stakeholders to embrace the economic contribution of women since they have proved to be pivotal contributors to the global gross domestic product (GDP) growth than even the modern technology. Besides child-rearing, women add value to housework and resultantly most likely account for more than half of the global output.



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The entertainment industry is considerably very powerful and as thus, a large number of individuals have been affected by what they get to see in the various media platforms such as the televisions, music, video, film, books and newspapers. Resultantly these have had adverse effects on the society and more especially the young generation. Perpetrators of violence have come to the realization that a greater percentage of the target population- the youths- are spending most of their time on these media platforms. Other vital factors promoting this violence include such as gun disposability, poor parental education and poverty. However, these factors hardly have the random access and dissemination that media has. Factually, media is in all places; one can watch the television from the comforts of his/her home, go through a newspaper in the subway or even get to utilize the internet at the place of work. The fact that media has become part and parcel of our normal lives, has augmented media violence.

Notably, short-term exposure that the media avails heightens the probability of both verbally and physically aggressive behavior, aggressive thoughts and aggressive emotions. Moreover, this short-term exposure has tended to increase the physiological arousal of the viewers as has equally triggered an automatic form of making an imitation of the observed behavior. Media violence possesses several learning processes and this leads to the subsequent acquisition of long-term effects besides cutting down on an individual’s normal negative emotional reaction to violence, which in simple terms refers to desensitization. The prevalence of violence in the media environment has also increased as a result of the pervasiveness of the media, and more especially the TV. The television has successfully delivered American children access to uninterrupted hours of progressively more violent programming that was earlier not in existence. Notably, a great percentage of the school children and youths spent most of their times viewing programs on the television, if not playing with peers. Apart from the pervasiveness of the media, entertainers have all through been using violence as a publicity stunt to not only attract, but also captivate the audiences. Through such, violence in the form of gun and gang life has been promoted. Likewise, majority of the video games- as other media- are characterized with the first-person shooter. This primarily stimulates shootouts prominent on the television and other violent films.

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Pornography and sport programming in the last few decades have become increasing popular as TV stations struggle for rights to the most widely held price soar and sports. According to some researches, this has been so as a result of various reasons which may include such as the liberalization of the TV markets with the presence of heightened degrees of competition between the broadcasters as well as the general rise in the transmission capacity. Notably, a basic and a closely related feature of most of the products that the media avails (including pornography and sport programming) is the relatively low marginal cost of distribution of these media products as compared the comparatively high first-copy production cost. While the first-copy cost relates to the public good element of the product offered by the media, the marginal distribution cost has relationship with its private good element. Both the high first-copy coasts and the low marginal distribution costs craft substantial economies of scale that can used for the purposes of carrying out distributions of the product to the largest possible populace. While the relatively high first-copy cost presents a high average cost at low volumes in the event that only a small number of viewers consume the pornographic or sport program, the low marginal distribution cost creates an average cost curve falling quickly at these small volumes and later tends to flatten when these volumes increase.

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Sport programming and pornography that is sold within and outside home markets is likely to realize a relatively lower popularity and demand levels in the outside market than within the home market. This is so as a result of cultural differences. For these two, it is assumed that there is an equal price for all the buyers. However, this is hardly realistic or even desirable in either situation. For instance, in the Italian soccer, it was evident that the producer does not have to make sales of the extra units all the times at a price that is considerably constant for these sales to prove to be profitable. These first-copy costs are actually considered to be sunk costs. Sport programming, whether sold within or outside the product’s home market achieves a lower popularity level and demand in the outside of the home market as a result of cultural differences and in the event that all other factors are held constant. The issue here is that cultural difference is not dependent on the definitions tying the home market and national borders. The degree of these cultural differences however, depends on the cultural differences existing between the home market and the export market. Having so said, it is therefore of great essence noting that sport programming remains to be a very time-sensitive activity as compared to other programming and is dependent on the strength of the uncertainty-of-outcome.

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Framing is a term that assumes different meanings as per the discipline in which the term is being defined from. However, in media and media studies, framing denoted the social construction of a social occurrence by sources of mass media or even specific social or political movements and/or organizations. On receiving news within the culture and society they term to be their home, people are likely to consider these news, which have been delivered to them, as a true representation of occasions. On the other hand, the liberal media is in the offing of reporting the same story in a manner that is completely different to a conservative version. For instance, in the era of World War II, the Japanese in Los Angles are framed as dishonest, sneaky and violent. These Japanese-Americans have even been given the roles of saboteurs and spies. On the other hand, in the ethnic press, the Rafu Shimpo, being Japanese has nothing to do with bad or good. Besides, the roles that the Japanese-Americans assume are in the mainstream and varied. In this ethnic press, these Japanese as defined as heterosexual, hard-working, religious, brave, patriotic and family-oriented. Moreover, apart from these characteristics being shared, their values are equally shared. They actually have shared beliefs and practices with the mainstream America. From the above illustration, it can be concluded that each media choses those facts which performed the very best work of gathering the target audience.


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