Free «Haiti» Essay Sample

Bad news! Bad news! Bad news! The modern world has been characterized by issues that require urgent but calculated move to bring the current situation under control. Listening to the media as well as to politicians, one is left wondering if what we are hearing is just fairy tales or they are real events in a real world. From East to West, North to South there is an outcry everywhere. If it is not about natural disasters and therefore attributed to the acts of God, then it is about the terrorists. And when you fail to hear them, i.e. the terrorists, them you will hear the sound of a crumpling economy. In every place, whether nationally or internationally, there is an outcry that cannot be compared to any other in the history of mankind. All these situations require response, and this response must be quick and timely. Yet, the question that every person is left asking is; whereas there are many calamities throughout the world, both manmade and natural, to whom should the nation direct its help?



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Being the world’s superpower, the United States of America is faced by different challenges that it would not be facing today had it not been a superpower. While it faces the normal challenges that other nations face, it also has a responsibility to examine international activities and participate either actively to help in decision making and rescuing the lives of people who are involved in some of these events. Therefore, every year, the United States of America has to allocate resources not only to take care of its economy but also to tackle emergencies that may arise either by natural causes or by cause of human activities such as terrorism into order to guard both the lives of its citizens and also of the international community.

These actions are mainly guided by the fact that the United States as a superpower has to ensure that the right of every person to life whether its citizen or a person outside its borders is protected from any harm. Therefore, the United States as a nation has been able to gain status as one of the nation that has put the value of human life as one of its core values. This is especially so when it comes to handling of difficult cases on the international scene that require sending the necessary help to people that have been faced by different calamities. Being a superpower, this has been one of the necessities that this nation has had to accomplish to be able to maintain its status and earn respect from other nations (Singh 324).

Freedom is another value that has driven the United States into involvement of international issues in a quest to ensure that every person enjoys some form of freedom irrespective of nationality, color or race. For example, in between 1989 to 1991, the United States of America participated actively in a war to secure the freedom of Kuwait from the power hungry Saddam Hussein, the president of Iraq. In this regard, the American government has sought to free the people of Afghanistan from the cruelty of the Taliban regime by helping this nation to set up a democratic government and secure the nation from the rule of the Taliban hooligans. In this case too, the United States of America has participated in helping this nation to free itself from the Islam fundamentalists who have propagated Sharia laws as a way of dealing with problems in the society, thus turning this society into an oppressed society without any mandate to stand up for their rights (Singh 324).

While the United States of America has been tasked with these responsibilities, there are various issues that must be considered. These are ‘help’ and ‘need’. The definition of these plays an important role in revealing how far the United States can get involved. To begin with, help in this case can be defined as an urgent need for response to a distress call from a nation or a community of people who are faced with a certain difficulty that must be eliminated immediately, failure to which they will perish. For example, the recent earthquake disaster in Haiti put this nation in a state whereby they needed other nations to help them recover from the disaster. Therefore, the United States had to intervene in Haiti’s situation from a humanitarian point of view since it was necessary for them to do so to help preserve human life and prevent a rise in death toll.

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There are benefits that the United States derives from providing such kind of help to nations or people in distress. First the diplomatic relationship is strengthened through such kind of interactions. This relationship reduces the tension that exists between nations due to their conflict of interest in particular matters. As a result, nations are able to maintain peace with each other as their relationship is based on a foundation of respect that has resulted from one nation helping the other. An excellent example of such respect is reflected in the relationship between Kuwait and the United States. On the other hand, situations such as the Haiti’s situation have been found to form the genesis of trade relationships between nations thus enabling both nations to benefit economically from each other.

On the other hand, there is an issue of need that the United States of America has to deal with. A need can be defined as an issue that is mandatory or an obligation that has to be fulfilled by a nation. In most cases, a need in most cases arise at home and not on the international scene. There are various needs that the United States has to deal with as a nation. To begin with, this nation has to fulfill its obligation of providing exceptional healthcare policy to its people at home. As a result, it can boast of the values that as a nation, especially as a superpower, it has been able to meet its mandate by providing healthcare policies that guarantees that its people are well taken care of in terms of health. Similarly, providing of national security and ensuring that it borders and its citizens are secure is a need that has to be met and there is no question about it. Therefore, as a superpower, this nation has to use all the resources that are at its disposal to guarantee its own security especially in the current world where terrorism is rampant and being an American citizen doubles the danger that one is exposed to (Crandall and Flamm 246).

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There are other values that are associated with the issue of having to meet every need that the United States has. First, the element of pride as a superpower has to be maintained for it to continue possessing a commanding voice both locally and internationally. On the other hand, for America to continue holding the status of a superpower, this nation has to ensure that the welfare of its people is satisfied in terms of health and security. This is because, there is no single nation in the world that has been able to prosper when the welfare of its people was not well taken care of. A good example is a nation such as Iraq. While it possesses great wealth in terms of oil, this nation has not been able to stand firm and prosper economically since there is no provision and satisfaction of people’s welfare within it area of jurisdiction i.e. within its boundaries. Therefore, when these needs are met, its citizens are able to lead productive lives in the society by contributing positively toward the growth of the overall economic and social development of the United States (Andrews 10).

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Whereas there are many calamities throughout the world, both manmade and natural, to whom should the nation direct its help? To answer this question, one has to first understand the position that the United States of America hold in the global economy and politics as a whole. As a superpower, it cannot deny its strength by failing to care for the welfare of its people. On the other hand, the rest of the globe looks up the United States to provide urgent help to their needs and therefore this cannot be ignored also. As a result, there is need for it to strike a balance between providing help to the international community and meeting the needs within its boundaries. For that reason, it has to formulate policies that will not only lean towards prospering it but also ensuring that it is able to answer the desperate calls of its neighbors and the rest of the world as a whole. However, limits must be reached. No one can ensure that the welfare of his neighbor is taken care of at his expense. Therefore, as it has been said that charity starts at home, the American community has to clean it own mess by directing resources towards satisfying its needs before answering every errant call that is directed towards it. Instead, it should use the influence it has by calling on its partners and allies to work together towards securing the needs of the international community (Andrews 9).


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