Free «Dubstep- urban trend» Essay Sample

My paper focuses on sexual orientation derived from the participating in the electronic genre of music. Focusing on the way the fanatics display themselves in the event that is Dubstep UKF concert. The concert was graced by artiste Gemini and the famed KOAN sounds duo. This paper seeks o illustrate the ideologies these artiste propagate and their influence to the fans.

Music is said to be the soothing medicine for a troubled soul from times memorial. But it depends on the path taken to cure the soul in everyday life as the listener either listens to soft or loud music. The impact of healing is dependent on many factors among them age. With the variety, of music genre so is the case that each genre propagates a certain ideology. Mostly influenced by the performer or the singer of that music resulting into each artiste cutting their own niche of audience.

This concert focuses on the genre of music that is electronic with it origins in the united king Dom. The performers were KOAN sounds which is a group of two, who have made grounds break for the fans of the electronic music. The two are identified as Will Weeks and Jim Bastow with their origin being United Kingdom from the town of Bristol.



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On the other hand, it is Gemini who is 21 years old at Dubstep producer hailing from Leeds. He has debuts such as the EP Blue in the year 2011 which is later followed by the Graduation. He has shared the stage with the likes of Ed Sheeran and Jamiroqual. With the combination of this artiste, it was bound to be a concert that would attract a lot to be seen. It is intriguing how the event had attracted the immense fans. Especially with knowing the age limit was 21 and one of the artiste, was of about the same age. Maybe leading to the huge number of fans who had bought tickets to attend the rave, as a researcher it interests me that such a features role. Intriguing the thought that was it that the fans wanted to identify with the artiste Gemini since he was of the same age as the revelers. Again since most of the party rockers in the event were a college student the same for the artiste Gemini who could be in college.

The genre has unique characteristics associated with it especially for the diehard revelers who are into detail of their dressing code. Most of other revelers who are new to this genre or followers of other kind of music like me would leave the concert feeling uneasy. The code when decoded one see an audience which wear clothes seen to construe a gay sexual orientation. With pompous colors of clothing passing all around the venue. This was not different from the performers of the electric event. The bright yellow colors all over the dance halls and the crow with lots of energy for the night.

As a matter of fact, one takes the crowd as being in the age group of around 20 to 25 years. This is an age bracket that is abundantly youthful. Their style of dancing is one that is depicts the street style and illustrating a youthful culture. On to the lights this was another phenomenal feature of the night as the crowd which one is swayed to join if you don’t mind the audience. At one point though I went there a professional researcher I found myself into the tunes. Especially due to the lights that are so inviting such that if one watched from a distance would think that the flashy lights were too dancing. The room was no lit safe for the disco ball that colored the die hard with the same bold colors camouflaging their real complexion. This maybe working in hiding their true identity concerning their nationality. More so, with the moves of the dancing audience that leaves on wondering if the crowd was so energetic without other stimulants. The music was extremely loud such that when one leaves the stage to a not so loud place the music continues in the ears of the reveler. At one time the place became was full of confusion an any person in sober mind seen there was some other influence on the youth. More so that they needed extra energy for the demanding night on the dance floor.

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It was also notable of the many incorporated nationalities in the discotheque. People from all races or nations had received the events so well and in some way not minding if especially one was black, white, Asian or Hispanic. The youthful audience did enjoy the music so well that one would seem to think some spirit unknown to the partying group they all spoke in their native language. Actually that was the only difference setting the dissimilarity among the audience. As the lights swayed the crowd, the performers who were dressed and behaving just as the crowd seemed not to let their fans down. As noted above Gemini who is 21 years old seemed to enjoy the electric of the music more to the enjoyment of the college goers in the event. It was a night where one who was comfortable to the bursting eardrum music felt the time was flying out just as the sway of disco balls that flashed a mix of colors all over the venue of this event.

Another notable feature was it advertisement that showed this was going to be a night of only people who were only above the age of 21. With all the posters clearly showing, that +21 was only the lot that was going to past the entrance. This can either be attributed to the acts of the intense culture as revelers call it in this genre the hip hopping, funk and a sum not so tender to those who would hate it the slow jams.

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When Gemini got on to the stage, the audience went wild with the way on the drums illustrating the best of the night. The drum and the bass that followed on were meant that it was just about the climax of the night. The two sounds did accentuate so well even the audience could not believe they were alive due to the loud beats as it climaxed. The beats offered some challenge as the crowd tried to catch up with the speed of the beats that were way above 140 for every minute. The environment everybody seemed to be on a fast lane to try and match to the speed of the beats. The drum and bass made the plus eat per minute more loud a the party rockers partied hard.

Most of the fans of this music who had flocked here was majorly due to that most of them did identify with the artist. With the incorporation, of Gemini in the event that is remarkably young sharing the age bracket with the audience most of the fans wanted to see what he was to offer. With the entire artiste in the house, I feel there is something that they were representing. I left the concert having felt that the three though, of different backgrounds. They were all reinforcing some aspect of life that not keenly thought by those who don’t have a taste of this genre. I am included in that group of people who don’t subscribe to such music. Therefore, my journey to the Dubstep was mainly for research purposes. It is no doubt that it was an experience since I don’t discriminate against those of different taste and preferences as to mine.

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With the audience, most of them in rowdy behavior as pointed out above were more reinforcing their nationalities. This rendering the event to be of hate to those people who don’t appreciate such rowdiness. Again this was what the artiste and the fans were after reinforcing after all. It also seems somehow controversial when the crowd though, not discriminative seeks to reinforce their sexual orientation. This including drawing what can be seen as gender related issues contradiction. The concert made it clear that there was also the aspect of all the youth participating in culture exchange and share the same niche through this music. The different nationalities around that discotheque reinforced that there was unity among them despite their contrast in demographics. The genre has most of its route back in England, and despite the different national background; the stage was in wholly in another continent the United States of America.

It is also through the label of KOAN that this music attributes it fast spread all over the cosmos. The role of any government is to make sure making sure, there is strict age control. For instance, in this event it was evident any person of the age below 21 years wont access the doors of the event.

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The fusion in dance styles evident in concert as far as the genre is perceived in the society. It forms a excellent way of integrating the nations culture, although, it is sad that the entertainment industry has continued to be controversial. Especially with the government role being questioned especially on drug use. The tense environment created by the crowd can be attributed to drug and substance abuse. However, the restriction of age is not a license to abusing of drugs not only by the permitted age bracket but also the adults. However, the artiste may not be participating in the drugs and substance abuse, the fans that idolize and identify with them will be lured in to consuming the drugs. In addition where the artiste has been involved it has resulted into negative impacts for their careers. In this case it may affect their labels that had contributed to their success. For example, the controversy if it involves the KOAN sounds it may dwindle down the gained popularity from the record label.

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In conclusion, the music is all about the soul and the type of the genre listen to is dependent among other factors age. The age of the person listening and the reception the individual has to that kind of music. In all circumstances the listener by the end of the music session or listening feels his or her soul has been cured. Whatever the different persons cherish as food to their souls may not augur to another person’s taste. But it is through music as one way we can identify with key figures in the public. Either knowing or not we may end up supporting to what they are advocating for through their music.


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