Free «Auschwitz» Essay Sample

Many know the name Auschwitz as it reminds different people of the world different horrific activities by the Germans on the Jews, Russians and other people who resisted the Nazism regime. However, to date the name has become a sign for the Nazi’s plan to exterminate all the Jews of Europe in a systematic manner (Gutman and Berenbaum 142). The Auschwitz was generally a concentration camp by the Nazi that was designed and organized by the Third Reich in areas that were seized by the Nazi Germany during the period of the world war. This was the largest of the Germans concentration camps, as it comprised of three different detection camps namely; the Auschwitz 1 that was also referred to as the Stammlager or base camp. The Auschwitz 2, Birkenau that was referred to as the extension camp, and the Auschwitz 3, Monowitz that was also referred to as Buna- Monowitz or a labor camp and other 45 satellites camps that had minor operations (Dwork and Pelt 63). The Auschwitz is the location of the greatest mass murders of all times and the not so popular factory of death whereby the “final solutions” to the Jewish queries was carried out by torture via the use of the gas chambers to terminate them thus making the site one of the most terrible place in the world.



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The Auschwitz complex was founded in the year 1940. In this complex, many Jews were deported to this location between the year 1942 and the year 1944. The main camp was known as Auschwitz I. Birkenau, or Auschwitz II, was allegedly the main execution center which had gas chambers that were made specifically for the termination of inmates purpose, whereas Monowitz, or Auschwitz III, was a big industrial site where production of gasoline from coal took place. In addition, several smaller outpost camps were dedicated to the war economy (Dwork and Pelt 63).

Many historians, psychologists and theologians have been on the forefront on the arguments and analysis on questions about the meaning and significance of the Auschwitz. The inhuman that was portrayed by the Germans makes researchers to come up with the basic conclusion that via the sustaining of their reflection on the past is a fundamental assumption that only via the direct confrontation beyond ones understanding can one have hopes of holding back our own worst selves. This is because even most the psychologists do not clearly understand why human beings do such things in the name of gaining power over enemies. According to most of the historians, when an individual realizes that he or she could be either the guard, the executioner or the inmate at the Auschwitz, this is a terrible realization as he or she has made a critical advance towards that self understanding and political information. The Auschwitz that was a camp in the Nazism era is a good reminder of the truth of the evil aspect in man that makes him do some things and the disrespect towards human dignity. The main purpose of the Auschwitz detention camps was to murder, in the most competent way possible the Jews, Russians and the gypsies. These inmates were transported to the gas chambers where they inhaled the gas to death (Dwork and Pelt 63).

Nazism is an activity that was an insult on the human self-respect and human life. The Nazi criminality called for attention in a more religious, moral and political perspective. Religiously, the attack on the Jews was an attack on the image of God directly. It brought about a meaninglessness and worthlessness on the human life of a precise religious group. The Auschwitz has a response of the reaffirmation of worth and life via the actions of life giving and actions of love. The actions of creation of life and enhancement of the dignity of human beings are a contradiction to the Nazism’s standpoint. In addition to the moral and religious issues regarding the Nazism, there are also political issues that triggered Nazism (Rees 57).

Politically, it is believed that one of the main reasons as to why the Auschwitz was established was due to the need for support for the nation of Israel. It was said that after the Auschwitz, the survival, and the existence of the Jewish people was a great verification and an act of faith. In relation to this statement, the state of Israel is one that is committed to the survival of all of its citizens. Israel is committed to the responsibilities of the covenant that all Jews who need citizenship of being a homeland and rescuer for the Jews who are in need in spite of the diplomatic and political consequences shall be welcomed. Therefore, the main lesson for the Auschwitz to the Jews is that no human being is supposed to lack a place that he or she is guaranteed to flee to again. The other political response of the Auschwitz is based on the recognition that power is a major control of the senses of aspects such as the human dignity, security and the right to life. In addition to the senses entails the commitment to reorganize power so that each individual has satisfactory power that finally assure the dignity of each human being (Gutman and Berenbaum 144).

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The Auschwitz has theological insinuations for Judaism. These implications include the ritual, psychological, political, sociological, and moral implications. Judaism being a deep historical phenomenon is influenced dramatically by the process of modernization and liberation and currently by the holocaust and most importantly by the rebirth of the state of Israel. The historical situation calls for the necessity of a response. This response is one of the ways of indicating that all the actions in the Nazi regime are performed in a context that is constituted by the discourse, attitudes, and the memory that is provided to the agent of the actions. The inadequacy of reforms and the orthodox movements means that people did not take the overpowering events of Nazism seriously. People and especially the top leaders failed to acknowledge that, after the events at the Auschwitz, one could not be in a position to go on with life as before, especially the Jews who were mainly targeted (Gutman and Berenbaum 145).

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However, critic exists among the supporters of the Nazis regime. Since the activities that took place at the Auschwitz detention camps were illegal, the Germans did not admit that the camps were meant for execution of the inmates. As a result, beliefs and myths were developed and backed up. For instance, the Nazis denied the allegations that there were gas chambers in the one of the Auschwitz; instead, they said that the chimneys served as a tourist attraction sites. However, various researches on Nazism and the holocaust have found this information to have a bias. The Germans and the supporters defend the detention camps on the following grounds, that there were no gas chambers at the detention camp adding on that they were just chimneys as said earlier. The propaganda were that the Auschwitz was not a detention camp but a tourist attraction site and that the gas chambers were an illusion of the propaganda that were present in the British wartime. However, after a research was carried out on the soviet prisoners of war that were in the main camp of Auschwitz on September in the year 1941, results were that over 600 of the prisoners and detainees were killed using the zyklon B gas. Therefore, the information regarding the gas chambers being tourist sites was not real. People who believe that the camp was not designed for ill intentions are based on two major syllogisms, first, prisoners who are released are free to divulge information, yet prisoners were released from the Auschwitz. Therefore, this makes the Auschwitz, not a detention or a top-secret location. Second, the action of mass extermination is an operation that is carried out at a top-secret location; the Auschwitz was not a top-secret location. For this primary reason, the Auschwitz was not a top-secret location whereby the activities of mass extermination on human beings and specifically the Jews took place (Rees 123).

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The total exposure and the horrors that human beings were subjected to at the Auschwitz detention camps has impacts due to the inhuman exposures. Afterwards, as we try to understand and come to terms with the activities of the Germans, some of the theological or political lessons from the whole experience of Nazism remain unclear due p the fact that the entire activities were by far inhuman. A response from today’s society has tensions that cannot be resolved day to day, as the horrific activities are confronted. However, life must continue. The Auschwitz remains to be a site whereby the greatest mass murder has ever taken during both the first and the Second World War. This is due to the not so popular factory of death whereby the so-called “final solutions” to the Jewish queries was carried out. Torture via the use of the gas chambers to terminate the inmates slowly makes the site one of the most terrible places in the world.


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