Free «Broad Mindedness, Intelligence and a Good Sense of Humor» Essay Sample

Possessions are inherently correct since once owned by an individual they help to improve the level of life, as well as bringing a new dimension to the life experiences. Possessions are considered harmless since they cannot cause harm on their own. They do not make an individual to do things that they are not willing, and do not make people become whom they did not intend to become. Therefore, it is correct to say that possessions never determine the people as human beings unless we allow them do so, just like many other people have. This paper looks at the possessions that I have, and how they help me to improve the quality of my life as well as of other people. It also looks at some limitations that possessions might have in relation to an individual.

I have possessions that I have earned in my life that appears to be seductive by nature since they empower me and this brings pleasure to any humankind. Owning particular items sometimes makes people feel that they are significant, desirable to other people particularly friends. A good taste car is an example of a possession that can be used in order to show others that an individual has a lot of wealth and also they are practical and strong persons.



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Possessions in my life that appear to be valuable to me are broad mindedness, intelligence and a good sense of humor. These possessions instill in me a sense of satisfaction that I use to establish my common facts of interest. Individuals who notice similar traits in themselves or I notice people with the same possessions, then we have a common point where we can start our conversation. Thus, possessions in my life play an important role in my interaction with individuals at various levels in the society. Furthermore, possessions can be said to reflect the persons that we are in a society since they project an individual’s image.

Possessions can have problems when they are allowed to do the talking for an individual since they do not reflect the individual’s inner state, but rather someone becomes that person who thinks that he/she owns the possession. An example is a person who buys a good taste car since the one wants to project their image as that of being powerful and that they had a lot of money to spend. In the real sense, the individual does not have a lot of money and also they tend to go with something that is popular at the moment. In addition to that, they are struggling to repay the car and fill the tank with gas. It hence appears that the expectation of life that the individual had, are not met, and this creates a bad feeling. It is clear that possessions can be obstacles in one’s life when they cause disappointments particularly when one expects too much from them.

My possession of being broadminded has helped me to come up with one of the best ideas at the work place. It is evident and true that the best ideas usually come from the weirdest experiences. Being broadminded has helped me avoid judging others, listening to virtually every person, understanding their point of view and empathize with them. An example is at the workplace where broadmindedness helps me tolerate the behaviors of other staff workers, and this contributes to harmony and peace.

Intelligence as a possession is of importance not only to me, but also to other persons around since I instill enthusiasm, education, rationality and social skills to the surrounding places. Intelligence in the society is particularly important since virtually every invention that surrounds human beings is a product of intelligence. My intelligence nature is a survival strategy since as human beings we are not really ruled by instincts but rather by sophisticated governing principles that can override instincts.

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A good sense of humor is my other possession that helps me responds to various situations that make me smile or sometimes laugh. With a good sense of humor, am able to attract many people especially where there is a social gathering by telling funny stories and jokes, and this demonstrates vitality and zest for human life. Humor is particularly important to every person in their daily life as it helps individuals rise above their problems. With a sense of humor, I prevent many people from worrying about those things that happen around them and also take life less seriously. A good sense of humor makes the burdens of life lighter, and it is not meant to find amusement form the misfortunes of other people.

Humor is particularly important in the current society where people have a lot of problems in their various fields of life. It can be agreed that a good sense of humor is a quality that will reduce stress, headaches and sleeping problems to many people. According to me, humor is an essential human quality where by the use of laughter and jokes, the spirit of individuals are lightened and this translates to increased productivity in their works.

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In addition, my good sense of humor helps me in various situations where I am required to interact with persons that I am not familiar. At the workplace,I am usually consulted where there are difficult situations that require to be diffused and by that, a good sense of humor is an asset that I regard as being very important. It is important to note that being funny does not always imply that an individual possess a sense of humor, but rather an individual’s ability to note lighter life experiences.

Broad mindedness, intelligence and a good sense of humor in my own opinion are qualities that are essential for the survival. These are friendly possessions that help nurture my qualities as a human being and enable me to socialize and make friends easily. My peers wonder how I manage to make many friends quickly despite being new to a particular area or situation. An example is when I attend a wedding where I do not know anyone and by the time am leaving the ceremony I have already made some friends. My possessions not only make me happy, but also entertain others and stimulate mental health.

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Despite possessions being helpful in people’s life, they can as well hurt in one way or another. Whenever possessions start to be pilled and are no longer in use, they hurt. It happens due to the human nature of constantly desiring to be associated with new things for the provision with satisfaction. Many people constantly live buying anything new that appears in the market. New things could include fashion and gadgets while piling up the older ones in their houses. By keeping all this things in the house, an unpleasant sense of failing to accomplish the required gratification through possession is created. It is important that as people develop their inner state rather than the things that an individual possess. Once obstacles are left to control the lives of human beings, they result in obstacles to individual happiness.

In conclusion, broad mindedness, intelligence and a good sense of humor have been very vital components, which define my identity in the society as well as in the workplace. These possessions have consistently affected the way I do things and relate with other people both in the workplace, as well as in the society. In addition, these possessions have always enabled me to identify the behaviors of other people, and this has enhanced my ability to understand other people.


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