Free «Compare and Contrast Books Ideas» Essay Sample


Children aptitude can never be artificially constructed but can be crafted naturally. Parenting in a way to achieve desired objective could not be feasible or possibly hard to do. At the same time, it is easy to take parenting with its accepted means. There are number of cases on earth that provide several instances of parent's influential behavior that impacted the children personality. However, by the passage of time and with experience, it has been discovered that influential parenting style has not been that successful than the sociable parenting style. Moreover, considering the pressured parenting practices with basic human rights, it found against the rules, laws and civilized parental practices. To understand the subject matter, there are three scripts from two writers for observation.

The Rules of the Game by Amy Tan:

In the "Rules of the Game," Amy Tan has exposed a very supportive attitude of a mother to the endeavors of her talented daughter. A mother who always induced confidence and helped her daughter on every single move of life. It demonstrated a dedicated effort of a mom to her daughter's interest, and involvement in chess game with her daughter made it possible to achieve the utmost success for both.



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At start of the story the mother says to her daughter "Wise guy, he not go against wind. In Chinese we say, Come from South, blow with wind-poom!-North will follow. Strongest wind cannot be seen." It was the first lesson a daughter learnt from her mother, and the given confidence to win had made her daughter stronger. At the same time, mother's critical appreciation can be apprehended with her statement about perfection, she says to her daughter about the chess sets "Next time win more, lose less."

The story "The Rules of the Game" would be the best example demonstrated by the Amy Tan about supporting and helping children in their way and with their aptitudes. In addition, story reflects the modern and standard theories of parenting. There is no parental conflict shown in the story to influence the children. In spite, there has been shown a synchronized behavior between mother and children. So, it is true that Amy Tan has turned that story into the realistic and standard parenting theories.

Two Kids by Amy Tan:

In the story"Two kids" Amy Tan has exposed the parenting intentions with another angle. She has created a real sequence of scenes that representing himself as parent and her daughter as child. Her influential mother character actually does not support the eminent and modern parenting practices. Moreover, the parenting practice she has demonstrated in her book are, in fact, refers to the old parenting pattern.

The story begins with the mother interest in piano and musical instruments, conversely, daughter's reluctant behavior for music. The bottom line is the story ends with the same situation as it starts. But, at the end and on mother's death, emotional affiliation urges daughter to do what her mother wants her to do. And she at the end under the influence of precious daughter, mother relationship learns and plays piano. However, even now, it would not be the harmonized act; it is only an emotional act under the influence of mother desire.

Therefore, in modern understanding, parenting has turn out to be a scientific practice. It denotes to understanding the children psychology, child and parent harmonization, and the mutual effort to being creative, competent, and impressive.

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Therefore, the narrow minded behavior shown by the Amy Tan in her book has placed great pessimistic influences on child. Indeed, children needs liberal environment that help them to make their selves a whiz kid. Conversely, in constrict environment, the haves can be turned into the have nots. Therefore, liberalness led oneself to be a leader. That's why; parents should take care of the liberalness in their parenting for having whiz kid.

Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother by Amy Chua:

It seems that Amy Chua has restructured the same story like "Two kinds" by Amy Tan. The parenting philosophy presented by Amy Chua in "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother" do not actually represents the Chinese patterns of parenting as well as the modern view points about parenting. Therefore, Amy Chua has actually revealed her own practice and philosophy of parenting. In fact, she set up very rigid implication on her children like not attend the sleepovers, do not watch TV and play games, do not choose the extra curriculum by themselves, never get grades less than A, and etc.

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The parenting guidelines she suggested are completely unacceptable in the current era of liberalism and scientific parenting techniques. It is fact, that children cannot compose themselves extraordinary with walls around them. The creative and scientific minds always need chances to lose and liberated environment to be creative. Therefore, the people largely negated the parenting theory presented by Amy Chua. In addition, in common sense ruthless and rigid concepts cannot be entertained in a civilized society.


Enjoying the liberated environment is basic right of every child. At the same time, an un-influential parenting is the responsibility of each parent. By means of mutual understating between children and parents, they can mold anything, and can achieve any goal quite easily. So, good understating between children and parents plays pivotal role to get successful.


Among three stories, the "Rules of the Game" is completely different and up to the mark of modern and scientific parenting philosophy. The other two are largely similar and does not possess the common comprehension. That is why "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother" by Amy Chua has faced great opposition from wide audience. Therefore, comparatively "Rules of the Game" is best and up to the mark as it follows the standard parenting practices.

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At the end of treatise, it is better to restate the thesis and examine the scripts accordingly. Therefore, according to common comprehensions about parenting practices, it articulates, the children aptitude can never be artificially constructed but can be crafted naturally. So, parenting theories presented in the three different scripts by two different writers can easily be examined on grounds of common comprehension.


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