Free «The App Effect» Essay Sample

Q.1. In your opinion, what do the authors have in mind when they mention the app effect? Based on the published sources, develop a point of view that supports or argues against the existence of an app effect.

The authors of the book App Effect studies the effects that the mobile apps have on our day-to-day activities. The book studies and explains to us how the mobile apps have caused positive and negative changes in our lives. The development of apps is at a faster rate than never. There are millions of apps available from the app market. These apps are free while others are bought. Many phones which internet-enabled support the apps. The mobile phone devices have become cheap and easy to operate hence many people now have the mobile devices. Adding to this, the mobile phone manufactures come up with portable phones with the capability of holding many apps. These apps either are in the phones at the time of purchase or downloaded late by the user. Either way, these phones will support the numerous apps, which are useful. The use mobile devices have spread in every part of the countries and the service providers who ensure that there is high network coverage in all region of the country have enabled this. The network providers have been competing. The lowered the prices have enabled the app users attain the app benefits at a reduced cost since most apps are internet enabled (Jaap, et al, 2012)



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The authors of this book are in the opinion that the effects of the mobile apps have already emerged. The effects related to the development of the apps are now clear and thus the role of the mobile apps in our daily lives cannot be ignored. The effects related to the apps will still emerge despite the fact that they are still evident in our day-to-day activities. The apps have influenced our social life. To start with, the apps have changed the way we interact with each other. The apps have enabled us interact in a better way than we used to before. The apps a have opened our minds and this has led to a better interaction that has led better intermarriages among different societies (Jaap, et al, 2012)

The authors argue the existence of the app effects because there are many economic changes currently when compared to the past 20 years before the emergence of the apps. There was poor advertising and marketing techniques in the past. The apps have taken care of this. There are better methods of advertising. The authors argue that the economic developments that have taken place are attributed to the effects of the mobile applications (Joap, et al, 2012). The mobile apps are applied in the industrial sector and in every business transaction. Thus, the aps have led to a better economy than it was in the few years ago. The apps can do great task in the offices. These effects were not in existence before. The effects have spread in the area of economic developments that have facilitated the economy to grow at quite a high rate. The argument is supportive to the fact that the app effect is currently in use. The effects are evident in our daily operations and thus they cannot be ignored (Anuj, 2009.

Q.2. collect, present, and discuss published evidence to support the claim that there is an app for (almost) everything that individuals tend to do in their daily home, work, and play lives.

In the modern age of Information and communication, people are habituated to the continuous use of computers and the related applications. The mobile apps and the development in mobiles is a new and a rapid growing sector in. there is a global positive impact of the mobile apps. The use of mobile apps has made the developed country to become more efficient and facilitate people in their country to adopt the changes in IT brought about by the apps. The mobile apps are currently running on small hand mobile devices that are moveable and easy to use and are accessible from anywhere and any place

In the current society, many apps have been developed. Thus, there is an app for almost everything that we undertake in our daily lives. App developers have ensured that everything we do has the associated app to help us maneuver through the practices. This has been evident in the way the app developers are daily undertaking their careers in a better way in order to produce better apps to help us carry on with life (Jaap, et al, 2012). The applications ranging from, social to economic and lastly in the healthy sector have been evident. In fact, the developers aim is to ensure that everything is done by the use of the apps. The apps are designed to accommodate all aspects of daily life.

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In the social life, the developers have come up with apps to enable us socialize in the right way. First, the apps are easy to use. The application has been developed with a user-friendly interface. The users have used this interface. The users are able to share photos and certain important ideas. Many people worldwide have used the app such as Face book and Twitter. These apps have been developed to improve the social media in the way the citizens interacts. The apps are used to share ideas on the platforms. This has helped people get the common views of what could be really happening. The mobile apps help us in the acquisition of information and news. The apps always update us of any changes that take place in our surrounding. The social apps such as Facebook and the Twitter are useful as they keep us updated of any breaking news. This has helped boost the transfer of information (Anuj, 2009).

In the area of economic development, the apps have also played a vital role. The developers have come up with apps that are used in daily business operations. There are apps developed to assist the financial analysts in evaluating the most optimal project to undertake. The apps are useful in evaluating the most risky business that one should not undertake (Anuj, 2009)The employees use the apps such as calculators in calculating and undertaking relevant tasks. The apps are also useful in assigning different tasks of the company to the employees. The apps are able to share different ideas based on their basic criterions. In every organization, the apps are useful in coming up with the required mechanism to enable them be competitive among the competitors. The developers of the apps have come up with an app that is able to identify the new operating systems for business. This helps it become more competitive.

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The app developers have introduced new apps that provide more entertainment to the users of the smartphones. There are many apps introduced that assists the users listen to music in a better and fine tune. The app enables the users download a range of music of different taste. This has led to apps that facilitate the sharing of the music through the Bluetooth devices and other wireless means (Mirela et al, 2009). The app enables people to share the music and photos thus increasing entertainment. The app is also useful in downloading movies supported by the smartphones. These smartphones support viewing of the movies that other devices many not support. The app developers develop many games (Alexander, 2009). These games are entertaining since they keep the users playing in order to achieve highest scores. The app developers have set the games in such a way that they are appealing and tricky in order to convince the players to keep playing them. The higher the marks one attains, the more the complex the game becomes. This is an important aspect in evaluation of one’s capability to play the game. The app developers also provide games that kids can play effectively. The games are easy for the kids to understand and follow. Entertainment in the smartphones increases by the touch-screen capability. The phones have a good pixel that helps the users enjoy their usage.

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Q.3. summarize the present use of mobile apps for healthcare and explain the predictions that the mobile apps will have on the healthcare in the next five years from 2012 to 2018.

The mobile apps are very useful in the different sectors of the economy starting from the banking, transport sector, the tourism sector and the most important, the healthcare sector. The app effects have been evident in the health sectors and their relevance has become more popular to the sector. The smart phones and other mobile phone apps are relevant and described as digital glue useful in bringing and keeping everything together (Anuj, 2009). The technology used in the health sector is very advanced to distinguish this sector with other sectors of the economy. The has the mission of ‘’Revolutionizing the Behaviour Change’’ using the modern apps. The smartphones and tablets have improved the health sector a lot. The health care service providers and the patients are able to utilize the new technology in different aspects. The former healthcare services discourages patient engagements due to the long queues , complexity involved, lack of transparency and the increased cost with poor service delivery quality. All these have been by the mHealth that focuses on quality of the services that the patient gets.

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MHealth is a term that describes the practice of medicine and the public health via the mobile devices. This has emerged as the sub-constituent of the mHealth where it employs a lot the use of ICT that includes the computers, mobile phones and patient sectors. The app effect is very useful in this area. It explains to us how the apps bring advancements that are more positive in the mHealth departments. The new technology of mHealth is spreading across the entire healthcare sector and this will lead to a dramatic change in the way the healthcare services are provided in the coming future.

The smartphones are improving the potential for appropriate healthcare delivery services. Quite a large number of physicians and healthcare service providers in the low and the middle-income countries now use the smartphone technologies. To start with, the doctors are in a position of prescribing the best health apps to their patients. This has led to emergence and widespread of the mHealth industry. They are able to communicate via the apps to give medical prescriptions also acts as pill reminders. The doctors are in a position to keep in contact with the condition of the patients despite the geographical distance (Anuj, 2009).

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The apps reduce the cost of treatment. The doctors are able to give quality services through the apps. There are fewer trips to the hospital thus reducing the cost of travelling for the patient. The patients located in the rural areas are able to contact their doctors in the cities by the use of the mobile apps. The people with chronic diseases will not have to travel for long distances in order to access the medical care. The patients are in a position to acquire these medical services with less inconvenience to them. In fact, the mobile apps have enabled one to obtain the doctors attention at their homes or work place. The process has a lot of privacy to the patient as he is able to contact his doctor at any time and the conversation does not reach to the third parties. There are special apps that remind the patients on the right time to take their pills and in what quantity. This helps reduce the cases where the patient may forget to take his pills.

The digital app is useful in ensuring accountability in Medicare. Transparency is also accounted for by the changes that have taken place in the healthcare sector brought about by the modern technology with its associated IT impact. The digital healthcare reduces fraud in the Medicare by around $60 billion annually. The current digital apps have the unique ability of transaction the people’s transactions in space (Wang, 2009). The app can allow Medicare to trace any transaction that takes place between the patients and health service providers thorough the use of passwords and usernames required to access any medical services. This will reduce the possibilities of corruption since every service provider will be accountable to the daily transactions he transacts with the patients (Mirela et al, 2009). This will in turn improve the patient’s safety as he gets services for what he has paid for. This digital app makes the health care safer as it gives patients tools to manage their own personal health. All the information pertaining one’s health is in the app and thus makes it easier for him to access his personal data at any time. The app can also schedule apartments with the doctors and monitor the side effects of some medicine (E.W.T, 2007)

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The uses of mobile apps are predicted to cause many changes in the healthcare in the next 5 years. The science, technology and innovations, doctors, pharmaceutical industry, governments and citizens will have to work together in order to achieve positive change in this sectors. The app developers are promising the healthcare industry of developing more and better apps that will see a better service delivery to the patients. The developers will develop apps that are easy to use and that are more efficient and easy to use compared to the current ones. The developers of display devices are also promising to develop better devices that will develop the medical personnel in their service delivery. Philips and Intel Company plan to come up with a better Mobile Clinical Assistant Device to be used in providing efficient patient services and considering quality. A Medical Tablet is also being planned to be produces by Apple, Blackberry, Toshiba, Hp and other efficient players in the next 5 years that will see the changes in the healthcare sector (Mirela et al, 2009).

The app development is as per the government development goals of improving the health service. The apps will modify the current weakness in the health sector to ensure that patients get the appropriate services that will improve their health in the end. The mobiles apps will have a direct impact on the health services since there will be great innovations. Every day the app developers are developing as many apps (Wang, 2009). The apps will act as a positive drive in the health sectors. The governments are also in a position to fund the app developers to ensure that they come up with quality apps that will see the future positive changes in the heath sectors. The government will also develop training programmes for the doctors that will help them understand on how to use the apps. This is a common way and best way to help increase the role of apps in the mHealth sector. The apps will be able to carry out scanning of body parts of the patients and send the results to the respective doctors for analysis purposes. This will increase the speed that is used in bringing the patients to the doctors. Faster testing is done by the assistance of these apps that helps creates a better service deliver in the future (Alexander, 2011).

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Q.4. using the three-step method outlined in the craft of research text, develop two potential capstone proposal topics strongly connected to the broad topic of mobile apps.

The proposal topics are relevant at ensuring that we come up with better apps. The topics can give a wider view of what is required on the projects.

Increased Accuracy and Speed.

This topic was suggested in order to modify the apps and ensure a better app is developed that would meet the users’ needs. This will ensure that the developers come up with a project of developing an app that combines many functions at the same time. This is useful in the sense that the apps will now be available for different uses. The apps will ensure quality results in whatever they do. The government works in harmony with the developers of different to provide financial and technology assistance that will see an improvement in the apps developed. The apps with a better speed will help the user’s access information faster from the internet and other reliable sources. Accuracy in apps will ensure that the financial analysts make whatever the calculations; all will be accurate in order to ensure a right assessment is bone. This is the main objective behind the topic. All data fed in apps such as calculators should be accurate to ensure that the final result by the app (Wayne, 2008)

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Increased App coverage.

The topic asper Capstone is proposing that the apps should be developed in such a way that they cover wider areas and that the coverage is intended to improve the effectiveness of the apps. The proposal suggests that the app should be developed and covers our every aspect of life. This suggests that every human being activity should be boosted by at least one app. As there are many apps in social media and in entertainment, the project’s topic proposes that even in the banking and sport and many sectors of the economy (Wayne et al, 2008). This is possible owing to the fact that there are the app developers are in a position to use the advancement in technology to help us in organizing a better app that will cover the areas that are not covered. The goal of this topic is to enhance a better way of dealing with issues that affect the society and not confine itself in one given area. The developers are advised to merge with the mobile phone developers that will enable productions of more diversified apps (Wayne et al, 2008).


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