Free «Sears Holdings Corporation» Essay Sample

Sears Holdings Corporation is the 3-rd largest retail merchandise firm in the United States after Target and Wal-Mart. The Company, which was established in 2005, now operates under the name Kart and Sear in Canada and United States. The company was a result of joint venture of Kmart Holdings and Sears Roebuck (Sears). The company deals with numerous products, which comprise appliances, electronics, jewelry, apparel, hardware, home improvement services, car fixing services and sporting goods (Lazare,2009).

Sears Holdings Corporation trademarks and owns a good number of popular brands that have boosted company’s feasibility and boosts its sales hence, its profitability in competitive business environment. The most popular brands of the company include Diehard, Jaclyn Smith, Apostrophe, Covington, Joe Boxer and Land’s (Sears Holdings Corporation, 2012).

Sears Holdings stores are one-floor, free-standing units that hold a collection of products across numerous product categories, including consumer seasonal goods, electronics, outdoor living, toys, apparel, lawn and garden equipment, food and consumables, comprising products sold under such brands as Joe Boxer and Jaclyn Smith, and definite Sears brand products, which include Kenmore, Craftsman, Diehard and other services. Even with well-built brand recognition, the Sears Holdings Co., as Kmart and Sears, has also experienced several consecutive years of declining demand and the erosion of company’s market share. These negative aspects in the firm can be principally linked to stiff industry competition (Sears Holdings Corporation, (SHLD) (2012).



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The company is currently making huge sales on home appliances and sale of Diehard brands. For instance, in the fiscal year 2011/2012, the company’s revenue from Diehard brands, amounted to approximately 165 million as compared to other brands, which include Kenmore that posted fewer revenues for the company (Sears Holdings Corporation, 2012)


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