Free «Mozart in Turkey» Essay Sample

The movie Mozart in Turkey is a 90 minutes movie which was directed by Mick Csaky. The movie was acted by Yelda Kodalli, Desiree Rencatore, Paul Groves, Lynton Atkinson and Peter Rose with the original language of the movie being English. The setting of the movie is based in a palace in Istanbul which makes the beauty, color and visage of the costumes and location used in the movie seemingly authentically Turkish and appealingly bright.

To an extent, the movie unfolds as a narration by Antonio Salieri about the life story of Amadeus Wolfgang. It is apparent that Salieri was envious of Mozart's musical talents and wished to become like him. Tony's father passes on, so that Tony moves to Vienna to become a prolific musician. He successfully passes through the rank to attain the title of a court composer. It is not long before the Austrian Emperor hears Mozart singing, that he decides to commission for him an opera. While in Vienna, Mozart's opera is so wonderful, it invokes Tony's envy. So good is Mozart's writing, composition and singing in Vienna that Salieri likens it to the voice of God.



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Soon, the trappings of power begin to take toll on Mozart. Too much partying, schedules and hardwork deprive him of rest and begin to undermine his health. Salieri notices this weakness and decides to literally work Mozart to death. Salieri disguises himself as Mozart's father so as to elicit maximum obedience from Mozart when he commissions him to a requiem mass, with a proviso being issued that the sooner Mozart the task, the higher his emoluments would be. The same Salieri plants a spy in the form of a maid in Mozart's residence. The maid makes report to Salieri about Mozart's penchant for working like a madman who does not notice that overworking was leading him to his early grave everyday.

Although Mozart succumbs to the trick, it emerges that the piece he was working on was the "Magic Flute". Mozart collapses while playing the piano during the play. Salieri takes him home and insists on helping Mozart to write the Requiem. Constanze returns home and tries to dismiss Salieri away from the premises. Upon seeking help from Mozart, she finds Mozart lying in his bed, dead. This development culminates in Mozart being cast into his grave.

In the movie, several themes abound. The competitive nature of man and his excesses are well played out in the person of Mozart and Salieri. The movie makes it clear that in life, there is bound to be a greater and lesser. Immediately Mozart steps into Vienna, Salieri's musical works become pale since Mozart's work is far much superior. To make matters worse, sexual relationship ensues between Mozart and the lady Salieri was eyeing- Katerina Cavalieri. It is at this juncture that Salieri thinks he can take it no more and decides to set Mozart for death. Although the animal nature of man as seeking to have his will on his fellow is resoundingly loud, yet, one cannot repudiate the fact that at the bottom-line, the author intimates that people should be contented with what they have; however little or much.

The theme of deception also comes into play. Through the plot, the author intimates that those who are fit being accorded the epithet "enemies" are normally either within the victim's nature, or within the victim's social circle. As is the case in this movie, Mozart does not slightly suspect Salieri's intention, yet it is Salieri who successfully plots his downfall. The same is replicated in real life situations where seldom do the victims spot elements insidiously working against them.


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